Chp. Five. Mr. Jeon

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Hello, it's me with another chapter and in this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


No one's POV.

It has been a week since taehyung and jungkook had their little fun. Taehyung was cuddling jungkook as jungkook was speaking to namjoon.

"Namjoon, I think Jin is hiding a secret from us." Jungkook says and namjoon looks down, he knows the secret.

"yeah, but are you sure your over thinking it or something" namjoon says as he looks at the younger.

Jungkook shrugged, "yeah, I'll just forget about it" he mumbles as he looks at taehyung, who had fallen asleep on him.

Taehyung was sitting on jungkooks lap as he had his arms around jungkooks upper body, not the shoulders or the neck, and his legs on the sides of jungkook hips. His head was resting on jungkooks shoulder as he softly snores, drooling on jungkooks shirt.

Jungkook looks at his loving mate as he sleeps, he gently rubs his back as he softly kisses his cheek. He didn't care that taehyung was drooling on his shirt.

"Jungkook, your father wants to meet you and your mate" namjoon says and jungkook face expression change to a serious look.

He huffed, "tell him, his sleeping right now, so it have to be later" he says as he looks at him.

Namjoon knows what a type if man Jungkooks father is and he was not a good man but he never got in trouble for anything because of he was good at keeping his bad side hidden. Only Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin knows about Mr. Jeon.

Namjoon nods and left, he started to worry about taehyung, since he is an male omega and the type of wolf Mr. Jeon is, he is going to protect taehyung and jungkook.

Jungkook hugs taehyung, trying to not think of the bad things that had happened in the past when he was only a pup, he hated his father and loved his mother. But he's mother is gone.

She died from a sickness or that's what was told. There are a lot of secrets that Jungkook doesn't know but his friends and family knows.

Taehyung also have some hidden secrets from jungkook, he does want to tell him but, he's not ready to tell him just yet.

Namjoon made it to Mr. Jeons office, he knocks on the door, and waited to be let in.

When the door opened, a female omega walked out, she had messy hair, her lipstick was messed up. Her clothes were also messed up and you could see hickey's on her neck.

Namjoon sighs and walks in, seeing Mr. Jeon, sitting in his chair, fixing his tie and hair. "ah, hello Namjoon..... Where is my son and his mate and what took you so long to get here." he says as he looks up at him.

Namjoon stood there, "sir, his mate was asleep so he said that you'll have to wait and I was having a chat with him sir." he says as he looks at him.

Mr. Jeons expression change to an angry look, he stood up and slammed his hand onto his desk making a loud boom that caused namjoon to jump a bit. "dose it look like I even care if his mate is asleep, what I say goes so if I said that I want to see his mate, then I want to see him, now go back and get them or I'll come and things won't go well" he yelled at him and then sat back down.

Namjoon nods and quickly ran to jungkook. Once he made it to jungkook, "jungkook, your father is not taking a No as an answer, he wants to meet your mate now" he says and jungkook rolled his eyes.

"okay, fine. You can go now and go to jin, you look like you could use some time to jin" jungkook says and slowly gets up holding taehyung.

Namjoon nods, "thanks jungkook, good luck" he said and then left, going to his room where jin was.

Jungkook sighs and gentle kiss taehyungs cheek, taehyung slowly open his eyes and yawns. "ahh, hi kookie" he mumbles and jungkook chuckled at his adorableness.

"hi tae, we are going to meet the pack leader aka my father" he says as he set him down.

Taehyung stands up and grabs jungkooks hand as he looks up at him with big innocent eyes. "ooo, cool" he says with a big smile.

Jungkook sighs, taehyung doesn't know what kind of person jungkooks father is, but jungkook will do anything to protect taehyung..

"okay, let's go, but don't leave my side" he says and taehyung nods, walking next to him, holding his arm.

Once they got there, jungkook open the door and walked inside, holding taehyungs hand close to him and not letting go.

When they both walked inside, jungkooks father smirks as he looks at taehyung, seeing how beautiful he was.

"hello son, I'm so glad that you could make it, I thought you wouldn't come and see your old man." Mr. Jeon says and jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"what do you want" jungkook says harshly and taehyung looks at him, confused why jungkook doesn't look happy but, he didn't do anything, just stood there, listening as he holds jungkooks hand.

"You have a beautiful mate, jungkook. A rare omega, an male omega" Mr. Jeon says as he gets up and walks up to them to get a closer look at taehyung but jungkook quickly stepped in front of him.

"I don't want you near him" he says, using his alpha voice which caused taehyung to whimper a bit. Jungkook noticed what he did, ' im sorry baby ' he linked up to taehyung.

' it's okay kookie, but why are you like this to your father ' taehyung asked in the bond.

Mr. Jeon chuckled when jungkook used his alpha voice. "You two can leave now and welcome omega" he says and jungkook growled at him.

Jungkook then takes taehyung out of that room that smelt like sex, he hated going into the room, so many bad memories always run through his head.

Once taehyung and jungkook was away from the room and was in their bedroom, jungkook look at taehyung,

"I'll tell you why I dislike my father and what he had done to me and to other wolves and humans" jungkook says and taehyung nods, ready to listen.


I'm so sorry for the late update and sorry if this chapter is also a bit short, I'm trying but school already started and yeah, but I hoped you liked this chapter and thank you for voting, I'll begin on the next chapter.

Oh and I have a new story for you guys, I'll published the story soon so keep a look out for my new vkook FF call clock work.

Oh and since I live in the USA, jungkooks birthday will be tomorrow and tomorrow I'll publish a FF call birthday boy.

And sorry for the cliff hangers 😜

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