#14- Breaking hearts

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"Where were u yesterday night???Why did u do that???" He was seeing me with a pained expression!!! The same question I am asking myself from the time I woke up!! I was trying to figure out an answer that won't hurt him or break him. I can't lie coz I hadn't done it before!!! I honestly don't know!!

Suddenly all the machines around him goes crazy... Like every stupid machine was making a own sound of it's own. It's will easily make a normal person go mad. And I already having a messed up head!!

So like normally prescribed- I don't scream or shout!! I am standing like a statue without moving an inch for help. But still Vishz was seeing me pained and longing for an answer I couldn't provide him with.

Doctors and nurses blast open the door and come attacking Vishz. Tears of helplessness and frustration engulf me. I was thrown out of the room as doctors were working with Vishz.

I can't assume things but I am pretty sure yesterday something too bad happened. As I went out I was attacked by Dane and Rahiv. They were all questioning me many thing. I didn't understand a word. I just walked pass them to the object of my hatred. Ya it's Kevin Richards.

I said smoothly," I want to talk to you." He was not so surprised but others really did. Lee who was very close to us gasped and his eyes widen. Dane and Rahiv who stood on the other side held in their breath like a poisonous gas is let in atmosphere.

He just nodded at me. And took me to the nearby city park. Elders were walking about. Kids were playing around. As usual teens were loitering with all their concern and concentration on their phones. I smiled at the picture.

There was one guy and girl who pulled my attention. The guy was carrying the girl in bridal style dipping wet and was looking at her with love and longing.

This remains me of something very similar. I was 14. My grandma got some heart problem. The doctors told it was serious and wanted to operate immediately.

I was thinking it was hopeless for granny!!! I couldn't stop crying for I was terrified. Yes granny was admitted in this same hospital.

Vishz took me near the pond and I am a bit clumsy. We were walking silently. Suddenly two kids ran into me. To save them from getting hurt I moved near the pond pulling Vishz with me.

We both lost our footing and rolled into the pond. I was shouting out in fear. When I felt Vishz's arm around me I didn't even open my mouth. That was magical when our eyes meant it was a beautiful memory. That time Vishz carried me out in bridal style. I thought he was seeing me with concern but only now I understand he was looking at me with longing and love! I was shivering badly from the coldness. So he keep me warm by hugging me. It was one of those dream come true moments for me. And I am sure it will remain in past never to repeat in future.

I was dreamily smiling. Suddenly a hoarse voice asked,"Aradana are u alright?" I was beyond shocked. It was Kevin who called me that!! I saw him nervously and asked," Aradana who?

Just like realising his mistake Kevin said," Uh! Sorry..." Aradana - One of my dirty little secret... I like to keep it in the dark part of my brain.

Kevin asked me,"So are you alright?" I didn't want to be hostile towards him but I couldn't help it. I shouted at him," No I am not alright!!! The moment I married you I know I couldn't use the word alright ever again in my life until we divorce!! You know what??? I am crazily in love with the guy who lays inside there in ICU fighting for his life becoz of me and just for me!! Do u mind explaining me how the hell did I end up drunken!! what are the fucking things we did??"

He shouted just a single word,"Aradana!!!" My whole world went in panic mode. I stared at him with uncertainty. My breathing from calm and collected manner became hard, fast and in a laboured condition!!

He was seeing me like a specimen under microscope!!! I took deep breaths and collected my breath. I asked in a small voice,"Aradana who?" He laughed at me and said,"Sorry you look like her. She is my first and last lover, girlfriend, sweetheart."

I couldn't believe it!!! I won't believe it at all!! I asked him in soft voice that I barely considered mine," So are u still in love with her?" He nodded and said," Yes" I asked him," So why did you marry me??" He said," My mom!" I understood it, so our all bad ass Kevin is still tied to mom's Saree!

"So did u find her?", I asked nervously. He nodded. I was terrified!! He added after a small pause," She is living here but I couldn't still track her house."

I don't know what I should do. I wanted to smile and cry. I want to jump out in joy and also go hide in some deserted island. I asked," Will you tell me about your Aradana?"

He smiled at me, a real smile! I was off my feet and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. He stated," Aradana is more like you but she can never get angry, no offence! Whatever problem you throw at her. She will smile and face it bravely. She is walking Lolita that every guy wanted a piece of her."

I looked up to see his face. He had a dreamy smile in his face and a distant look. He continued," But I missed her. She was in my arms I let her lose. When I get her back I won't her go away."

I asked praying to every god that he is not speaking about that someone." Kevin, what is her age now?" He said,"18

I smiled at him and said," You seem to be a nice person not the asshole I thought you to be,... uh... but why did you marry me when you know that I am in love with Vishz?" He said," I will tell a truth? You shouldn't tell to anyone. please?"

I nodded. "One of the reasons I married you is because you are in love with someone. So you won't fall in love with me. I can't afford to share my love and heart with some one else than Aradana. Sorry, I had to make sure that you won't ever like me so that only I was a total jack ass to you. One more reason is my mom was making my life a living hell just because I didn't marry. I am really sorry I had to put u in this mess but when I find Aradana I will give you divorce."

I nodded at him and thought in my mind,"If you come to know who Aradana is you won't tell this Kevin. Good. But anyway you give my no choice. I wish I had a way out if this!! But how??"

I smiled at him and said," Awww!! Kevin, if you talk like this any girl can't help to fall in love with you!! I won't promise you anything." He smiled at me and said," I like it when you talk to me like a friend than a enemy who has a life long enemity with you. Just keep it this way between us."

I stood up and said," Thanks for believing me and sharing with me. We should go back in there. And I did like to go to college think about it Kevin. Please! I will pay you back if you want!"

He said," We will talk about your rules. And yes Sahana you are going to college." One minute I forgot everything, world was a better to live in. My life felt alright and in place!!

We went back smoking at each other. I paused and asked,"What did we do yesterday? How did I end up drunken?" He smiled guilty. "Uhh... actually it was my cup. Before I could react u drank it." I asked suspiciously," Why were you drinking Mr. Richard?"

He smiled sheepishly,"Uhh... I was thinking about you! How to handle you? you are hard to figure out." I smiled at him.

When we entered the hospital veranda, I could see all my (mine and his)brothers eyes bulge out. We were smiling.

I pulled Dane my brother out and said him," Dane, he is searching for Aradana!!"


Hello awesome readers,

Friends uh??? Come on people there is something more there!

Ya, there will be more small small twist here and there. Wait for more!!! Terribly Sorry for late update! Yes people we will have testerone fights coming up!!

No certain things are better left unsaid for now!! So I won't explain anything that happened that night or about Aradana for now. Wait people. Patience please!! Please keep reading!!

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend-Katy George. She is one of the best supporters I have!!! Thanks Katy! U mean soo much to me!!

Thanks for reading! Love you all!!! You all are the best!!!Please follow comment and vote!!!


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