#34- No more damsel in distress

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The dilated blue eyes belongs to Gabe without any mistake!!! Shit!!! I looked like I saw a ghost moon walking on my bed..... I turned to see Mr. Blake and Arina who came out stand still. At first Mr. Blake looked like he had been crushed. Then he hid it very fast that I got confused as if I am dreaming.

I really feel like a slut at the moment. Just at the moment Kevin wished to grace us with his presence. I looked like hell no false hopes I felt bad for Kevin. I really don't know why this sudden change of plan took place.

I saw Kevin with an apologetic look. I felt very bad though he slept with Arina. I know something is wrong but there is no doubt that he slept with her.

Mr. Blake gave an evil smile and said," Sharp on time son" he gave Kevin a look. " well Kevin ask your dear wife what she was doing when I walked on her." At first I felt bad then it was right thing so I decided to play along. So I shrugged and said," I was kissing Gabe ." Kevin looked like thousand needles where thrown into him. I felt bad but no I won't let it get to me. Kevin asked me just a word," Why?" I lied through my teeth saying,"I love him. What do you expect Kevin? Four years with a guy at your beck and call. What else would I want??? He is perfect!!"

He strode across the hall and reached me in 6 steps!!! He pulled me into his arms and said," Didn't you feel it!!! The something between us!!!" I felt like my legs will give out from underneath me. I pulled away and caught on to Gabe's arm. Kevin looked like he wanted to kill Gabe at the moment. He just told Gabe," Don't just lead on her into nothing. If you want casual find someone else. She is special for me." I felt tears spring up in my eyes.

Mr. Blake said," Kevin should I tell Aradana's mom prepare for your wedding??" He shook his hear and still held my eyes in his sight and said," All girls have a story behind every cheating they do. I know she isn't Aradana." I saw Mr. Blakes and arina's eyes widen. Well my husband is bright. If we have a kid then it surely will be. suddenly I protectively held my stomach and patted it. I shook my head and saw back to find Kevin.

Kevin was still looking into my eyes like he is trying to reach to my soul. he said," Well I know she is Arina and she is some drug lords daughter. She was working with our detective. When I told him to find Aradana and Sahana's residence. He found it and let his assistant Arina to deliver it to me. He called me to say," You are damn lucky." That's all he said. Then his phone was unreachable... When I opened the photos and address I first went for Aradana and saw the assistants and Aradana's pic are the same girl. I thought what he said and thought he said I was lucky that I found the girl becoz that's the same girl as his assistant. I immediately didn't want to loose her again so I used all my persuasion to make her love me. I forgot abt ur address. When I told my street gang to find you. But you weren't found. I was busy. But then I wouldn't think it as a perfect picture. I missed you. She was nothing like Aradana was. I felt like I was hung in past and present us pulling me!! I really maintained my distance from you when we were married because you were damn too interesting and tempting!! I felt like a Paedophile. You were barely 18!! Then I was frustrated and angry I lashed it out on you. You left with barely 50,000 which won't suffice one night in star hotel. I felt bad!!! I was craving for you Sahana!!! That mint smell which feels like embedded in you skin right from your birth. The natural curls, the pranks, the back answering!!! Every fucking thing about you. I could always see that undecided desire in your eyes!!! Then four fucking years after the same detective came for some work and stopped by. When he saw his assistant in my house, he asked me which brother is dating her. I was confused and said him that she was Aradana whom he found out. He was shocked and said that my wife Sahana was Aradana!!! There is something going on!!!"

I felt bad and I hugged Kevin back. Fuck with my work, I love him and I want him!!! He was manipulated just like I was!! I felt my soul tear tear apart when he said those things. I could see the fury, betrayal, every single emotion in him.

I heard an applause and moved away from him to see Mr. Blake start talking," Yes Kevin you are right! Arina that's the girl. First I made her come into your life becoz she is perfect wife for you. Second I changed Aradana's id." Kevin stared at Mr. Blake like he is telling him there is a eighth continent and he is owning it....

Kevin asked in a betrayed voice," Why dad??? Why??" Mr. Blake glared at me and continued," It's their family legacy Kevin. Her mother was my first love." There was a soft look in Mr. Blake's face... He continued saying," When her dad came along the just like that stumbled into bed and declared their love for each other. They expected me to accept their so called love! And greatest thing is her so called brother Dane is my son! He robbed me of my chance to be a daddy to my eldest son." Cameron shooted a sharp question," How's Kevin older than Dane?"

Mr. Blake looked ashamed and said," A product of one stand. He is born of me. A mistake." I felt like my whole existence chance again. I stared at Kevin who looked like any minute he may break down. Mr. Blake continued again," So I just married Rachael who was waiting all the time in sideline. Just look at the little slut there... She is in the arms of one of my sons while she us still holding on to my other son." I saw both Kevin and Gabe flinch visibly. I smiled brave and said," Well I am not a man whore who is ready to stick goods into any woman. Well my dad and mom would have done a mistake but they didn't hide it. She made you that company's partner. Ptfff.... whatever Uncle. So that's the reason for you to kill my parents??"

He shrugged and said," Ya I initially planned to kill you to it was just my darling felt bad and you was witty enough not to eat it.." I know he meant Mrs. Blake, Gabe's biological mother.

I stared at him and said," Mr. Blake but you did worst things than kill me." He laughed at me and said," You are one sneaky little slut right?? I know matte helped you but I just don't have enough proof. I wished you would have given a lot of Things that makes me come to get u again and again." He turned towards Kevin and said," You are good as dead than live her son." I pulled my pistol from underneath my jeans. Gabe already had his pistol pointed at his head from behind him. Mr. Blake laughed at us and pointed to the jammer in his pocket. I grinned evilly and said," I don't think recorder can be stopped with jammers. Neither can be videos." Mr. Blake Gave me a look if disbelief and said," No way, dear uncle I learn from you. Leave no possibility. I saw Arina tried to walk away.

But my partners Tave and Dave were more fast. They had already tried her legs together and Tave said," Next time you see a 9 years old guy don't tell him he looks cute like a baby with with that annoying high pitch voice." I snickered and but turned to my professional face and said," Mr. Richard sorry for the intrusion, we were really trying hard to catch him this is like a one in thousand victory. Sorry. I pulled Blake with me and held him hostage.

I don't know what happened. But mr.Blake looked shocked. Like he is trying to combine these... I smiled to myself thinking well well I got some explanation to do which can wait! Let's make a point clear here! I am no damsel in distress!!!!

Hello ppl,
Sorry for the long absence. well it's just I have my board exams and everyone is going monkey on me!!! Uhh!!! No way for a personal life!!

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Love you all.

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