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Hello... what's up!

Anyways let's proceed.....


The boys finally reached their destination. The boys were all woken up by the two oldest. They took time adjusting themselves after sleeping for hours in a moving vehicle. Their body aches and they were all complaining.

Seungmin was shocked when he saw that he was leaning on Hyunjin's shoulder. He of course like it but he didn't want the older to feel uncomfortable so he abruptly stood up from his position and apologized to the other male and walked out of the vehicle.

Hyunjin just sat their dumbfounded by the way Seungmin was behaving or he was just processing that Seungmin was leaning on his shoulder the entire time. He smiled sheepishly as he thought how cute the younger male was when he was sleeping. He wiped out his smile and put on his normal face and stepped out of the car too.

All the boys were admiring the place that Chan took them all. It was a beautiful farm house. There was no house or human beings in their sight so they assumed that were the only ones in the place or that people doesn't live there at all.

All the boys took their respective luggages and things and went inside the house. The house was not so big or so small either. It was warm and cozy. They were all just running around like small kids, well except, the hyung line.

"Do you guys like it? " Chan asked.

"Of course"

"It's beautiful "

"It's warm here"

"And cozy"

All the responds were positive so Chan was happy.

"I'm glad you guys like here. I was nervous if you guys didn't like it"

"We trusted you hyung. It's awesome " Jeongin replied.

"Thank you. But there's only five rooms. It's all upstairs"

"Me and Channie will be together " Woojin said smiling at Chan.

'"Yeah, we'll be together. So what about you guys?"

"I'll be with Binnie hyung" Felix said. "Oh do you want to hyung? " He asked him, making sure Changbin was fine. The older nodded at him with a smile.

"Okay then. What about you guys? " Woojin asked gesturing to the other six guys.

"Me and Innie hyung" Yedam replied.

"Yap. The maknaes" Jeongin replied

"The evil maknaes" Felix said, receiving laughs from some of the boys.

"So, what about the four of you? " He asked, already sending the tension.

Chan already know how all of them feel for each other. He can read the way they look at each other. He knew who feel for who. He knew all were breaking inside but he didn't know what to do to fix those broken pieces inside them. He knew he have to talk to them. Personally. That's the purpose of this trip. He thought.

Chan glanced at Woojin to asked him to say something. The older noticed that and cleared his throat.

"So who will room with who?" Woojin asked.

"I will room with Minho hyung"

"I will room with Hyunjinnie"

"I will room with Minnie"

"I will room with Jisung"

All four replied at the same time but their choice of room mates were just too much to process for all the boys. The boys were all silent. Awkward silence followed for some minutes before Chan decided to break it.

"Ahem hem.... so what do we do"

"We don't know." Came the answer.

"To decide, play rock paper scissor" (GOT7)Woojin suggested.

They did play. Played for some minutes before it was decided who would room with who. Of course they couldn't get away from the outcome after playing the game so they just accepted their fate.

"So it's decided. Hope everybody will enjoy this trip and make memories." Chan said happily.

"Let's go to our rooms and take showers. And meet up here later. Okay? " Woojin suggested again.

"Okay! "

They all dispersed to their respected rooms


Sorry guys for not updating last week. I was nervous because my results for the final were coming out that day. But I passed with great marks. I'm planning on taking Economics major. Hope I'll do well.

And thank you so much and I love you guys☺

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now