Chap. 17

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Hello and welcome. 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I like reading your comments. 


Jungkook walks into a room, "Did you miss me... dad" he says as he walks in and shut the door, locking it. 

Jungkookd dad look at him, "What are you doing here," he asked as he get up and walk away from his desk. 

"I came here to finish this," Jungkook says, "You need to leave my mate alone and why do you want him," 

"Hmm...Well, I made a deal with someone and they want taehyung... but I got news that they got Jin," He says and Jungkook tighten up his fists. 

"How can you do this!" Jungkook yelled in anger as he walk up to him, "His my mate and Jin is like a big brother to me," 

Jeon chuckled as he look at his son in the eyes, "ah, so Jin is like a big brother to you... well do you know about his secret," he says and Jungkook titled his head a but. 

" what secret?" He asked as Jungkook thought Jin had told him everything and didn't know that he was hiding something big from the young alpha. 

"Your friend, Jin, is an male omega" Jeon whisper in his sons ear. Jungkook eyes widen but then he shook his head. 

"How can I believe someone like you," Jungkook huffed as he backs away. Jeon chuckled again as he walk back to his desk and turns the screen of his computer to face Jungkook. He then clicks on something and a video pop.

Jungkook eyes widen as he watch the video closely. In the video was Jin laying there naked on the ground as there was cuts and marks on his body like someone had beat him up. He look at the camera, his blue omega eyes were sad as tears falls down. Someone walk inside the room, Jungkook couldn't hear what the person was saying to Jin but you could see that Jin yelled at him and the dude was holding a whip and starts to hit Jin with it till Jin shift into his wolf form and Jungkook was Jungshook when he seen Jins wolf form for the first time.

Jungkook couldn't watch anymore as he looked away, his anger boils he look up at his father, "I hope you go to hell old man," He yelled before running up to him and grab the collar of his shirt, pushing up against a wall. 

Jeon smirk as he see the anger in Jungkooks eyes, "I'm in hell already," he whispar, "and you can't kill me... I know where Jin is and if you want him back, bring your mate... your mate is a true omega, full blooded as Jin was not,"

Jungkook growled, "I'm not letting you have my mate! I'll fucking kill anyone who hurt my mate" he Yelled as he lift Jeon off the ground. 

"I didn't hurt your mate" Jeon says "They are working for someone else," 

Jungkook drops him and huffed, "Tell me where Jin is," he says, using his alpha voice. 

Jeon fix his shirt as he sits back down at his desk and turn his computer screen to face him, "Okay" Jeon says and he starts typing on the keyboard. He then wrote something on paper. 

"This tells you where Jin is," Jeon says as he hands the paper to his son, "that place is secured so it would be hard to get in," 

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he takes the paper and put it in his pocket, "If you lied to me, I'll come and find you and I will kill you" he threaten before he ran out, getting out of the place and finds a place to hide as he look at the paper. 

Jungkook put the paper back in his pocket as he sneaks out of the pack and shift into his wolf form, running to look for Jin. 

(time skip to few hours of jungkook running)

Jungkook stops when he seen a buildon, 'I think this is it...' he thought to himself as he walks inside slowly, still in his wolf form. 

It was all dark inside and Jungkook barly could see where he was going. When he stepped down, he felt the floor move down and relized that he stepped on a botton. 'shit' he said in his head as he floor opens and before Jungkook could fall inside, he jumped and shift into human form in the air as he reach and grabs something, hanging there. 

As Jungkook hang there naked, the lights turn on and he see people standing on the egde with guns that were pointing at him. 

Jungkook bites his lower lip as he look around seeing if he could get out of this mess but there was no way out. Out of no where, one of them shot their gun at Jungkooks hands, making him let go of what he was holding, causing him to fall into the hole. 

Soon Jungkook hit the ground, everything went black. There was people down there that grabs Jungkooks body and takes him to a room and put some cothes on him as the also chain him up. 

Jungkook soon woke up, his head was bleeding, "where is Jin!" he yelled as he pulls on the chains. 

The person who was standing there laughs, "He is not here, we told your father to tell you to come here and we made this trap just for you." they said, it was a female voice. 

"And when we get your little mate, we are going to use him, we need his blood and those pups inside him will come useful." she says. 

" as you can tell, I'm not a werewolf nor a human, I'm more powerful" she says with a chuckled as she grabs Jungkooks chin. 

Jungkook growled, "Get your fucking hands off me bitch!" he yelled as he pulls away from her. 

She stands back and smiles, "I'll be back doggy" she says and skips away, shutting the door on her way out and locks it. 

Jungkook looks down as he things of his mate and friends.  

'tae... tae can you hear me' Jungkook link up to his mate

Tears build up in the Taehyungs eyes as he was happy to hear from his mate, 'kookie!' Taehyung link back.

Jungkook softly chuckled, 'hey... Hobi, Yoongi, and Jimin are free. But I did not make it out,' he says. Taehyung sits down and looks at the floor.

'Don't come for me, they are after you,' Jungkook says, 'so stay there and wait for Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi to get there,' he commands and Taehyung bite his lower lip.

'kookie... Kookie!... Jungkook!' Taehyung lost Jungkook, he couldn't link up to him.


Well that is the end of this chapter I hope you all enjoyed and is having a great day. 

Don't forget to vote or comment, I like reading your comments. 

And if you want, share this story with your friends and yeah. 

So I'll see you all in the next chapter and thank you for voting, reading and commenting. 

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