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Sorry for not updating yesterday though I said I will. I actually didn't know how to continue the plot but hope what I write now will do justice to the story😂😂😂


No one's POV:

All the boys were gathered outside in the playground. Minho was not late which surprised Seungmin and Jisung and Jeongin too. Everybody was wearing shorts and simple plain white and black shirts. Changbin was of course with his black bucket hat. He looked hot. Felix was literally staring him the whole time. Chan and Woojin was standing next to each other, waiting for their van to come pick them up. Hyunjin was talking with Jeongin and Yedam the whole time, don't know what but they were obviously in a serious discussion and Seungmin was just standing there thinking whether he should talk to Hyunjin or not. He thought of just talking a little with Minho but the said boy was busy giggling with Jisung. He was happy for Jisung though since he knows his cousin likes his best friend.

He looked around the group and realised he was the only one standing alone. All of his friends were busy chatting among themselves. He was already getting bored so to say. He wanted to talk to someone but everyone seemed so busy among themselves so he just kept himself busy with his phone. As he was just scrolling through insta...the van arrived.

Chan: Minnie,aren't you coming?

Seungmin was still outside the van wandering his eyes here and there. He snapped back to reality and just smiled at his hyung.

S: Of course I'm coming.

As he entered the van everyone was seated. Chan was driving and Woojin was in the passenger seat. Changbin,Felix,Yedam and Jeongin was behind them. So his only seat was between Minho hyung and Hyunjin because Jisung likes window seat when he is travelling. He settled himself between them though it awkward and he didn't know why.

M: Minnie.. you brought everything right?

S: Ya. Everything needed for the trip.. I guess I did. Why?

M: Just confirming because you always forget something or the other every time we go out.

S: Ah..thats true. He giggled not noticing the two pair of eyes on him,literally sparkling because of his giggles.

C: So should we go?

All: Let's go!

It had been more than one hour and they were literally shouting at the top of their voices. Chan was still driving though Woojin asked him to replace so that he would rest but Chan declined saying he didn't mind.

Changbin and Felix was cuddling with Binnie's hand securely around Lixie's waist. Binnie's head was above Lixie's head which was rested on his shoulder with Lixie's hand holding Binie's left hand since Lix was sitting at the window seat. Changbin and Jeongin was sitting between Felix and Yedam. As of Innie and Yedammie...they were talking about their surroundings with their hands held tight under Yedam's jacket which was covering their hands. Their minds(actually mine).

At the back... the atmosphere was less awkward than before. Jisung and Minho was just casually talking about things,most specifically about last night. They of course talked at the lowest volume they could. They didn't want others to know. They were so close to each other that they could feel each others breath. Jisung's heart was a mess right now. He didn't know how to stop his heart from bursting out from his chest. He could literally hear his heart beat thumping faster than its actual beating rate but he couldn't do anything because his love was sitting so close to him. If he moved his face to Minho's direction..they would kiss. That's how close they were. And Minho was trying to ignore the feeling that was building up inside his heart because of his close proximity with Jisung. He was trying to focus on the topic they were actually discussing but he was not able to. He shook his head a little which earned the younger's attention.

J: Hyung? Are you okay?

Those eyes. Minho thought.

M: Ah.. De. I'm okay. He just flashed his smile to the younger and continued the topic again.

On the other hand,Seungmin was sleeping soundly cuddling Hyunjin. Seungmin had his head rested on Hyunjin's shoulder. Hyunjin put his hand on Seungmin's shoulder and just gazed softly at the soft boy. He was sad knowing that the guy right in front of him sleeping cutely was never going to be his. He sadly smiled looking at Seungmin and looked outside the window watching the beautiful scenery. There were trees at the right side of the road and small green grasses at the left side of the road with some small houses in the middle of the grasses and people were minding their own business. The people there all looked happy and contented with their lives unlike him. He was always sad though he was always smiling, inside he was dying everyday.

He wasn't sure where Chan was taking them. Chan told them that it was a secret and Woojin agreed saying they would love the place. He just wanted to reach their destination soon but at the same time he didn't want to because he didn't want to lose the warmth coming from the younger. He was enjoying the moment because he didn't know how long it will last or whether he'll get even another chance with the younger. He realised he was falling harder for the boy sleeping on his shoulder. He didn't want to feel all the foreign feelings he was feeling now but he didn't want to stop the feeling either because it was his first time loving someone and it was his last too. He sadly chuckled at his sad realization but indeed the most painful truth.

He was dying.
He didn't know.
But it was coming for him soon.


I'm sorry for updating only now. I didn't know what to write so please forgive me.

Hope you will like this chapter😊

Stay healthy everyone! Don't get sick!

I love you all and take care.

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

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