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                   «Fast forward to six months later»

Third Person's POV :

"Hyung...", Seungmin sighed so softly , it was almost unnoticeable if one was far away from him but Minho knew no personal space.  He never did when it came to his best friend Seungmin.

Seungmin continued without waiting for the other person's respond, "...was everything suppose to be this way?"

Minho took a deep breath and sat up straight, trying to relax and calm himself before answering the younger.

He looked sadly at Seungmin. Minho had no single idea of what was going through the other person's mind. He was not a mind reader. And was never good at it, even when it comes to his best friend.

Minho squinted his eyes looking at Seungmin, trying his best to decipher what the hell is happening inside Seungmin's brain. He really wanted to know before answering the younger. He really did not want to hurt the other anymore than he already was.

"Seungminnie...", He called out the younger with the softest, kindest voice he could. Well, the other did not even glance at him. He sighed. He was not sure of how do handle the situation at all.

Minho was no Bang Chan or Kim Woojin. He was Lee Minho. He was not someone who calms a crying person or a sad one or gives advices. He was more like, just sitting next to the person and trying to be with them physically. Emotionally and mentally, he was a sore loser (me lol).

But right now, he had no one. Seungmin had no one. They only had each other. Their friends were all busy doing something or the other. Whatever it is, they were busy and they left him with the emotionally wrecked Seungmin. Wow. Just wow.

How was he suppose to handle his best friend? Don't know. He had never seen his best friend crying so badly, emotionally, physically and mentally dead, so yeah, he had no idea how to be with him but of course, being his best friend and hyung, he'll try his level best to calm the storm.

"You know...", He continued, "... everything in this world happens fir a reason. And we'll never know what the reason is. Not everyone believe in that saying. But then, when we look around ourselves, it's clear everything's for a reason. Happy? There's a reason behind it. Sad? Angry? Crying? There's nothing we can do about it. It's just nature. It's just us. Us, humans. We were born to be here only for a while. Everyday thousands and thousands of people die all around the world but then again thousands and thousands or more is born. We all are replaceable and we are merely mortals, sent here for decoration. We just have to live our life in the most beautiful way. Oh God I'm ranting"

Minho chuckled. He does not know where all those words came from but he was relaxed he atleast said something. Now he awaits for his best friend questioning every single alphabet he just utter out.

Seungmin just sat quietly still. Minho is now unsure of whether he heard him ranting or not. He tried poking on Seungmin's ribs and necks but was unsuccessful. Seungmin was a very ticklish person so him not responding to Minho's pokes was clear enough for Minho to realize that the younger was not taking the situation at they all thought will.

"Minnie, everybody come and go, nothing is permanent in this world. Especially not a person. You should understand that everything and everyone has an expiry date. It's just that, we as humans are not aware of our expiry date for us to be prepared. It's always sudden. Nothing can prepare us for the death of someone we love truly and genuinely but then, not letting them go and not setting them free from this mortal world is not something right too. We can only pray for their souls to be rest in peace."

Minho was really trying his best, talking all rubbish. He did not know what he was saying either. He was letting out everything what came to his mind. And he was very proud of it ( me too).

"Seungminnie, say something. It's awkward just talking to myself because I'm sure you are still capable of saying something sarcastic and sassy and that you are very much not a mute."

Minho was cursing all his friends on his mind. He was sure they were enjoying. No, he was not salty because they left him with Seungmin alone but because they all knew how bad he was with words. He had said "I'm not good with words" several times but they all just gave him the reason of, "You are his best friend".

"Bullshit! Just because I'm his best friend doesn't mean I suddenly become an eloquent speaker". Minho thought, staring at the white wall which stared back.

Minho was with Seungmin at the younger's bedroom on his bed. Both of them were resting their backs at the headrest. The atmosphere was not awkward but it wasn't the best either.

"Let go, Minnie. It's been 3 months".


I changed my cover too. I made it myself 🙈

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#RenOut. Bye-bye 💕

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