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I'm sorry I'm posting JB's pic here though it's a SKZ fanfic but can't help it....I love this picture alot...a whole lot....like really really alot alot alot....the Polaroid.... the picture in his mouth😍😍😍😍 it's just so beautiful❤❤❤ I can't help but fall in love with him more than I've ever loved him❤ He is so precious...my Jaebeomie💖 I LOVE MY ONLY ULTIMATE BIAS SO MUCH❤❤❤💚💚💚🐥🐥🐥🐥💚💚💚

ANYWAYS....I'm done...and I'm sorry for not updating I was busy with exams🙏🙏🙏 and so let's start....


After seeing the little(?) moment between Seungmin and Minho.... Hyunjin was helpless. He was dying inside second by second. He can hear his own heart break into millions of pieces but he knows it's already broken more than enough before so he doesn't care. He couldn't see Seungmin with Minho but he doesn't know what to do...and the only thing came to his mind at that moment was staying away from Seungmin. He knows he couldn't do that but he was determined to do so. He knows that he would never break someone's relationship just because he wants to be with him. And he is not selfish and he positively thinks that they don't belong to each other and that Seungmin was not meant to be with him. His heart aches alot..he clenched his heart through his shirt because it hurts just by thinking about Seungmin being with another guy but he won't ever make his heart win. And that he will be a good friend to Seungmin and won't think otherwise. NEVER.

On the other part, Seungmin was thinking only about Hyunjin. Hyunjin Hyunjin Hyunjin. Everything was Hyunjin to Seungmin now. He had never been in love before except about the thing with Minho but now he thinks about it, it was just an infatuation or a silly crush but now he feels so strongly about Hyunjin and he can't help it. He always hated Hyunjin's guts and his brightest personality but now after being friends with Hyunjin,he was glad he met that guy. He was ready to stop his fake relationship with Minho but he was unsure of how Minho would react to it because it will be so out of blue. He just wanted to be with Hyunjin right now but he was afraid that Hyunjin will not return his feelings. He doesn't know how Hyunjin feels or is he even gay or bi or whatever? He just doesn't know anything so he was scared of falling so deep in love with Hyunjin. Being rejected was not what he wanted to experience in his life. He was not ready to face a heartbreak so soon. He knows one day or the other he will tell Hyunjin but for now he was on his way to meet Minho and tell him about how he feels about Hyunjin,his love.

After some minutes,Seungmin reached Minho's house and he knocked on the door but no one opened it for him so.....


He shouted so loudly that some neighbors came out to see what was the commotion but went back when they saw what was happening. Minho came running out and just stared at his bestfriend.

M: Yah! Do you have to shout like that? Okay! I didn't open the door quickly but do you have to use that nickname?? Seriously? SeungMEAN.

Seungmin only gave his cutest angelic smile which softened Minho's angry face.

M: So what happened? Why are you here?

S: Am I not allow to be here? Am I not your friend? Actually bestfriend?

He gave his puppy eyes to his hyung while tilting his head slightly.

M: Nothing like that Minnie.

S: I know. haha.

M: Dipshit!

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now