Father's Day Gift💖

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I actually thought of writing this one-shot when I reached 2k reads but thought why not for Father's Day?

I don't know how this will come out because I don't really know what I'll write. I don't even know the plot😂. But let's just hope it'll be somehow average at least.

And yes the ship is Seungjin. I love them alot. They are my superior OTP. And also I won't be able to write other ship though I ship them, Seungjin is easier. I suck at writing about other ships.

Anyways let's just hope my brain start functioning and it'll come out good or just average😂So ya here it is!

Let's get it babies✊


We did it. We did that. We really did it right? Or was it just my dream? I really lost my virginity to him? Oh I can't believe this. We really did it?

Oh fuck Kim Seungmin! You guys did it alright. Now stop. It was last fucking week Bitch.

He thought to himself. He literally was going crazy. It was last week that they decided to take their relationship to the next stage since they were dating for more than 3 years.

Seungmin didn't regret it. He never would. He loved every moment of that night. He loved every touch of Hyunjin's hands on his body. Every touch, every kiss, every breath of Hyunjin's on his body, every thrust(ahhhhh im cringing. This is new for me) and every second of that night... hell never trade it for anything in the world. Except Day6. That's another story.

He had been so shy around Hyunjin after that night. His face burns whenever he sees Hyunjin during their rehearsals or practices or fan meetings or just anywhere.

Of course Hwang Hyunjin act like lit was a kiss. He was still the same. Seungmin was the one going crazy.

Seungmin was disturbed from all his thinking when Hyunjin knocked on the door asking him what was he doing.


Seungmin replied simply. Hyunjin came inside the room and saw Seungmin inside the blanket,wrapping himself like a cocoon.

The weather was hot so Hyunjin was shocked to see Seungmin wrapped around by the blanket.

"Hey Minnie? Are you sure you are find?"

"Yes. Why?"

"It's so hot outside and you are-"

"Ah. Just like that. I'm fine don't worry. You can go shoo"

Seungmin interrupted him.

"Did you just shoot your boyfriend?"

Hyunjin asked Seungmin cutely while tilting his head.

"Yes. Now out. Go. I'm busy"

"Busy with what?"

Hyunjin asked. He was so confused. Why was Seungmin acting weird. He did noticed how Seungmin start blushing everytime they meet eyes at public places or even at dorm.

"Don't know"

"This boy"

Hearing that, Seungmin giggled and turned to look at Hyunjin with eyes literally sparkling.

His Smile.. •SeungJin/2Min•• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now