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All my SHIPS are there😍😍 #SuperiorShips❤💞
Jeongin.. you can come with me😁😁

And I'm sorry for not updating the other day though I said I'll update..I'm so sorry. I was sick so I couldn't update. Though I'm sick now too but couldn't keep myself from updating this chapter lol.

And guys,the options I asked to choose in the previous chapter is actually for the ending part of this book so there's only two people who voted so the two people who vote before knowing this part you can go back and change your mind,i mean if you want to ofcourse.

And guys thank you so much for reading this "oh so boring" book. Thank you so much😘

ANYWAYS lets get it started...


It's been a few days after Seungmin confessed his feelings to his friends. Nothing has changed between him and Minho but the only thing that's eating him up is that,Hyunjin has been so distant with him,they were friends but now he feels bad about Hyunjin ignoring him when he surely does feel for the other but Hyunjin was ignoring him.. "wow just wow Seungmin". He thought to himself. He was so afraid of Hyunjin not liking him back and now Hyunjin was completely ignoring him. But Seungmin tried his best not to let it effect him and he actually but kinda succeed in doing that.

Minho knew he doesn't have a chance with his bestfriend whom he label as his "First and Only true love of his" and so he tries his best not to show his sadness in his face and he succeed in fooling his friends. And he also gets to know through Jeongin that Seungmin's cousin Han Jisung likes him alot like alot. Ofcourse he told he doesn't have those kind of romantic feelings for that cute squirrel except platonic feelings and Jisung took it so well and Minho actually felt sorry for that cutie. And ofcourse Minho thinks Jisung is cute. Just cute. Nothing more nothing less. It's been some days after Seungmin said he have feelings for Hyunjin and Minho has been coping up pretty well,so do(to?) say. He knows its Seungmin's first time loving someone and having a great smile because of Hyunjin made him give up on Seungmin quite easily. He was happy for Seungmin and he just made himself think that Seungmin was not meant to be his and that there is someone out there for him too so he was happy plus sad too.

Their friend circle of 9 has been been pretty together most of the time so all of them can see and is sure that Hyunjin was avoiding Seungmin intentionally and they felt bad for Seungmin. They thought of talking with Hyunjin but then they left it for Seungmin to do the talking and confrontation. And hoped it goes well.

The boys decided to go for a camping during the weekend to enjoy and relax themselves and mostly definitely also because Chan,Yedam and Jisung will be going back soon too. And they used this opportunity to spend together for the last time they say (when it's not).

They prepared everything they needed for the camping and was just waiting for the day I.e., tomorrow.

Woojin and Chan was just relaxing in the park one night,just stargazing and enjoying the company of each other. It's been days they were alone together and so why not grab that opportunity and spend the night looking at the bright stars.

W: Should we tell them?

C: About?

W: You know what I'm talking about...Channie

The nickname always make Chan shy and feel all sorts of feelings though its just a nickname but.. ya'know.

C: Are you sure...babe

And that's the nickname which make Woojin feels all giddy-giddy(lol).

W: I am. I mean they deserve to know right? They are our friends after all. And most importantly you flew here just to announce this secret so....ain't it time to reveal our secret?

C: Guess you are right. I mean I came here just to unfold this secret of ours so why not tell them . How about we tell them tomorrow during the camping. They'll be shock. Dont you think??

W: Ofcourse they'll be. Who would think we are you know. Haha.

W: By the way,should we try to talk to Hyunjin tomorrow?

C: Are you sure? Because we decided we'll wait for Seungmin to confront him first.

W: I know we did but I don't want to see Seungmin getting all sad when he just started smiling. And also i just realized that both his sadness and happiness is because of Hyunjin. Wow..such an irony.

W: Umm..Do you want to talk to Hyunjinnie??

C: Well,i don't like seeing Seungmin being all sad so why not try...

W: Okay then we'll talk to him tomorrow before we start our trip okay.

C: Okay bae.

C: I love you...Woojinnie.

Chan pulled Woojin closer to him and then cupped his cheeks and leaned closer and kissed his guy. Woojin put his hands around Chan's neck and tilted his head to kiss perfectly. It was a sweet and passionate kiss.

They love being with each other more than anyone could understand. They were pillars for each other to lend on.
They will do anything to keep the other all smiley and happy.
They love each other more than anyone.

Woojin pulled away and smiled at his guy. He was glad he meet the perfect boy in his life.

W: I love you too Channie. I love you so much.

They snuggled against each other and just stared at the bright stars.

Their necklaces shining bright under the starlight💖


Finally the chapter is up after such a long time.
And again I'm so sorry for not updating.
And thank you so much for reading this.
Love you my lovely readers. It means a lot. Thank you😘❤

Bye bye.

Before I go...
I love Got7
I love StrayKids
I love my Ahgafamily
I love my Stayfamily
I love JYPfamily

Goodnight,good morning,good evening,good noon or what time is your place. Love ya💖😘❤

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

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