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5 years later

Seungmin's POV:

5 years. It was 5 years back. I lost my person. I lost the person I love the most. The one who made me smile. The one who made me feel alive. The one I fell in love without any warning or care. I lost my favorite person. I lost him.

He's never coming back. I know that. It was hard to digest that he's no more but I've come to accept it little by little. It's already 5 years and I'm still so in love with the way he made me felt and smile and made me feel cherished and loved.

I've waited. I did. So much. Hoping that it was just my dream, a nightmare, a very bad one. I didn't mind having a nightmare even if it scares me if only it means he came back. I was desperate for his presence next to me, to kiss him, hug him, touch him, just anything but he never came back. I waited for my nightmare, my bad dream to end and wake up to him, smiling at me but it just never happened.

I've realised that I'll never be able to love someone. I'm still young but no one has me questioning my feelings for him. I know deep in my heart and I say it openly too, that, no one can compare to him. It's just not happening. When he left, he took my heart with him. And I willingly gave him. I'll always be his.

I still am friends with the group I hang out with when he was with me. All of us are busy with their own works but still try to keep up with each other. We still going as strong as five years back or even stronger.

Chan and Woojin got engaged but they broke it off after a year because they realised they were not fit for each other. After they went back to their respective lives, Chan went to Australia to work for his dad's company, which he now owns and Woojin, he just disappeared and after some months we got the news that he died from a car accident. It was so sudden, we were all doing great in our lives but his deceased brought back many memories. Chan came back to Korea to be with us and meet his ex one last time. He stayed for a month and went back to Australia again. He'll be back again for Christmas(ik it's only October but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). He's still single. Not really interested like I am i guess

Changbin and Felix got engaged last month. Literally the cutest couple. They deserve all the happiness they have right now. Felix's happiness is through roof this month. Always bubbly and cheerful. He waited 5 years for Changbin's proposal so he's glowing. They'll get married soon. Next year may be. They haven't decided. I'm waiting for that day. They'll be the first couple to get married from our group uwu. Both of them stays in Korea, live a few blocks away from me. I meet them once everyday. I'm tired of seeing them now. Just kidding.  They both are successful in their own careers. They live together btw.

Jeongin is happy. He always has been. Him and Yedam is still in their honeymoon phase. Yedam never went back with his older brother, Chan. He stayed back to be with Innie. It was cute. Being the caretaker of my baby brother. They care and love each other so much, I sometimes envy them *sigh* They have such a pure bond, it's so innocent and magical. They don't live together, no, definitely not. Mom won't allow it anyway. Yedam lives in an apartment near Changbin and Felix's. They are neighbors, so to say. Jeongin is always there. Sometimes I don't see him at all. I hope he didn't forget me. They'll graduate soon. And then I don't know their plans haha.

Minho and Jisung. Who would've thought. Who would've thought they'll date. They've been together for a year now. It was cute when they got together. I was so happy for both of them. They deserved being loved and they got it. I still remember how Minho confessed to me. I got the shock of my life. I was rendered speechless. It was a day out with the group and when he blurted out he liked me, I nearly smacked the hell outta him for saying it infront of Jisung but then he grinned and said "liked. Past tense, bestfriend". All of us were confused and suddenly he just went to Jisung and confessed to him. I was happy. Truly. That day is one of my fav. My bestfriend got his happy ending. Jisung was a crying mess tho. He waited for 4 years and some months. Wow. Brave soul huh. They moved in together last month right after Changlix's engagement.

I love all my friends. They got the happy ending they all wished for, with the person they love so much. I'll always be happy for them. I get jealous too but that's alright. It's acceptable. I miss my person. I always wish he was here and I know he is. He is always watching over me. Oh btw I got a ring. He left it before he left me. It was a couple ring. We exchanged it before it was his time. I always wear it, makes me feel I'm not single and that I'm married. I know it's a ridiculous thought but I feel happy thinking we are each other's husbands, not officially but whatever.

He was the reason why I smiled after so many years and he still is the reason I smile now. I still remember his loving gazes and smile towards me and it always gives me the strength to be strong and be what he always wanted me to be, to be always happy and cheerful. I've promised him I'll always be that, and I've kept my promise. Of course I did break it for a year or two but I'm back to keeping my promise to him. I know he'll be proud of me. 

I'm happy in my life now. And I know in my heart I will always be. I have my friends, my family and him, looking out for me.

"Thank you for bringing back my smile. Thank you for always being there for me."

Tears flowing down both my cheeks. It's alright. I'm allowed to.

"I miss you. Alot. Please come back. I'll always wait and you know that"

I smiled at his grave, wiping away my tears.

"I love you Hwang Hyunjin. I always will"

I looked at his grave and exhaled and turned around to go back to my house. Not home.

Hwang Hyunjin was, is and will always be my home. My only.

I'll be back soon, love.


I know the ending sucks and I rushed it alot.

I actually thought of Seungmin ending up with Minho but then I realised how Seungmin can never move on from Hyunjin so I didn't want them to end up together. And I just made it Minsung. Gave another love shot for Minho.

I'm sorry if I've disappointed y'all with my story or the ending and my irregular updates. I thought of never updating again because of whatever happened with W but then I wanted my first book to be "completed".

Thank you so so so much to everyone who read my book. This was my first and seeing it with 4k+ reads is just mind blowing for me. Thank you for being patient with me and understanding me.

I love you all. Idk whether I'll ever write another book or not so till then, bye bye.

Thank you once again ♥️✨

#RenOut. Bye-bye 💕

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