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Kim Seungmin..please cool down...that's what I said when I saw those pictures of him in those shirt and suits or whatever it's called. Look at his shoulder..his slightly unbuttoned shirt😍 he killed this look💖😘

And now I'm trying my best to update everyday lol.

I actually wrote this story in one of my book and I've completed it except the ending but see I'm now writing here this without referring to my book so I can surely say that my plot differs between what's written in my book and what I'm writing now.. lol. I know I'm a complete mess.

Let's start then....


Minho thought of talking with Hyunjin about him ignoring Seungmin since he can sense that there's something he should know when it came to Hyunjin. He didn't want to see his bestfriend getting hurt over a boy that just happens to be his first love.

He knows he had already lost the battle of winning the heart of the boy he love. So now he just wants Seungmin to be happy with Hyunjin but that doesn't seem to happen anytime soon.

Minho makes up his mind to talk with Hyunjin as soon as possible and the only right time he sees is during the camping or before the camping or whatever time he could get Hyunjin to talk with him alone.

He sits at the edge of his bed and thinks what to do for the remaining time. He suddenly stands up and focused on the wall before him. "Let me pack for tomorrow". He tells himself and went to grab his trolley and starts putting all the necessary things he'll need at the camping starting off from his clothes to toothbrush. He doesn't want to get some bullshit lecture from Seungmin or Woojin about being late "as always". He was always or mostly late everytime when they go out somewhere together so he wants to be the first one tomorrow and give a shock to both Minnie and Woojinnie. He hope his plans work.lol.

After more than an hour,he collapsed on his bed,feeling exhausted. He lay there for some minutes and then stands up and went downstairs. He goes directly to the kitchen, opens the fridge,takes out some drinks,grabs some of the snacks and chips and climbs on his sofa,going through some movies to watch on Netflix. He was watching "xvjhrs" (think any movie😁) when the door bell goes off. He was not in the mood to welcome anyone at that moment so he left it. The door bell rang again. He ignored again. This time,there was knocking. He stands up slowly,relaxing his muscles after his exhausting day when the knocking at the door became loud. He had enough of the shit and so he lazily strode towards the door and opened the door only to be greeted by a very pissed Seungmin.

S: What the fuck were you doing??

M: Hello to you too. Anyways I was watching movie.

S: Ya I can clearly see.

M: Why did you come?

S: Can't a bestfriend visit his bestfriend??

M: Ofcourse they can. But coming from you it's kinda hard to believe.

S: Hyung! Do you have more snacks??

M: Yap. Have the ones in the table there. He pointed towards the table before the sofa he was sitting a few minutes ago. Seungmin just plop down in the sofa and started stuffing the chips in his mouth.

So cute!. Minho thinks.

M: I'll go make something in the kitchen for both of us. Stay here.

S: Okay.

Minho was busy in the kitchen,cooking something for both him and Minnie. He loves being with Seungmin and the presence Seungmin radiates.

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now