Chap. 15 A brother

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Hello and welcome to the next chapter and I hope you will enjoy this chapter.


Taehyung lays down as he waits for Jungkook which would be awhile, he was alone and scared as he keeps thinking of his mate, Jin, Namjoon and the others.

Well.... he thought he was alone, a wolf walks up to him it was too dark for him to see what the wolf look like, Taehyung gets up and backs away fast. The other looks a Taehyung, he was an alpha. The omega was scared, he didn't know how to fight and he was trap in a cage with this alpha who keeps getting closer to him.

Taehyung stops as there was a wall right behind him, he was corner. He look at the alpha in the eyes but the alpha stops moving. ' Tae... ' Taehyung hears a voice in his head. ' I guess you don't remember me ' he heard the same voice again. 

' its okay, I wont hurt you... you should get some sleep and we can talk more, ' the alpha linked up to him and Taehyung nods, not saying anything as he lays down, doing what the alpha says because he was still afraid. The alpha walks away to go to sleep in his little den.

The next morning, Taehyung woke up to the smell of food, he gets up and walks to where the smell was coming form. He then sees that the alpha was eating and there was humans throwing meat down for them.

He slowly walks up to the alpha and got a better look at him, the wolf was all wight like Taehyung and he even look like Taehyung. The alpha hands Taehyung some meat, ' eat up, you should because your pups might be hungry, ' the alpha link up to him, Taehyung nods and starts eat.

' I can't believe I got to see you again... Tae,' the alpha says. ' how do you know me?.... and why can we link up' Taehyung link up to him.

'well you see here, we were born in the same litter, I'm your twin brother, Tae-sung Kim, we were born in the same sack that's why we are twins,' he explains. Taehyung was shock (His Jungshook lol)

'... your my brother.... why haven't mother told me and if your my twin, why are we different, like your an alpha and I am an omega," Taehyung asked.

' well, I don't know why mother didn't tell you about me but I do know why she didn't tell about your sister. I don't know why I'm an alpha and your omega, maybe we are just special,' he says

' wait... we have a sister, where can we find her, ' the omega asked and Taesung looks down, ' you can't... she died after a week after we all were born... and why you don't know me because when were still pups, our mother had to run away from her pack, she was carrying you and I was on her back... as she was running, I feel off and mother couldn't turn back because if she did, they would get you both and she knew what you are, am omega. so I was left behind but I was found by these people and they raised me.... it's been long since I shift into human form,' the alpha explains and Taehyung nods.

"I need to get out of here... do you have any idea how we can get out of this place," Taehyung asked. "well tonight I might know a way to get out," the alpha said.

a few hours later, it was night and the Zoo was closed. Taesung look at Taehyung, "we should not shift here, there are cameras and we can't let the humans know about us," he says and Taehyung nods.

Taesung then walks to back, behind the den, Taehyung follows and wonder what he was looking at. He then notice that Taesung had dug there. "did you do this," he asked and Taesung nods.

"I haven't able to finish it because the people here keep a good eye on you... so I want you to distract them as I dig," The alpha says and Taehyung nods, "I'll try my best," he says as he  walks way.

Taehyung look at the cameras as he also watch the zoo people walk around, cleaning. His brother was finishing digging the whole behind the den where it was hidden from the cameras and the people.

Soon Taesung was done and called for his brother, Taehyung walks up to him, ' they are not here, I think they went home, ' Taehyung says and Taesung nods.

He then hold the fence up for Taehyung to crawl out, ' when we are out, there will be a way to get in the swears, ' Taesung says and Taehyung nods as he crawls out, Taesung followed him from the behind.

When they were out, Taesung took a man cover thingy, ' we will have to shift, ' he says and Taehyung nods as he shift to his human form. Taesung look at him as he also shift, since Taesung haven't shift in a long time, his hair was long but he looked like Taehyung with long hair since they were twins.

(If you want to see what his twin brother look like, its the cover photo. He just look like Taehyung with long hair)

Taesung lift the lid as Taehyung climbs down, "it stinks down here," he says as Taesung climbs down and shut the lid, "yeah, lets shift back, will be faster and have better eyesight," the alpha says and the omega nods as they both shift. they starts to run down the tunnel together.

Taesung stops and shift into human form, climbing up the ladder to open the man hole lid, he climbs out and help his brother out, "we should find some clothes," Taesung said and Taehyung nods.

They ran in someone's back yard, they seen clothes hanging and took them, putting them one. They then begin running to the woods, as they were running, Taehyung stops as he was trying to catch his breath, "Taesung.... I can't run anymore," he says and Taesung gets down/

"get on my back," Taesung says and Taehyung did, he holds onto him as Taesung begins running, "Where are we going, Tae," he asked.

"Just keep going that way and you will see a house," Taehyung says.


Well that's the end of this chapter, I hope you all enjoy it.

I'm sorry for the late update guys, its been a busy week

What do you think of Taehyungs twin brother, Taesung.

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