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#UniformLine😍😍 So handsome. My gosh!!💞💞

I'm back. The exam was over the day before yesterday and yesterday was my resting day lol and today I'm writing this!.

How are you guys??

I don't know what to say😂 but "I Am You" is just WOW!💖 I love "Get Cool" alot😭 but the most disappointing thing for me was Seungmin's lines😭😭. All my biases I.e., Jin and now MinnieMin😭😭 but JB gets lot of lines😂 but Seungmin deserve more!! JYP! You hear me! But Seungmin owns and slays every line he sings😎. That's my KING💞

Anyways lets start NOW!


Third Person P.O.V:

W: You are smiling,Minnie. Seungmin smiled at Woojin.

S: I guess.

M: You look beautiful.

Minho smiled at him with his heart breaking every second knowing he is not the reason for that smile.

J: Didn't knew Hyunjin will change you THAT soon. I am proud. He seems nice and he likes you. I can tell that. He is impactful.

His cousin gave a hearty laugh.

F: So you gonna confess to him?

Seungmin was confused. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to confess but he wasn't sure about Hyunjin's feelings. And he was not ready yet to face a heartbreak.

S: I don't know. I want to but... he didn't know what to actually do.

C: You should. I mean,i met you guys only last night but I thought you guys were actually together then learned that Minho and you were a thing. Sorry. Chan gave a sheepish smile.

Jeongin: You should confess,hyung. He smiled cutely at his hyung.

Yedam : Jeonginnie is right hyung,you should.

S: Are you guys sure? Isn't it so sudden? I mean I just drop the bomb that me and Minho hyung is dating and then now..... confessing him?... I'm not sure guys.

Seungmin was getting frustrated now.

F: You should confess to him sooner. He might go back to America soon. You shouldn't waste time thinking nonsense. It's time for action.

S: Am-m-meri-ca?? Did you say America? He is already going back? So soon?? When is he going??

F: I said "MIGHT" go back soon,mate. You know right,he came here just for vacation so he will surely go back within a month or so, si you better hurry up.

S: Ah..it's frustrating. What do I do now!!

W: Do what you think is right for you. Be it confessing sooner or later.

S: Umm.. should i confess?? Or...

W: So you confessing?? He asked not so patiently.

S: I don-- He was interrupted by Changbin.

ChB: It's better you confess,ya'know.

Changbin spoke after he was silent the whole time.

S: Okay guys..i will. Fighting!✊

M: All the best. He likes you,don't worry.

Minho smiled and gave a thumbs up. Seungmin hugged him. Minho's heart was having a marathon race. He just wish Seungmin didn't hear that. He just pat and hugged Seungmin back.

M: But when are you confessing?

All: Ya...Ya,when..that's the most impt. question. Everybody was dumping their questions at him now.

S: Let's wait for the right time guys. Now I don't even know where is Hyunjin hyung. He smiled again.

But that smile is going to die soon AGAIN!

And guys!
Choose your option! All the best!


His smile


His heart


That's for today,i guess?😂
I'll update after some hours.
Thank you guys for reading this nonsense book. It's 500+ reads. I know it's nothing for you guys but that's so much for me😭😭 thank you so much😘😘

Be safe guys! Love you all💞

Bye bye!👋


#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now