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Sorry for not updating. I was busy with some things. Also mainly I didn't want to write because of all the things surrounding Chan and all.. that's why.

I sincerely hope Chan is doing well now😊

Anyway let's start.  I don't know what am I gonna write but hope something comes up..hehe.


Everything was going well.  The atmosphere was something that the two people who were not sleeping liked. All of them were snuggled close to each other well except Chan and Woojin. Chan was driving while Woojin was just randomly humming to some songs playing in the car. They of course tuned down the volume for they didn't want to disturb the others' peaceful sleep.

They were now reaching an isolated place.  The place was surrounded by big large trees which was kinda scary at first glance. As Chan drive deeper into the place that looked like a forest...Woojin started talking to him.

"Chan..". He started. Not quite sure whether he should start this conversation or not.

"Hmm...". The younger replied looking at Woojin then turning back to concentrate on driving as it was semi dark now.  The place now looked more scary than it was before. The tall trees looked like monsters coming to get them. Of course they weren't child who would get scared of that. It was the author writing that.

Woojin thought again whether to start the topic or not and at first he hesitated but he knows he can't just let everything go down. Chan looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Do you wanna say something,Woobear??". Chan asked, noticing the way Woojin was hesitating and taking time to voice out his thoughts.

Woojin turned to Chan and gave Chan the pointed look to keep on focusing on the road. Chan just nodded and focused on what he was told to focus.

Woojin came to the terms that he should just voiced it out. He cleared his throat, catching the attention of the younger male.

"Say it, bear"

"Umm.. once we reach the place.. are we--"

"Do you wanna to something? ". Chan interrupted him with his eyebrows wiggling hat him.

Woojin looked at him confused but understood some seconds later.  His mouth gaped open and close,didnt know what to do with the boy beside him.  He hit Chan's arm and blushed deeply.

"What? Why are you hitting me?". Chan questioned him.  He knew that guy was just teasing him like he always do but he was already a blushing mess like always.

"You perverted jerk"

"Why?  I didn't say anything tho".

"You think I'm dumb? Mr. Changaroo? "

"Of course not.  Since you got what I mean".
Chan laughed again, looking directly at the road and sometimes side eyeing Woojin.

"Hey but jokes apart, what were you going to say? ".

"Ahh ya..before you interrupted me, I was going to ask you whether we should talk with Hyunjin or Seungmin?? "

"Oh yes.  I totally forgot about that.  I don't know Wooj. I don't know anymore. These two seem so distant but still come back to each other".
Chan said turning back to see Seungmin and Hyunjin cuddling together with hands wrapped around each other.

Woojin saw this and turned his head too.

"They really look cute together ". Chan had already diverted his attention to the road. He just hum to what Woojin said and just sighed.

"We'll think about it when we reach there".

"Sure but I just don't want them to be avoiding each other, ah well,actually Hyunjin is the only one avoiding while Seungmin is just letting it happen all along like he doesn't care but he does....... alot".

"I know but again I feel like Hyunjin is hiding something ". Chan said looking at Woojin then turning back to concentrate on driving.

"I think so too but I don't want to force him to say it.  He'll tell us when he is comfortable".

"I know he will".

Woojin just leaned back on the seat and sigh.

"By the way.. when are we reaching? ". He asked not being patient anymore. It's been like years they were driving and it still seems like they were nowhere near their destination.

"Soon babe soon. Just wait ".


Sorry for this short chapter. I'm not feeling well.
I'll try to write more in my best chapter.

And STRAYKIDS won "Next Leader" in Fact Music Awards.  Chan's speech was 💘😭🙂💘💘

I pray they'll win more in the future too.

And thank you guys for reading this book though it's not good.  I appreciate your votes and also for reading this.

And it's got more than 1k+  wahhh.. never expected this but again thanks to you all.

I'll see you soon.  I hope so. 

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

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