Chapter 31 (M)

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Hello and welcome to chapter 31, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading and voting. 

Guess what guys.... This is going to be a smut chapter of taekook.

I'll see you guys at the end of this chapter. 

A tad bit long chapter btw


"Well... Now we both must be on our way, bye Tae, we love you" taes Grandma said as the two of them went back to the sky and the moon slowly went back to normal.

Taehyung waves good bye at them as he watch them go back to the stars where his mother was as well. 

Jimin watched them go too, he couldn't believe what had happen today. 

Jungkook look at taehyung as Tae was still looking at the stars through the hole in the ceiling. He couldn't stop looking at Taehyung neck, shoulders, and his collar bone, liking his lips.

Taehyung yelps when Jungkook kiss Taehyungs, softly biting him. 

"K-kookie... what are you doing," he mumbles as he grip onto Jungkook, looking at him but then the scent hit him and he begins to melt into Jungkooks touch, submitting to his alpha. 

Jimin look down to see Jungkook kissing taehyungs neck and Taehyung was leaning back, trying to hold in his moans. 

"Hey you two... what the hell are you doing!" Jimin yells which made Taehyung jumped, pushing a horny Jungkook away from him. 

Jungkook huffed but then pouts when Taehyung did that to him. Taehyung look up at Jimin, "He is in a rut," he yelled.

Jimin nods as he comes down, "I thought he wouldn't start his rut until next month tho" he syas. 

"I-its because... they put this drug in me... it made me go into a rut... oh Tae baby, I want you so badly right now," Jungkook said as he moves closer to Taehyung. 

Jimin runs up and grabs Jungkook, holding back so he wont pounce on Tae, "Tae... what are we supposed to do... we won't be able to stop him and it look like he had already lost control of his body," 

(Btw Tae and kook are naked because they were in the wolf form but now in in human form. Jimin is not naked since he never shifted into a wolf)

Taehyung look at Jungkook who was trying to get out of Jimins arms, Jimin was struggling on holding onto the alpha.

A sigh left Taehyungs lips, "Jimin... Let him go and leave... I will take care of him, I want you to make sure no one walks in here" he says.

Jimin look at Taehyung worried, "but Tae... He probably will hurt you" he mumbles.

Taehyung shook his head no as he walks up to thim and put his hand on Jungkooks bear chest. Jungkook look at him with a lustful stare.

"He won't hurt me... Because he hates seeing me in pain" Taehyung says as Jimin slowly lets go him and Jungkook didn't hesitate and hugs Taehyung close to his body.

Taehyung put his arms around Jungkooks neck as he look over his shoulder at Jimin. "Jimin I'll be fine... His my mate" Taehyung says as he softly grips onto Jungkooks hair, trying not to maon as Jungkook was sucking on Taehyungs sweet spot on his neck.

Jimin nods as he turns around and ran out of the building, when he went outside he sees the others running up to him.

"Jimin!" Hoseok yells as he runs up to Jimin, hugging him tightly. Jimin stumble a bit as he wraps his arms around him and smiles.

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