#12- Tea with him- Bad idea

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That is how I ended up in his study now. Two cups of green tea was placed on the table. I am all ready to face storms after a bath and refreshment.

Kevin cleared his throat, I saw his eyes crystal clear a dark green. Out of no-where I said," Are you wearing lens??" The corners of His lips turn up in an amused smile and tells," Yes" I mentally slap myself for talking idiotic things.

I closed my eyes and made my stupid brain concentrate on the discussion. I open my eyes, put on my best polished smile and went into my clinical detached business mode. I can see Kevin taking in everything like I am a suspect.

I asked," Yes, Mr.Kevin you told we have to discuss things. Can I know them?" He was like grinning at me. I try to ignore his damn handsome face then his model worth body.

He asked," Did you ever think why we both got married??" Now this got my whole attention. I said," Yes I think about it every moment." He said," I will give you the reasons, what will you give me in return??"

He was looking at me like I was some endangered species!! I asked," What do you want??" He said," How about you give up your college right??" I fastly said," No!!!" He was thoughtfully for a moment. He asked me," Why do u want to go to college??"

I really don't know how he is a successful business man considering the fact he doesn't know the answer for simplest questions!! I said," To get a degree and extra knowledge!! If not then There will be no respect for me when I tell people I just studied till 12 grade and got married to a dough bag who has brain the size of peanut and he doesn't know to answer simplest questions!!!"

He said clinically," I thought you will be like your sisters. Easy going with everyone for everything." I didn't understand what he was trying to tell, but he is putting me in dark light.

I said," Mr. Richard everyone has their own identity!!! That changes from each individual, and a family is a group of people who care for each other but doesn't stand to portrait what the people are in it!! I feel strongly insulted by comparing me with my sisters!! How will you feel if I do the same to you??"

He was staring at me like I was awesome, but the very next moment, he said in a cold tone," You and I are not the same." Anger flowed through me in large waves. I smiled to him with a evil glint in my eyes and said," Yes Mr. Richard you are absolutely right."

He looked at me like I was fake or just a piece if imagination. I added sourly," I wasn't the one who make a girl climb my bedroom which I was supposed to share with my wife on my wedding night. I wasn't the one who is totally ass to an innocent girl. I am not the one who has mistress all around and secret lovers. I am not a jerk, not a prick, not a ass, not a spoilt brat." I stopped a minute to take a deep breath and said," I am definite not a womaniser!"

He smiled coldly at me and said,"That's how bachelors like me are supposed to be. And don't you think you have your own list of defaults?? I am not certainly listing out like you did coz I am not immature like you, Sahana! And I don't lie and won't hide when I want something! We are here to discuss you not me! Act like a grown up."

Angered with his words I drank the whole cup of tea in one breath. I felt dizzy and my head was spinning!!! After drinking it I felt renewed, strong, bold!!!

I said to Kevin just like that," Fuck with your theory of grown ups who wants to be grown up at 18?? Definitely go to a nice college!! Be the best girl ever anyone met.. Pull the bitchy queen bee from her throne. Make friends with the playboy, change the killer, be light in someone else's life. Make the girls jealous and boys mad!!!! Then I want to meet the special one for me then start liking that special someone then date him, romantic dinners, confess our love then fight with family to get married! Have 5 children I like number 5. I wish I will have a twins!!! What do you think??" I stared at him and said,"Hey worry!! I should definitely tell you that you have awesome looks and a nice person of you want to be one, if I didn't love Vishz I would have fell in love with u... You can be Prince Charming if you want to be one."

He was seeing me with an amused smile and said," Is the list over???" I shook my head in denial and said," No, I will have to have my first kisss, sometimes I dream of giving my first kiss to a stranger and then fall in love with him, then make love to the my Prince Charming guy, hope he is good. Climb mountains, go in dirty bikes with my boyfriend. Sneak out of house to steal a kiss from my boyfriend. I have a long list Mr. Richard... U will die of hearing it. Will you give me divorce???"

He cleared his throat and said," We will discuss it later. Now you are in no control of yourself and may regret any decision we make now. You should sleep."

I frowned at him and said," I am perfectly alright!" He smiled and said," I know it's me who is sick." I was really concerned about him. I asked," Kevin are you ok? Do you want me to bring you anything?"

He said," Nope. I will take a nap while you do the same, for dinner I will bring juice for you to your room." I smiled brightly at him and said," Wow you are a man who own my heart!!! You are the besttttt!!!" I said unsteadily.

I was getting into my bed when someone knocked on my door. I just shouted," Come in whoever it is. I will give your a show of my amazing pole dance if u had anything for me to eat!!! Ahhh... that guy Kevin told me he will give me something to eat I don't remember but that culprit didn't bring me anything!!! I should take revenge on him."

Kevin entered my room with my favourite tang juice and dark fantasy choco cookies.... Hmm. I whispered," You really brought me foooodddd!!! I never dreamt even in my craziest dreams that you will bring me food!!! I think I am hallucinating!!" He placed both I front of me and said," No I am not dream I am true,now eat!"

I didn't have energy to talk so I started eating my cookies with a sip of juice here and there. I moaned for every bit!!! It's heavenly food created in earth!!! They are amazing!! I didn't notice Kevin seated in my bed and watching me like a world's wonder!

I frowned at him and said," Just becoz you brought me food you don't have the right to see me eat and sit in my bed." I tried to speak but I felt really tired and held in a yawn and tried to steady myself. But my head and body was going in opposite directions... I was seeing every thing as 4!!!

I think I am 100% hallucinating becoz Suddenly I heard someone groan,"Shit!!" Wow!!! his voice was cool pulling reactions in my body!!!

Before I could open my eyes I was pulled into a hard male body. His touch was like tingling through out my body. He seated me in his lap then I felt the tip of his tongue traced the outline of my lip. And his tongue traced the taste of food I ate. It brought amazing feeling to me.

Just then my good baby conscious remained me," Idiot it's Kevinnn!!! crap!!! shit!!!!" But my brain was veryyy slower than recieving signals in a remote village!! I tried pulling away.. It was awesome like a kiss but it is not a kiss!!! It was too much to handle for a good girl like me!! The feelings their is something awaking in me like it wants something moreeee!!!!!

He just held me in place and said," You said, you will pole dance for me if I brought you food!!" I stared at him and said," It was just for fun, I didn't think u will hold on to that promise!!" He said," I am a business man hon. It's my nature!! I take your words to heart!! Come on.... Just one dance!! I will not let you sleep until you dance for me."

He said wickedly licking his lips.

I tried to sleep bit he started tickling me. I was drowsy that I didn't understand what I am doing... But I just atlast remember Kevin kissing my cheeks and said, "good night baby."

I don't know how drinking green tea will make you soooo drowsy and bold!!! But it's awesome and u should drink more of this tea!! This is yummy and bring best feelings in me!!!


Hey readers,

How was this part?? Kevin is suddenly nice to her... what do you think?? Is he acting or does he have some inner meaning or a cause??? What do you think if Kevin??? Is he a nice guy??

Like Kevin?? Or Vishz??? Just wait for moreee funnn!!! Until then share, follow, comment and vote....


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