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Hyunjin's POV:

Are they really in a relationship? Why don't they seem like one? Why do I feel like they are faking it? But why would they do it on the other hand? But Seungminnie doesn't look like he love Minho hyung? But I'm jealous. Wait--wait did I just say I'm jealous?Oh...I did! Okay,that escalated fast. But "He's cute". Can't deny facts! Can I? I can't. My brain is messier than anything.

ChB: Hyunjin-ah,down on earth!

Seems like I was thinking too long.


S:Idiot! He mumbled. "Why is he so cute."

J: It's okay buddy.

ChB: He said that to me Jisungie.

J: I'm his hyung too.

F: You're not,idiot. He is our hyung,right? He asked me. The Aussie freckled guy.

H: Yeah I am.

F: So Seungmin is the youngest here? Oh..ya.

S: I'm not. Jeongin is!

F: But he doesn't play with us now so you are.

ChB: Oh...maknae Seungminnie.

S: Seo Changbin loves Felix!!!.

Seungmin shouted and ran because Changbin was chasing him now. And when I turned to Felix,he was totally red.

H: Are you guys dating?

F: Yeah we are. You don't like gays??

H: Ofcourse not. I'm gay myself. Anyways you guys are cute. I told him and he flashed redder by saying "Thank you".

H: Anyways I gotta go. So bye guys. See you later. They all waved except Seungmin ofcourse.

Woojin's POV:

I've seen Seungmin talk with everyone though he is a bit gloomy,he actually welcome new people without any problem. But he acts so different with Hyunjin. Why is he like this to him? Do they know each other? Well,thats interesting. Seungmin didn't even said bye to Hyunjin and he seemed hurt?

W: Seungmin-ah...

S: Hmm...what happened hyung?

W: Why are you acting so different with Hyunjinnie?

S: I'm not hyung.

W: You didn't even bid a bye to him and thats rude right? Seungminnie.

S: I know but I'm not actually a great fan of him. He is so cheerful and friendly and happy always so.... I know my reasons are dumb but....ya.

W: Shut up Minnie. Stop talking nonsense. Let's just play again alright and you are PERFECT. I smile at him. He shouldn't be thinking about himself in that negative way.

S: Sorry hyung and ya okay. And he looked at me and ran to the ground.

Seungminnie, please smile. We miss your bright self. We miss your cheerfulness and happiness. It's been years. I thought to myself while looking at them play.

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now