Chap. 18

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Hello and I'm sorry for the late update... I know that I haven't been updating a lot but I'll try to update more. I've been busy with family and seeing my friends. 

And also I have an new story idea... I'll start writing it when this story is over. It wont be a fan fic... it will be like a story with my own characters. 


Taehyung and Taesung was running to were Jungkook was or that is what they thought Jungkook was. 

Taehyung didn't stop running but Taesung can tell that his brother needs a break. He stops in front of him, "Taehyung stop... We need to make a plain" he says and Taehyung stopped and cross his arms. 

"okay... tell me your plain then," the omega says, he didn't like to wait. 

"since they want you, we will give them what they want-" The alpha says

"What... no, I'm not letting them have me..." Taehyung says as he put his hands down.

"No, no, no.... that is not what I meant... I meant that we should make me look like you and lie, I'll be you so I can go and give them me instead and I can find out where Jungkook and Jin is so you can go and get them," Taesung explains. 

Taehyung nods, "that's sounds like a good idea but what about our scents,"Teahyung asked. Taesung look at him and smiles. 

"I got that taken care off, we just need to go to this place in town. The place is hidden but I hope its still there," Taesung says and Taehyung nod.

"we better hurry then" Taehyung says as he begins following his brother.

*a few hours or so*

They were in town, walking around. Taehyung look at Taesung. "do you know where we are going" he asked.

Taesung look at him, "yeah... Mom told me about this place and she told me that I'll be able to find it" he says

Taehyung stops, "how did mom told you" he asked. Teasung stops and turns around.

"because she linked up to me... Taehyung there is a lot you do not know about our family or even you... But mother told me all of it" he says 

Taehyung look at him confused, " what do you mean?" he asked as they begin to walk. 

Taesung look at him as they walk... "Well Mother new where I was and new I was safe there... she told me that you weren't ready to meet me yet but before she die, she link up to me telling me that it was okay for me to meet up with you. She also said that you are ready to know every thing." He explains. 

"When will you tell me," Taehyung asked. "Soon but not right now... Look we are here," Taesung say as he stops and look at a old looking building. 

It look like it was about to fall, the stone was falling apart, the windows were broken. Taesung look at Taehyung, "Lets go inside," he says as he walks up the steps. Taehyung didn't want to go inside but he did, following his brother from the behind. 

Taehyung jumps and starts yelling, " get it off me!" he cried as he tries to get the spiders web off him. Taesung look at him and helped him get it off of him. 

"Tae, calm down, all it was a spider web," Taesung says as he wipe his hands off. Taehyung huffed as he look at him. 

"So... I hate spiders and their webs" Taehyung says as he out his hand on his hip. Taesung sighs and kept waling with Taehyung. 

Taesung went into the room that was the kitchen. "Cover your mouth, we shouldn't breath in this," he says as he use his shirt to cover his mouth, Taehyung did the same. This kitchen had a lot of mold and their was rotten food and a few dead rats. 

Taehyung felt like he could be sick, he holds his belly as he stands there, watching his brother do something.

"Got it, we can leave now," Taesung says and Taehyung was happy that he could leave that place. He walked outside and breath in the fresh air as his brother, Taesung came out. 

"Okay... do you know how to cut hair," Taesung asked and Taehyung nods, "Okay good, so can you cut my hair and make it look like yours," He says and Taehyung nods. 

"But we need something to cut your hair and what about your eye color and sent," Taehyung said. Taesung smiles as he look at him brother, he held up a bottle. 

"This is what I'll use to make me smell like an omega... it will hide my alpha scent. We can go to a store and buy some contacts," Taesung says with a smile. 

"Okay, then lets go to the store, I found money in my pocket." Taehyung says as he grabs Taesungs hand and starts taking him to a lil shop across the streat. 

Once they got the stuff they need, Taehyung begins to cut Taesungs hair. Taesung out the blue contacts in his eyes, After that all was doon, Taesung drink the thingy that will make his scent the same as an omegas. 

Taesung looked exactly like Taehyung.

Taehyung look at him, "So how long will it take," he asked. "About an hour maybe... but that is good so while its doing that we can walk to the pack," Taesung says 

*an hour later because I'm too lazy*

Taehyung and teasung was was near the pack. "You stay here, use this to hide your sent" taesung says as he hands him a lil bottle.

Taehyung take the bottle and look at it, "be careful" he says as he hugs his brother. Taesung smiles and hugs him back.

Taesung left Taehyung in the woods, he walks up to the front. Taehyung watch and made sure he was hidden.

A beta from the pack seen Taesung and notice that his scent was an omega. Taesung was surrounded by wolves, he stayed still as he look at them all.

Taesung look up as he got the scent of an alpha, the packs leaders scent.

"ah, Taehyung... What brings you here" Mr. Jeon says as he walks up to him.

"I came here to get my mate" Taesung says, acting like Taehyung.


And that is the end of the chapter. I hoped you liked it.

What do you think of Taesung, do you still think his good or do you think he is bad?

What is your favorite part of this story so far?

I hope you all have a nice day and thank you for reading, voting and commenting.

And I'm sorry for the late updates.

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