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Hello. I'm back😊

Everything was going fine with the group. Changbin and Felix was sharing the room. Yedam and Jeongin was too and the Woochan couple, and Hyunjin and Seungmin and lastly Jisung and Minho had their own rooms.

They came to the place to relax themselves and enjoy the week before they started their school life again. They needed some relaxation and enjoyment before drowning themselves in the life of assignments and projects and tests and homeworks, exams and all curricular activities.

The group had their dinner after Hyunjin joined them back after he showered. Seungmin was all  shy after what he saw back in the room. Hyunjin just act natural as if nothing happened. Well, nothing actually happened. It was just Seungmin seeing his naked upper body which was of course toned. He didn't really care. But the other boy was all flustered and avoid eye contact with him.

The group decided to just chill and do whatever the hell they wanted to do. There was a pool outside at the back of the house. They decided to just have fun there.

Yedam,Jeongin,Felix,Changbin and Minho was already inside the pool enjoying the cold water.

Jisung just sat on the edge of the pool with his legs half inside the pool. He just wanted to enjoy the chilly weather but Minho in soaked shorts which was obviously stuck to his thighs and naked upper body was something he can't just ignore. He tried not to seem obvious but Seungmin the observer was watching from the side.

Seungmin knows Jisung has a thing for Minho but wasn't really sure if it was just a crush or something more than that. He knows Jisung isn't really serious when it comes to his love life. He would be crushing someone today and the next day, he would even forget they actually exist. So he never took seriously when Jisung told him he has a small crush on Minho. But now that he is seeing all those stares his cousin was giving his best friend, he was now sure of it. It wasn't just a little crush but more than just a mere crush.

Seungmin of course will help his cousin but he doesn't know Minho's sexuality. He knows Minho is a flirt and that he had always seen him only with girls. They never really talked about Minho's preferred sexuality. Of course Seungmin's preference is out there.

Seungmin think back to when Minho helped him by being his boyfriend.

" Could he be bi?". He thinks to himself. He really needs to know it so that he could help his squirrel cousin.

"But even if he is bi or whatever sexuality he is,does he have someone he likes or loves or any crush?Ahh...i need to know that too.So much work". He thought.

But he came to the realisation that he have to solve his own problems too. Hyunjin wasn't fully avoiding or ignoring him. He was the one doing it now. Not exactly but still he was the one. He would try to sit somewhere where Hyunjin was far away. He would try not to look at the other guy either. He would always take a glance at the other boy though.

Seungmin hated himself for falling for someone so easily. Someone he won't get either. Someone he doesn't even know their preferred sexuality. He hated himself(please don't baby). He didn't want to go through heartbreak again.

He was once in love with his best friend but he was a total player and Seungmin never really had the courage to confess either because he for sure thought he'll be rejected. Minho was into girls anyway. So he already knows what a heartbreak feels like but he overcame it easily but now he was sure he won't be able to over come it. Hyunjin was different. Seungmin knows it. And he was afraid of rejection.

Rejection by Hwang Hyunjin himself.


Chan and Woojin decided to talk with Hyunjin while everyone was busy. Yedam and Jeongin was still in the pool. Jisung just watching them or just simply stuffing his mouth with all kinds of food. Seungmin was just chilling in the corner. He was watching the two youngest play. Changbin and Felix went to their rooms to change their clothes(dont think anything). And Minho was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Minho Wooj?"

'I don't know. He was in the pool a while ago"

" I thought that too but he ain't here"

"He might have went to change his clothes too"

"Oh yes. Anyways let's go talk with Hyunjin before anyone see us"

"Yes. Let's do it Channie"


Woojin and Chan searched for Hyunjin and after some minutes they heard his voice coming from...

......Minho's room.

They looked at each other with confused gazes.

"What is he doing inside Minho's room?" Woojin asked confused.

"I'm not sure too. If he is inside Minho's room then where is Minho"

And as if on cue, Minho spoke through the same room.

"They are together?What are they doing inside together"

"Let's go inside" Woojin said and was about to turn the door knob when he was stopped by Chan's hand holding his wrist.

"Chan?  What happened?"

"Wait.. they are talking about some disease or something"

"Chan..we shouldn't be eavesdropping"

"I know Wooj but this seem to be the only option. Hyunjin might not tell us the truth"

"Then why is he telling that to Minho. They aren't close too. They are not even friends. They don't even talk" (Btw they are whispering to each other)

"I know too Wooj but it appears to be so important"

"Okay as you say--"

Woojin stopped after what he heard from the inside room. He couldn't believe it. Of course no one would want to. He looked at Chan but was met with a blank Chan. They made eye contact which seem to last so long when it was just some mere seconds. They couldn't hear Minho's or Hyunjin's voice too.

"Wooj?You heard that or was it just me imagining it. Please tell me I was imagining it"

"Chan.. I heard it too"
"We gotta do something Channie" Woojin said with worry laced in his voice. He was scared. He didn't want to believe anything but it was the truth.

"I'm scared Chan"

Chan pulled Woojin and hugged him tightly.

"Don't be. I'm there. We'll do anything to save him"

Chan was determined to do anything but deep down he knows they might not be able to save him.

"We can do it right?"

"I don't know Wooj I don't know"

Chan couldn't lie to his boyfriend. He was really not sure. He doesn't know anything.

It all depends on what theirs or his future holds.


I'm back. I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating for more than 3 weeks ig? My college life started yesterday and it's fun actually.
And I'm sincerely sorry for not updating. And thank you so much guys for reading this story. It means a lot. I love you guys😘💕❤❤❤

Btw I don't know which ships should I do. I might change the ships anytime. So the ships you read now MIGHT NOT sail at all. Or they actually MIGHT. Have faith in me or you can tell me which ships you want😊

#RenOut. Bye-bye💕

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