Chp. Eight. Jungkook... I'm..

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Hello, this is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


No one's pov

"jungkook... I'm...


(jk jk just joking lmao 😂)

"jungkook... I'm... I think I'm pregnant... " taehyung mumbles as he looks down and jungkooks eyes widen.

"wha.. What, I thought you were sick or something... H-how long did you know" the alpha asked.

"a couple of days... I still haven't went to the hospital yet to see how many weeks I've been pregnant... Are you mad at me kookie?" The omega asked and jungkook just pull him into a hug.

"am I mad? No but yes, I'm mad that you hid it from me but I'm happy that your pregnant." he says and taehyung smiles and he hugs him back.

Taehyung was happy that he wasn't upset that he was pregnant but there was something else he needs to tell jungkook.

"jungkook... To be honest... I don't know if I want this child, I don't know if I'm ready, I don't want to be a bad  parent" he mumbles as he looks down.

Jungkook sighs and lift taehyungs head, "it will be alright, you'll be an amazing parent and you have me, ill help you out and be there for you." he says with a smile and taehyung nods and hugs him tightly. "thank you".

A few hours had pass, Taehyung was in the shower, washing his body as Jungkook was thinking about stuff.
He was thinking about how he would hide this from his father because he doesn't want his father to know that taehyung is pregnant.

Jin knocked on Jungkooks door to his room, causing jungkook to jump. He finally gets up and walks to the door, opening it.

"jin, what are you doing here?" he asked with a smile as he lets him in. "I  came to see if you are up," jin says and jungkook nods.

"I'm up... Oh... Umm I need to tell you something hyung" he mumbles as he looks at the older. Jin raised an eyebrow as he look at the alpha.

"what is it, say it, I need to get back to cooking" he says.

"well, you see here... I just figured out that taehyung is... Umm pregnant" he says as he rub the back of his neck.

Jin gasp and claps his hands together, "he is, that's great news, I can't wait to see your pups... I want to see them grow all big and strong" he says with a big smile.

A big sigh left jungkooks lips as he was glad that jin wasn't mad at him. "yeah me too, to be honest, I never knew male omegas can get pregnant" he says and jin slaps him on the back of his head.

"that's because you slept or don't even listened when namjoon and I was teaching you about them" he said as he put his hand on his hips.

Jungkook chuckled, "yeah... " he mumbles and jin sighs, "I hope your pups won't be like you, I hope they listen" jin whisper.

Taehyung gets out of the shower and dries off, putting on a bathrobe before coming out to see jungkook and jin.

"jin!" The omega says with a big smile as he runs up to the beta and hugs him. Jin hugs him back and smiles softly, "congrats taehyung, " jin says and taehyung was a bit confused

"wait... You know... You know that I'm pregnant?!" he asked as he look at him, titling his head a bit.

Jin nods and laughs a bit, "yes, yes I did and jungkook here told me, I also hope you knew that omegas could get pregnant" he says taehyung shook his head.

"I didn't, my pack never told me anything, they kinda kept everything hidden from me and protected me... The only thing they told me is that, male omegas should never have sex and that we should be hidden." taehyung explains and jungkook and his look at each other.

"tae... They lied to you and that was something stupid for them to say to you" jin sighs. " well, I need to get back to cooking and if you need any help, you can come to me" he says and left.

-time skip-

A month has past and taehyungs belly has grown a bit. Jungkooks father still doesn't know that his son's mate is pregnant.

With jungkooks father...

Mr. Jeon was in his office doing some leader work till someone came in, a young female alpha. She had long beautiful dark hair as her eyes were a pretty green, her skin was pretty smooth and soft. She had a nice fit body, she had nice full lips, big eyes. She was the helper on the alpha leader, known as Mr. Jeon. 

"hello sir, I have paper work for you" she says as she set the paper's down on his desk.

"mmm, thank you Ms. Mina" he mumbles as he look at the papers and see nods about to leave.

"wait... I have a job for you" Mr. Jeon says and she turns to look at him, raising an eyebrow, "and what would that be sir?" she asked.

"I won't you to keep an eye on my son and his mate, tell me anything what is going on between them," he orders and she nods. "yes sir, I will do that" she says and left, leaving the pack leader alone.

Mina was very smart and was the best, Mr Jeon always give her the dirty work and the most secret work.

She was on her office, making something for her lil secret mission she was given. After she was done, she made a lil spy robot fly.

They spy fly was smaller then a normal fly and it was silent so you couldn't hear it buzzing. She hooked it up to her phone.

She walks to jungkook and taehyung room, since they share one now, she placed the fly down on the ground and made it crawl underneath the door and that was how she got the spy fly in there room.

She was successful at making it their room, now she could spy on them and they fly will move on its own, following one them.

A few days later...

Jungkook was rubbing taehyungs belly and was talking to it, "I love my babies" he baby talked causing taehyung to roll his eyes playfully.

"stop talking to my stomach and cuddly with me, I want a nap" they tired omega says and Jungkook chuckled and listen to his lovely mate.


Welp, that was the end of this chapter, I'm so sorry for not updating soon...

My birthday is coming up soon so I might ask for a computer or a tablet thingy with a keyboard.

So whenever I get one, I probably would be publishing a lot more since I type better on laptops and yeah. I'm not a fan of typing on a phone, I'm so slow at it and my thumbs with start to hurt after awhile.

But thank you for reading and voting, I hope I'll see you next chapter.

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