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Minho's POV :

"Let go, Minnie. It's been 3 months".

I'm trying my best. Like seriously, my bestest.

It's been 3 months after the day Hyunjinnie left us. We were already ready for it because the doctors told us there was no chance. But it came to us like a sudden wave trying to consume all of us together. We all drowned but came back up except Seungmin.

Seungmin knew what was coming. He knew he had to face Hyunjin departing from him one day or the other.

I knew too. Knew all too well. Hyunjin always shared his worries with me. He didn't want to bother Minnie so he always left the worst and worst part away from Minnie.

As time goes by, we became close. I started treating him as my younger brother too. He always tried his best to be happy and all be joyful around our friends. But Hyunjin could never hide the sadness in his eyes. I could see it. Seungmin could see it. All our friends could see it.

I still can't believe he left us. I always regret not being good to him. Sometimes i wonder if i ever triggered his problem with the way i acted with him. I always wondered about it and asked him once, but he assured me that I never did. No one ever did. It was a relief. I adore him. I miss him so much. Life is cruel. Too cruel.

I looked up to look at Seungmin staring back at me. I was taken aback for a second by his stare but got myself back up and stared back. It was silent. It was only a second or two before he spoke but it felt like years.

"How can I hyung? How?"

I stared back at him with confusing written all over my face before I realized what he meant.

Because he'll never come back. Never.

I wanted to say that. But I couldn't let that out from my mouth. I didn't want to break his heart. It already was though. I just didn't want to hurt him more. But again, losing Hyunjin was his last straw. Seungmin was already breaking from inside. He'll never be back to that smiling Seungmin which lasted only for 3 months.

Hyunjin. Seungmin's only reason. Only reason why he smiled and now he's gone. Forever.

"I....", I trailed off. I was not sure of what to say, what to say to comfort him and for him to feel at ease.

Fuck my friends.

"Minnie, once someone is gone from our life, it's natural for us to feel lose and dead ourselves but then we have to jump back up. We can't let them worry about us. Hyunjin will be looking at you, and thinking how you should take care of yourself and be happy again. You understand? Or not? I don't know myself too"

Yeah, i really don't know. I sighed. It's hard. Hard to comfort someone.

"Hyung.... I can't- can't just move on as if he never mattered to me"

Seungmin replied with tears running down his chubby cheeks.


"I'm not telling you to move on. I'll never push that topic on you. You take your time with it. I'm just saying, like, don't let him going away from us make you keep a distant from us. You are keeping to yourself and being sad every second of the day. If you don't want to move on, it's your choice. Of course, it'll be better if you do but then, it's your life. I don't have the right to say what's wrong and right for you. I just want you to be happy and be part of everything our friends do. Hyunjin will always be part of us. He never left. Physically, yes but emotionally, no. Never. We all love him so much. We think of him too. We miss him too"

I watched as tears trickled down his red cheeks. His cheeks and nose were red because of crying too much.

"I can't be happy without him here with me. It's just so hard to forget him and be happy"

It was hard, watching him crying and hurting himself. I pulled him into my embrace and kissed away the tears on his cheeks.

I hugged him more tightly when he wrapped his arms around me and nestled his face into(?) my chest.

I rubbed his soft brown hairs and tried to calm him down, which kinda worked.

"I'm not telling you to forget him. Hell, we can't forget him too. What I'm saying is, communicate with us and don't keep to yourself. We can make you happy too. We'll try our level best. Hyunjin would never want you to be sad. You have great wonderful beautiful memories with Hyunjin treasured in your heart and it will be there forever. Hyunjin would be happy if you are happy. You don't want him to be sad right, Min? And moreover, you are not alone. We are there for you. Always. And I know for a fact that Hyunjin will always guide and protect you. You guys love each other so much. You love him and he loves you and...."

I love you too

I thought. I'll never confess though.

"And what hyung?"

"Nothing Min"

I just pulled him closer to my chest and whispered,

"Bring back your smile Min"


There was a time when I thought this fic will be completed only after 17 or 18 chapters but here we are lmao.

I thought this will be my last chapter but Idk how to end it 😭🤚

Anyways hope y'all like it.

Thank you.

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#RenOut. Bye-bye 💕

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now