chap 21 (M)

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Hello, my readers, I'm so sorry that I have been slow at updating.

Okay, I know I said I wont update till I was finish with school and finals but I couldn't help myself and type this chapter. I was going to wait for Friday to upload this chapter but I don't like waiting so here is the chapter. 

So I'll make this chapter a bit longer than my other ones.

For my young readers, there will be smut and it is another ship, not vkook... I won't tell you the ship, you'll find out. (It will be a threesome and I feel like you guys have a clue what the ship is)


Taehyungs pov

I was sitting in the car, I couldn't help but worry for them. I really won't help but Jungkookie won't let me help.

Hoseok was with Namjoon as Jimin, Yoongi Hyung, Jungkookie, and my bother were going in the building to save Jin Hyung.

I know that I'm an omega but that doesn't mean I can't help them, I want to help them so I thought of an idea. I'll tell my alpha if there is anyone else coming inside the building as I kept my eyes on the place.

Jimin hyung made me spray some moonflower on me to hide my omega scent and I was told to not turn the car on and don't move a lot so no one will know I'm in here.

As I watch the doors of the place, I hear a tap on my window since I was looking out of the driver's window. I turn my head to see who it was, I couldn't see who was it, but I was scared.

I made sure the doors were locked as I stared at the black figure out of my window. The person walks away to the window that was cracked, I couldn't turn the car since I didn't know where the keys were.

Their... Their scent was so familiar to me and it made my omega eyes glow blue, I was frozen in spot.

"W-who are you" I mumble as I saw them picklock the door. I reach over to hold the door shut as he heard it unlocked.

I didn't want to ask for help from Jungkook because he was busy saving Jin.

I lost the grip on the door as it flew open, "Taehyung" was all I heard as I saw him spray something which made me fall asleep.

I felt week, I should have called for my mate but me, being dumb, I got myself caught by someone.

But... Their scent... Where did I smell that scent before.

Hours later, I woke up, looking around as I remember what happened. I was not locked up, not in a dirty scary room.

I was on a bed that was small but comfy, the room was small as well and very clean. I stand up and walk around, feeling calm as I look around the room.

The door opens when I was about to grab a photo frame since it was faced down. I look at the men standing there, he smiled, a boxy like a smile.

"Taehyung, I'm so sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to take you like that," he says, his voice was soft.

"W-who are you a-and what is your n-name" I hated for myself from stuttering.

He chuckled softly as he walks up to me but I backed away, that's when I got his scent, an alpha!

I was so scared as he stops, he noticed I was afraid. "You don't remember me a bit I'm sorry for your loss, I wish I could see your mother one last time," he says and my eyes widen.

"H-how do you know about that... Are you the one who killed her!" I yelled as I balled up my fists.

The man shook his head no as he shook his hands, " no no no, I should tell you who I am really... Taehyung...

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