chap. 12,

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Hello, this is the next chapter. I am so sorry for not updating this story and I hope you all can forgive me. 

I hope you will like this chapter. 


No ones pov

A week later, Taehyung was asleep on the couch as Jin was cooking and Namjoon was helping him out. Jungkook walk up to Taehyung and gently put a blanket over him, kissing his forehead softly. 

Jungkook look at he door as he move away from his mate, there was a wolf near by. He walk out of the house to see who it was and was ready to fight if he had to. The wolf was limping as he slowly walk up to Jungkook, Jungkook got a closer look at the wolf and he knew who it was. So Jungkook ran inside to get a blanket and when he came back outside, the wolf shifted and Jungkook hands the blanket to the person.

H takes the other hand and look st the wound, "Jimin... who did this to you?" he asked and Jimin took his hand away from him.

"Jungkook... they have them, Yoongi and Hobi " the beta says as he look up at him with teary eyes. Jungkook takes Jimin inside and got him clothes to put on, he check his wound out and a wrap it up, he then went to the kitchen to tell Jin and Namjoon about Jimin. 

"It will be alright, tell us when your fed and calm down," Jungkook says and Jimin nods as he sits down in the chair. 

A few minutes later, they already ate and now they all are in the living room sitting down. Namjoon look up at Jimin, "Jimin, you can tell us what happened," he says and Jimin nods. 

He takes a deep breath as he look at them, "well, when the pack heard that you four ran away, he was not very happy about that... so he went looking for us because we were close to you guys," Jimin explains, "They took Hobi and when I found out what they were doing to him, I went to try and save him but that caused me to get caught. Yoongi came to try to get us out but he only me out..." 

"what did they do to you when they had you," Jin asked and Jimin look at his wound. 

"I didn't tell them anything about you guys... they keep asking me about Taehyung and I said nothing so they beat me," Jimin mumbles as he didn't want to think about it that time. 

Taehyung look down as he  mess with the rem of his shirt, "I'm so sorry Jimin," he mumbles softly and Jimin smiles as he reach over and ruffle Taehyungs hair. "Jungkook, we need to get Yoongi and Hobi," he says as he look at his mate look at him and nods. 

"but you are not coming with me, I can't let you get hurt," Jungkook says and Taehyung nod, listing to his alpha. Jimin look at them. 

"I can get you inside, but it will be hard," Jimin says and Jungkook nods. 

A few minutes later, Taehyung was helping Jin clean as Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon was in the living room talking. Taehyung look at Jins clothes for bit as he was wondering why Jin always wear clothes that is bigger then him. 

"...Umm... Hyung, can you shift into your wolf form?" Taehyung asked and Jin look at Taehyung. 

A sigh left Jins lips as he set the rag down, "I can still shift... I just don't do it anymore for reasons," he says and Taehyung look down. 

"but why do you keep things from us, I thought we were family, what are you hiding from us," Taehyung says as tears build up in his eyes, "It hurt me to see that you guys keep things from me, I want to know too,"

Jin didn't like to see Taehyung cry so he gave up and end up telling Taehyung his secret, Taehyungs eyes widen as he look at him. "Thats amazing, I'm so happy for you!" Taehyung says as he hugs Jin. 

Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin walk into the kitchen where Taehyung and Jin was, "Jin, Taehyung... we are going to get Hobi and Yoongi... we will leave tonight," Jungkook says and Taehyung look up at him with his big eyes. 

Taehyung walk up to his mate, "I really don't want you to leave but I know you have too... so I want you to be careful," the omega mumbles as he look down. Jungkook look at him and smiles softly, he then pulls Taehyung close to him, hugging him. 

"Don't you worry, I'll be back for you" he says and Taehyung look up at him and smiles. Jungkook stare into those big blue eyes, he cups Taehyungs cheeks and kiss him on the lips softly. "I love you," he whisper in his ears and Taehyung blushed softly as he hide his face in Jungkooks chest. 

Later that night, Taehyung hugs Jungkook bye and Jimin, "Don't forget to come back, if you die, I wont be able to forgive you," Taehyung says with teary eyes. 

Jungkook chuckled and kissed Taehyungs cheek, "Then I wont die," he says and smiles. 

Taehyung gave him one more hug before they left, Taehyung look out of the window as he watches his mate leave into the darkness. He look at Jin and runs up to him, hugging him as tears roll down his soft cheeks. 

Jin softly pats his back, "shh, It's okay, he is very strong and will be back," he says and Taehyung nods. 

An hour later, Taehyung was finally asleep on Jins lap, Jin was still rubbing his back. Namjoon was looking put of the window, "You keep looking out that window, whats on your mind," Jin asked and Namjoon look at him. 

Namjoon sighs as he turns around, "well I feel like we are not alone-" before Namjoon could finish what he was saying, a howl was heard outside causing Namjoon to take Jin and Taehyung in a closet, "Stay here and don't come out," he says and Jin nods as he held Taehyung close to him who was awake now. 

Namjoon walk outside two see tow wolves outside, he shift into his wolf form, he growled at them, showing his teeth as the fur on his back stood up. The other two wolves growled back at him, the wolf on the left came at Namjoon but he doge the attack and attacks the wolf, pinning him down to the ground as he digs his teeth into the wolfs neck. 

But the other wolf came at Namjoon, biting him in the shoulder causing a yelp to come from Namjoon. 

Jin hugs Taehyung as he was hoping that Namjoon will be okay, Taehyung starts to cry as he held onto Jin. Taehyung didn't want Namjoon to die and he wanted his mate... his mother.

Namjoon was on the ground, he couldn't get up  as he was pinned down, his legs had so many bite marks as he couldn't get up. Namjoon was losing a lot of blood and was weaken a bit. The other wolf went inside to look for Taehyung. 

Jin scent the wolf and look at Taehyung, he reach for something and spry Taehyung, the omega look at him with teary eyes, Jin smiles softly as he stands up, " stay here and don't come out no matter what happens," he says. 

Taehyung shook his head no, "Y-you c-can't leave me too, Please stay," Taehyung cried as he held onto Jins shirt, Jin pulls Taehyungs hand away and walk out, shutting the door and lock it so Taehyung couldn't get out. 

The wolf walks into the room and growled at Jin, Jin look at the wolf and he shift into his wolf form. Taehyung look through the key hole as he sees Jins wolf form for the first time. 


I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, I had WiFi problems and wattpad didn't save my work. 

thank you for reading and I hoped you like it. 

Next chapter will tell you what JIns secret is.

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