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Hyunjin's POV:

While talking they were called by some other boys and they ran away after telling me bye. But they were pretty nice people so I was thankful."Now I have to go find my grand dad before he starts calling my relatives and saying that I've gone missing." As I said to no one in particular. After searching for him for a good few minutes,I saw him with a banner which made me regret for being his grandson.The banner says,

"Prince of Las Vegas HWANG HYUNJIN,Welcome to South Korea".

From which angle am I a prince,I thought to myself.I walk to him and hugged him.Everyone looked at me like I was some kind of zombie. All thanks to granddad.

"Grand dad,lets go back. I'm tired".

"Oh sure,lets go Prince".

I just glared at him.After travelling for some hours which felt like ages we reached the house.It was pretty big and awesome.The surrounding was silent and calming.The fresh air everywhere. It was good to be here finally.

"I love this place already".

I told to my granddad. He lives alone here,my grandma died six years ago. I went to my room and took a bath and was about to go down for dinner when I saw the boy from the airport through my room's window. He was praying with his family,kneeling down and I should say,"He's cute".

Minho's POV:

Seungmin and me ran to Jisung leaving the cute stranger after waving a bye. When we reached near Jisung,we hugged and that's when we realised there's someone with Jisung. He was a small and cute boy,smiling so widely at us. I smiled back and I looked at Seungmin but he was with his usual poker face.The boy looked at us and said,"Hi,I'm Bang Yedam. Jisung's bestfriend".

"Oh hello.I'm Seungmin. Jisung's cousin". I was shocked as he replied. Jisung was too. I was still processing Seungmin's reply when he nudged me,"Hello,I'm Minho. Seungmin's bestfriend". I replied to that small cute boy too. We introduced ourselves and then we decided to head back home because they were tired and it was becoming dark too. While heading back,the boy,Yedam,kept on smiling.It was kinda creepy but,"He's cute".

We talked alot about their places,cultures and ours too. Seungmin participated in talking too which made me re-think my life decisions because he was not usually the one to talk alot. We reached home faster than we actually thought. We bid goodbyes and I told them I'll be meeting them tomorrow and went to my house which was three houses away from Seungmin's place. I ran to my room and sat at the edge of the bed looking up at the sky because it was beautiful."He's cute".I thought.


#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

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