Chap. 14

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Hello, this is the next chapter and I hope you all would enjoy, I'm sorry for what happened to Namjoon.

thank you for reading


Taehyung was running in the woods, following Jins scent, his paws getting all muddy and wet. As Taehyung was running, he felt something shot him on his thigh, he tripped and fell down a hill, Taehyung couldn't get up as he couldn't feel his body.

Then a person walk up to him, holding a flashlight, "I got you a wolf for your zoo, sir," the person said as Taehyungs eyes slowly closed. The man reach down and picks up Taehyung and walks away. He then put him in the back of his van in a cage and gets in the van, putting his key inside it, starting it up. He was going to the zoo to drop off Taehyung.

With Jungkook

Jungkook wrsits were bleeding as he tries to break the chains that was holding him down. 'I hope Tae is okay,' he thought to himself.

The door opens and someone came in and stabs Jungkook in the neck with a needle making him fall asleep. Two men came in and grabs Jungkook, dragging him out of the dark room, taking him somewhere.

Jungkook woke up and look around the place as his vision slowly come back to him. "Where am I?" he mumbles as a female walk up to him, "Hello Jungkook" she says in a sweet voice.

Her voice, Jungkook heard it before, "Min Jin Lee...," he says as he look up at her. She chuckled as she sits down. He look down and seen that he was tied down in a chair.

"Oh... I almost forgot... someone wants to say hello," Min Jin Lee says as she text someone on her phone. Then the doors open, a dude was holding a chain and on that chain was Hobi.

"Hobi!... Let him go, he did nothing" he says and Lee took a sip of her drink that she had.

"Hmm... I know but I have orders that I can't just say no too and plus... he was too happy for me," she says as she cross her legs.

Hobi looks down and Jungkook look at him, feeling bad. "your a monster, I shouldn't of saved you back there... " he says and Lee chuckled softly.

"then why did you save me," she asked and Jungkook huffed, "I only did it because my mate told me," he says. "Ah yes, that dumb mate of yours... he is a weak omega," Lee says as she walks to door.

"He is not dumb nor he is weak.. he is much better then you," he yelled and Min Jin Lee chuckled as she walks away, leaving them in the room. Jungkook look at Hoi, "don't you worry, I'm going to get you out," he says and Hobi look at him.

"Jungkook, I tried and I couldn't get out," Hobi says in a soft voice. Jungkook didn't listen to him as he tries to find a way out.

"Hobi, do you know why we can't shift or even link up to the others," Jungkook asked. "They gave us something that wont let us link or shift," Hobi explains and Jungkook nods.

Jungkook look at the chains and seen that part of it was rusted so Jungkook starts pulling hard on the chains, he didn't care that his wrists were bleeding, he wants to get out. Hobi look at him, "Jungkook stop, it wont work... I've tried... Your hurting yourse..." Hobi didn't finish saying the word as Jungkook broke the chain.

He gets up to look for the key to get them off, he then found them on a table. Jungkook grabs it and takes the chains off him and Hobi, "Now lets go look for Jimin and Yoongi," he says and Hobi smiles as he stands up, rubbing his wrists.

"but first lets wrap your wrist," Hobi says as he rip his shirt and wrap both Jungkooks wrists.

Jungkook and Hobi left the room, looking for Jimin and Yoongi.

With Taehyung.

Taehyung was token to a room, he was on a table, there was a person standing there, they were wearing a white long coat as they had blue gloves on. Taehyung slowly open his eyes, he still couldn't feel his body.

"Its a pregnant wolf," the vet says, "we need to treat the wolfs wound," the vet says as she look at Taehyungs paw, she wraps it up.

Soon, Taehyung fall back to sleep. When he woke up again, he was in a cage. 'where am I' he thought to himself as he stands up, he walks around and there was no way he could get out, the omega was scared.

Taehyung lays down on the grass as he look up at the sky, 'Jungkook...' he tries to link up to him again.

'Tae!... whats wrong... are you okay,' Jungkook link to him, he was happy to hear his mates voice again. Taehyung begins crying, 'they took Jin and hurt Namjoon' he cried and Jungkook couldn't understand him.

'okay, okay, take a deep breath and then tell me everything,' Jungkook says and Taehyung nods as he takes a deep breath.

'wolves came in, two of them, they attacked Namjoon and hurt him badly... they were looking for but Jin hide me and protected me from them but.... they took him since they couldn't find me. I ran out to go save Jin but someone shot me with a sleeping dart, something like that, and took to this place. I think I'm in a cage,' Taehyung says.

Jungkook balled up his fist, 'okay, stay there and I will come to get you... I got hobi but Jimin got caught and we still don't have Yoongi.' Jungkook says as he walks in the hallway, looking for Jimin.


Sorry for the late update, I didn't finish the chapter yesterday.

I hope you like this chapter and how is the story going so far.

And sorry for the short chapter.

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I have Tik Tok and if you want to follow me on there,

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