#27- Marriage mystery

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Why the hell people can't let me sleep in peace!!!! I rolled over and again someone is just trying to wake me up with the nagging my toes!!! The person is good as dead now!! I tried kicking the person but he caught. Only one person could do it. DANE!!!! I opened my eyes fastly and saw a very happy Dane. I attacked Dane with all sissy hugs. I missed him too much.

Dane pulled my with one arm and took me out my room. I saw Rahiv and Vishz!!!!! My god years apart has done lots of good to all guys mainly Vishz... He is all good. I gave a light hug to Rahiv and ran into Vishz's arm. I smiled all 1000 watts smile at him and said," Wow!! I miss you sooo much V!!"

Vishz smiled back at me and kissed my forehead then my nose telling," I miss you too Babydoll." A throat clearing nope make it two, two throat clearing sound brought us out of the daze. I turned to see from right from bed fallen male angel Kevin and hot model Gabe standing with glares pasted on their face. I smiled at them and asked," What made my princesses glare??"

Gabe asked in a pissed off tone," Who are these???" I realised I didn't introduce these people. I am not going to let these princess bring my mood even a bit down... I smiled and said," This is my brother Dane, my cousin Rahiv, my cousin and my partner in crime Vishz..." I grinned at Vishz and he smiled back at me.

"Well all this is my best friend Gabe who happened to be Kevin's brother but we didn't know all this mess." I finished. My brother saw around started glaring at other guys. Well shit gets better. I narrowed my eyes at everyone and said," What got all your thongs in a twist??? Spill!"

Dane said," I want these assholes here to stop eating you up with their eyes." I didn't understand anything and then I down... Shit!!! I was wearing my vest and my shorts. I hid behind Vishz and said," Stop looking!!!" All signed, so I said," Well Vishz now move towards my bedroom door." He smirked. I glared at him and said," V, I am married woman for heavens's sake!!!"

Vishz and Gabe together signed leaving Kevin to smile like he is the winner. Irritating!! I said in a angry voice," You all know what you are stupid!! My brothers are here and you all!!! You saw me till now few seconds not going to kill me." With that I walked up to my room and was about to close my door when I heard my brother say," You are not off the hook miss... You have lots of explanation to do Miss. Sahana Laksh!!!" I heard Kevin growl at him and say," It's Mrs. Sahana Kevin!" I rolled my eyes and said," Ya, whatever.."

I took lots of time in bathroom to make the explanation meeting late. But it was just 10 minutes!!! I wore my brothers favourite dress- a blue gown plain.... It was perfect for me now like I am grown yaar!!!

Nervously I was playing with the ribbon, I placed in hair. I smiled nervously and walked to the dinning room. As I entered every head turned in my direction which made me gulp. I said a small hi and sat in between Tave and Dave who were grinning at me. I smiled tightly. My brother entered the dinning room and stopped one minute and smiled. Then he stopped and put on a serious face.

He said in a very business voice," No sisso, not going to get off the hook!!!" I gave him my puppy eyes with tears. He sighed and said," Baby girl no! That wasn't the first time!! You promised you won't do it!!! You did it!! U don't understand what we all have to go through!! This is just an adventure for you!! Well you are my only blood I have I can't loose you again!" With that he stormed off...

I held my tears back in and stood up. I won't show weakness before others. I walked out to the garden. I am happy we moved to this house not still with Gabe's aunty and all there. I didn't want to cry but I can't. I climbed to my room through the climbers and entered it. I changed my clothes to running pants and vest.

I came down through the climber and started running away from the house. I just kept running, I saw students going to school. Sweat was running through me... I sat down and watched students enter some school..

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