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Third Person's POV :

It has always been Seungmin and Minho. There were others too, but no one became as important as they were to each other. Until Hyunjin stepped in, in Seungmin's life.

Minho never thought he'll be replaced so easily. That Seungmin, his bestfriend, will choose someone over him. But that was just the way Minho thought.

Seungmin, all in all, would never leave any one behind him. Minho was, is and will always be his bestest friend and no one can top him. Hyunjin just so happen to make his heart flutter and let all the butterflies in his tummy to fly around.

It was never in Minho's mind to fall in love with his bestfriend. It just happened one night, when Minho realised what he felt for the younger boy was not just normal feelings one feel for their bestfriend but he was harbouring romantic feelings.

It was a snowy night. There was snow everywhere and Seungmin called him out late at night around 11:30 pm and Minho couldn't say "no" even if he was sleepy and can barely open his eyes.

Seungmin wanted to stroll around in the snow when the moon was up and stars were sparkling. He just wanted to feel happy and enjoy the night. And what's gonna make the night more beautiful is having his bestfriend, who he was in love with.

Seungmin knew he was in love with Minho. It was just hard not to fall in love with him. Minho being good to him and always taking care of him, protecting him, motivating him and just being able to be his true self with the older guy and being absolutely comfortable. Seungmin never felt it with anyone and soon he knew he loved his bestfriend.

Minho and Seungmin just walked around their community, paying with the snow and drinking hot coffee, eating the street foods and just being happy to be with each other.

Seungmin ran around the snow for some minutes before dropping himself on the snow, closing his eyes and just enjoying the moment before it vanishes. The ground was cold because of snow of course, making his hand freeze for some seconds before he felt warm. His hand was being held tightly, then he felt the other person intertwined their hands, it was like the hands were meant to be together.

Seungmin feeling warm, not only on his hand but his face and ears, opened his eyes slowly and saw the person he loved so much. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help feeling more warm on his cheeks which was spreading to his neck.

Minho was looking down on the person he shouldn't have romantic feelings for but couldn't help. He looked at the soft cute red cheeks and smiled down at the boy. He lift his left hand and touched those cheeks with the back of his hand. Seungmin just closed his eyes feeling calm and peaceful. He loved it. Minho loved it.

Minho was staring at the guy realizing how he was so so in love with the person who was lying down. He was afraid his heart will burst out of his chest with all the feelings bottling up in his heart.

Minho and Seungmin just stayed on the ground, intertwined hands, looking up at the sky, just loving the feeling to be with the person they love. It always was a great feeling and they were happy with it, even if they wouldn't be together like they want to be.

So in love, just afraid to voice it out.

It was years ago and Minho knew it will never come back. He still was in love with the younger boy and he knew he lost his chance the day Seungmin smiled because of Hyunjin. He wished Seungmin love him the way he loved the other boy.

Minho knew Seungmin would never feel any romantic feelings for him. He was hopeful but it crashed down the moment Hyunjin entered Seungmin's life. He always regret not confessing to his bestfriend.

The only reason he never confessed was because he was scared of ruining his friendship with Seungmin. He hated rejection too, but the chance of ruining the friendship was the sole reason he never took any step further. He'll always regret it, might be even after he die.

Minho never felt in love, Seungmin was his first and the only. He knew of his friend Jisung having feelings for him but he couldn't accept it, not when he knows he'll never love the squirrel guy like he want him to. He knew he was breaking Jisung's heart but what's the use of being with someone he was not in love with and also, their relationship will only hurt Jisung because Minho won't be able to reciprocate the younger boy's feelings.

Minho tried to move on from Seungmin, he really did but it was just so difficult. It was like Seungmin had a magnet on him which pulls Minho to him. The passion to move in just increased when Seungmin and Hyunjin became official but yeah, he was still madly in love. He felt pathetic but it is what it is.

Minho had already given up when Hyunjin came along. Now that Hyunjin wasn't there with Seungmin and his chances of being with Seungmin increased, he still wanted to move on. Seungmin was always meant to be with Hyunjin. He had accepted that fate long ago.

Minho knew Seungmin doesn't want to move on and he wouldn't intervene because it was not his place. He just wanted the younger to be happy. Seungmin already accepted that Hyunjin was no more but he wanted Hyunjin to be the only guy in his life. He wanted Hyunjin to be his only boyfriend, the only man. And Minho was okay with it. He always has been. It breaks his heart every time but he has come to accept it with a smile. A fake smile.


I tried. 🥺

Hope y'all like it. 🤧

Thank you 💚

#RenOut. Bye-bye 💕

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