Chap. 20

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Hello and welcome to the next chapter and I'll hope you will enjoy. 


Taehyung was happy to his brother is alive, ' Taesung... I got my mate, we can go now ' he says as he wags his tail. He then look his mate. ' Kookie, this is my twin brother ' he says and Jungkook was confused. 

' wait what... when did you have a twin, Tae?!' Jungkook said as he look at him. Taehyung look down as he felt like he did something wrong. 

' I found out when I was trap...' the omega mumbles, ' what! what all happen Tae' Jungkook walks closer to him. 

'I-its... A long story but I promise I'll tell you everything later,' taehyung says and taesung nods. 

' we should get going before anymore of these guys come,' Taesung says and Taehyung nods, ' lets go kook,' Taehyung said. 

They walk out of the building leaving all dead bodies there, they were still cover in blood. Taehyung was thinking as they walk to the lake so they could clean themselves off. ' kookie... that girl said she was a vampire' the omega mumbles. 

Jungkook look at him and nods as he gets in the water with the others, ' mmm, I h=have no clue what are vampires but she was not a human nor werewolf...' he said. 

Taesung look at him, ' vampire... so they are real, huh.' he says and Jungkook and taehyung look at him. ' you know what they are?' Jungkook asked and Taesung nods. 

' Vampires are like... they are like a mosquito because they like to drink blood... they are very fast and are hard to kill...' taesung says. 

' I want to go home now...' Taehyung mumbles as he rubs his head against Jungkooks fur. Jungkook nods and licks Taehyuung.

Once they were done, they begin walking back, Jungkook link up to the others, ' they told us to meet them at the house,' he said and Taehyung nods. 

When they made it to the house, they shift and put on some clothes. "How is he," Jungkook asked and look at Namjoon who was sitting up. "I'm fine jungkook... but I'm not strong enough to go save Jin... so I want to ask you all to go save my mate" he says. 

Taehyung look at Jungkook, "I'm coming with and you can't stop me," He says as he look at Jungkook. Jungkook sighs and nods, " okay fine... Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taesung... are you guys going to come with," he asked and they all nod. 

"I know where they are keeping Jin" Jimin says and Jungkook nods. "Buts its in the human town... which mean we cant shift" 

Yoongi takes them to a car and pick lock it, opening the door, "They took the keys" he mumbles as he gets in the car and unlock so everyone can get inside. Yoongi was hot-wring the car... The car soon starts. 

Yoongi was driving as Jimin was in the front telling him where to go. Taehyung look at jungkook, "kookie, are you alright" he asked.

Jungkook look at him and nods, kissing his forehead, "I'm alright" he says.

Yoongi pulls up and look at Jimin, "is this it" he asked and Jimin nods. Everyone gets out of the car.

"tae, you should stay in the car..." jungkook says and Taehyung shook his head.

"I want to be with you" the omega says and Jungkook shook his head no.

He sighs as he knows Taehyung won't listen, "I'm sorry but I have to use this on you" he said as he kiss his cheek. "get inside the car and wait" he said using his alpha voice making taehyung submissive.

He looks down and nods as he gets in the car, he watch them all walk inside the big building as he was in the car.


I know this chapter is a bit short so sorry about that.

I also used my phone to type the rest of the chapter and yeah.

But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any mistakes in my story.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.

I hope you all have nice days/nights.

I'm thinking of doing a Q&A of me so you can get to know me better.

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