#1- This is ridiculous!!!

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"Grandpa please! At least you tell to daddy! I have just completed my high school! Shouldn't I complete a degree at least?? Please!!" I was pleading with every way I can. It's nothing like me. Still they don't care. All my pleadings end in the best pair of dumbest ears.

Well female population of this house aren't so useful in these mess. They are best in gossiping, cooking and all x rated stuffs. Never they think of themselves and voice their pleas. They are frightened of my father but they tell it to be respect! They won't stand against something even when they think it's wrong. When my grandpa's health failed being the experienced one my dad stepped into his shoes. Silence answered me, my hope vanished.

Actually my prob is they want me to marry a guy. I have no idea who he is in person. He s a public figure- leading business man. He has a great passion for things with great speed. Stop don't picture a guy around 30's with streak of grey hair on his appearance. He is 24, young, successful in everything. he is also know for his charms to make ladies fall- A player! He is arrogant for sure. Because guys like him come with a package in which these characters are undeniably present. And best part is I don't even remember his name.

Now let me tell about me. I am 18 years old- virgin for sure. I am the best student of my school. Popular, ever smiling, school queen, innocent but naughty those describe me. I am big girl but this is not the age to marry in my book. I can't runaway because I am not in love with anyone at the moment. And I am not interested in running away too. I can't see any reason to marry that jerk because we are financially more stable so his money is not needed. He doesn't have any character so it's not like we want him in our family. The funniest reason my dad gave me is he will help me get into a college like pay for my college. But we can afford best dress for every function every week!! They won't pay for my education. Great you know like I dreamt myself as doctor, teacher, nurse, actress, model, writer, artist but I get be the wife of womaniser!

I am standing before my dad trying to make him see my point. My dad said sternly,"He will give you that higher studies you wanted so badly. If not for yourself do it for your family. The future of our family is in your hands."

Fuck! This is ridiculous how can he use my weakness like this. I love my family I will do anything for them!I know my dad and uncles are having some secrets hidden but it's okay. WHEN U LOVE SOMEONE U SHOULD SACRIFICE CERTAIN THINGS FOR THEM. So for the love of my family I am going to sacrifice myself and my life.

I asked calmly to my dad,"Marriage Date?"

My father let out a breath of relief as if he was holding it till now. To my own surprise and anger he said, "day after tomorrow".

I was in the edge of breaking down but without a hint of it I asked coldly, "so you were planing it behind my back for how many days??"

My dad said as if it was nothing, "yes since that day he came home."

At that moment I felt betrayed, hurt, outcasted, dirty, unworthy. I asked timidly," can I invite people?" My father said curtly,"no". And he move to the next side of the room just like that. My grandpa saw me with sympathy and I saw his helplessness hurting him.

At that moment I shouted,"I think it's my marriage too not just his!" I turned to leave but then I faced my dad who was on the other corner of the room and said,"And thanks for proving me fairy tale love stories doesn't exists in real life!". Then I ran out of the room as fast as I could.


Hey guys,

I am new to wattpad. This is my first story here. Sorry for grammatical mistakes. Please do vote and comment.

~ Gloise☺️

Married at 18!!Where stories live. Discover now