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Look at my baby uwu. He is so cute😭. He looks stunning yoreobun~~

I screamed like anything when I saw his teaser😌. He literally owns my heart along with JB💕


I'm in love with this cute puppy adorable squishy little dandy boy of Seungminators💕

He makes my heart go wooshhhh💞

Anyway hello again. Updated just because of my baby's teaser😍😊


Hyunjin was talking to his mom on the phone when Minho called for him.

Minho decided it was time for him to talk with Hyunjin. He couldn't wait anymore. He couldn't watch his best friend getting hurt over some boy. He wanted to do something.

Minho looked all over the place but didn't find the boy he was searching.

"He might be inside the house". He thought to himself.

He walked out of the pool and grabbed a towel and went inside the house with water dripping from his body.

Jisung watched as the boy he love went inside the house. He just sighed and looked back at his friends playing but was meet with Seungmin's suspicious eyes. He looked away immediately and started eating the food which was beside him.

Seungmin of course saw the way his cousin looked at his best friend. He now was sure that Jisung actually feel for Minho as more than just a friend or crush. He suddenly remembered Hyunjin and wondered where the other boy was. He hadn't seen that boy anywhere that night. He just sighed and continued watching the two youngest play.

Yedam and Jeongin was just having their fun oblivious to what was actually happening. They do know about Seungmin's feelings for Hyunjin and Hyunjin purposely avoiding Minnie but they can't do anything either. They had nothing they could do. Jeongin did felt bad for his brother but everything will be alright. He was told that everyday of his life when he couldn't walk and now see,he could. So he hope everything will be fine with his brother too.

Changbin and Felix was in their shared room. They were exhausted playing in the pool so they decided to change out of their soaked clothes and join the others, not the maknaes tho. They don't want to wet their clothes again.


"Hyung". Felix started. Changbin was outside the bathroom waiting for him.

Changbin had already changed out of his clothes and was just waiting for Felix to be done with his own.

"Yes? What happened?" He asked the younger boy, wondering why he was called.

"Umm... do you know what is happening between Seungmin and Hyunjin?"

The question left Changbin confused because why was Felix suddenly asking him that question.

"Why? Something happened between them?"

He asked back to the freckled boy.

"I don't know hyung. They just seem distant"

Well, Changbin has observed that too. He was sure something was off between Hyunjin and Seungmin but he didn't want to interfere. He knows Seungmin would be able to handle it so he kept himself out of their situation.

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now