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Hyunjin's POV:

I don't know why but I was jealous of Seungmin and Minho's relationship. They look so close and I do wanted a relationship or just friendship like theirs. I've always been with my mom 24/7 after my father's death. So having friends or bestfriends was not necessary to me. But now I've found some,though not so close but they still are my friends. I'll have some memories about friends before I go,before I vanish,before I leave all,before.......

Seungmin's POV:

I was dragged by Minho hyung to my room. I don't know why. He seemed confused and asked me what actually happened between me and Hyunjin. I told him everything from the start to the end.

"Oh. So since he was teasing you alot,you told him I was your boyfriend?". Minho hyung asked.

"Yap... that's the only reason". I answered.

"So does that mean we have to act like a couple infront of him?". He asked again.

"Not only him but everyone"

"What? Everyone? I thought its only him".

"Why? You've got someone special?".

"No. I just thought we would only act infront of Hyunjin but not everyone".

"Oh actually all our friends heard since they were there too so....ya'know". I just said that and he nodded.

"So hyung,you with me?". I asked.

"Ofcourse,how can I say no to my bestfriend". He said and smiled.

"Thank you hyung". And then he asked something again.

"Which also means we are going to have a questioning-answering time? Ugh!!". He said.

"Absolutely. Do you think they won't? They will be waiting for us with questions on their minds. Let's go answer our lies". I said.

I just hope they will believe us. I thank hyung for not saying anything instead understanding. I don't know what he'll think about me now.

Minho's POV:

I don't know how should I react to this. I mean Seungmin and I are suddenly going to be boyfriends from bestfriends though it's fake. But we have to act like a couple infront of our friends especially and we are like 24/7 with them. But the main problem is I just hope me and Minnie wont be awkward with each other after this. I don't want our friendship to break just because we have to act as a fake couple. He means alot to me. I know I am a flirt but I know how to respect someone and their friendship and Seungmin has always been with me through thick and thin and I can't afford to lose him. We reached our playground and our friends are just staring at us like we are some aliens walking through the playground.

"What happ---". I was cut off by their cheering.

"Congratulations. MinMin or 2Min or whatever it is but i ts real!! That's enough".

They all shouted together. I was happy they accepted us though they don't know the real story.

"Thank you". Seungmin said and looked at me.

"Uh..thank you buddies and sorry for hiding our relationship".

And I regretted saying sorry because all of them started their questions.

"Ah..guys..let me say..please don't shout and ya one by one". I literally requested them.

"So...". Woojin hyung was cut off by Felix.

"Did you guys had sex?". Felix asked. I was speechless. I gave him the "wtf" look and when I looked at Seungmin,he was so red like a tomato. He was looking so cute.

"Felix!!". Changbin shouted at him.

"What?". Felix asked so innocently.

"We never did it". Seungmin answered.

"We actually never kissed". I added and Seungmin looked at me like I said something so wrong.duhh.. Like seriously what did I even do.

"Okay let Woojin hyung ask". I said.

M: Yeah,so hyung what do you wanna ask or say?

W: Just that,why did you guys hide your relationship? You know we've been praying for you guys to finally be together and because adorable cute couple.

M: Ahhh..hyung we know but we were actually not ready but seems like Seungmin really wanted to show off his handsome boyfriend to everyone. I smiled looking at Minnie.

S:Nah... "Handsome boyfriend"...my foot!hyung. It was just a mistake while arguing with Hyunjin hyung.

H: Thanks to me,now you guys know why they are so close.

They said thank you altogether to Hyunjin,well ofcourse except me and Seungmin. He smiled at them and said welcome. I had some work so I had to leave them early though I know what will happen to Minnie when I left but it's important though.

M:Anyways guys,I gotta go. I've some emergency so bye. Minnie bye. Hyunjin nice meeting you again. Bye guys!

S:Okay. Bye hyung. He waved at me. Why is he so cute?

M:Bye Minnie. I waved at him too.


Done......next update tomorrow cus it's Holiday😂😂

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now