Q&A Answers

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I love your questions and some I can't give a full answer too so sorry.


no one pov

"Okay, can you introduce yourself to the readers," Author asked and Jungkook nods.

"Well, Im Jeon Jung-guk aka Jungkook and I'm a true blood, both my parents were alphas and I'm the son of my pack leader." Jungkook says and the author nods.

"the qoustion that someone asked... can you kill your father please?" the author says and Jungkook look down.

"well, I can't just kill him with anything, I know what he did... but if he ever lay a finger one MY mate, I will break every single bone in his body and then kill him" Jungkook says making a fist.

"Okay, calm do Jungkook, your scaring me," The author says "well, the next Question is will you love Taehyung forever even if your father doesn't accept you two?" The Author asked.

"What.... Should they already know the question, well the answer is hell yes, I will love him forever and always, he had changed my life so much and I can't live without. And I don't really care of what my father think of this." he says.

It was Taehyungs turn to answer some questions.

"Hello, would you like to introduce yourself please," the author asked and Taehyung smiles, his cute boxy smile.

"Of coures, I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm an male omega and I am pregnant with Jungkooks pups," he says with a smile as he plays with his fingers.

"good job now the questions, Why are you so cute?" the author read out loud.

Taehyung thought for a bit but then a door slam open and Jungkook walk in, "He is the most  cutest person ever, he so cute that I just want to hold him close and never let go, protecting him from the bad world," jungkook says as he hold Taehyung close, kissing his soft cute chubby cheeks, Taehyung was giggling as he was trying to get away from him.

'ah, this is just too cute for my heart to handle,' the author thought to herself. "well umm the next question, can you tell Jungkook you love him?" the author says and Taehyung look at Jungkook.

Taehyung cups Jungkook cheeks, "I will tell him It everyday, nights and in his dreams, I love you kookie" he says with a big smile and Jungkook just felt he could just die from this cuteness, he peak Taehyungs lips and smiles back at him, "I love you too," he says ad Taehyung blushed softly.

"Oh taehyung, you have one more question, will you have more pups," The author asked.

"..." taehyung was blank as he didn't know what to say but Jungkook said something, "Of course, I just cant wait for our pup to come out and I would love to have more," he says as he rubs Taehyungs.

Jin turn now.

"Hello, I see your mate is with you as well," the Author says.

"yes, he didn't want to listen to me, but I'm Jin and this is my mate Namjoon. I was adopted because I lost my parents so minas parents took me in." he says and she nods,

"well jin, there is this qoution, what is with your wolf, like the readers haven't seen your wolf form?" the author asked and Jin look down.

"well, I can't shift into my wolf, that's all I got to say," Jin mumbles as he mess with the rem of his shirt, namjoon softly rubs his back.

"oh uh okay, I wont forest you to answers the question if you don't want to," the author says and Jin nods, " the next qouton is, would you like to be an omega to become pregnant?"

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