#26- Reunions...

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Dedicated to: gaya3prabu
Super Thanks for being an amazing supporter!!!😘😘
Well, the next morning was the best and worst morning. I woke up to a over comfy couch. With a comforter thrown on me. Wow and it was really warmer!!! I got more comfy into the bed but I was being blocked by two freaking solid walls!!! But my couch was not blocked by any walls!!!!

I opened my eyes fastly!!! I was greeted by two bare male torso on either side. I tried to get up fastly but I was blocked by two arms on either side of my waist!!! I shouted," Bloody murderrrrr!!!" Both groaned and one of their hands closed my mouth. A pair of honey coloured eyes greeted me. I stared in shock, only then I remembered, it was KEVIN fucking RICHARD!!! I bit his hand, he immediately released me.
I flew out of the bed. I glared at each of them and asked," How the hell in world did I land here in that bed with u both!!!" Gabe shrugged and turned to go back to sleep. I let out a warrior cry and attacked him. I beat him and said," You freak u are my best friend and u allowed him to stay near me!!"

I was pulled away from Gabe. I was held down by someone, I looked up to the honey coloured eyes staring hardly at me. KEVIN!! I stared at him and asked," What??" He said in a huskier voice," If u r going to physically contact someone in male species it should be me." I glared at him and said," You never was my husband, don't try to be now." He grinned at me and said," Well, everything has a first time right??" I pushed him away and ran out of the room.

Well, I carefully planned my timetable for the next few days and made sure I didn't cross either of the two alpha males who wants to..... to put this simple 'mate me'! Well else than them, everything else was perfect.

I was planning to continue both my courses through online. Well, when I contacted my professors everyone were like,"god!!! girly you are Mrs. Kevin Richard, yes ma'am we will do it." And Kevin had already contacted them!! So much dominating and controlling right??I really wanted to punch hard in his abdomen and ask," Where the **** were u for the past 4 F****** years??" Like 4 years nothing and then he bargains into my life.

Well when I logged into my account I was attacked with hundred friend requests, and more messages..... I had a peculiar text from a unknown account stating," Get away from him bitch. I will not think twice to kill u, and Mr. Blake will happily help me. U know he doesn't like his son associate someone from the street." Great now who is this him here?? Gabe or Kevin?? confusing right?? God blessed me I am not into all this stupid things like dating both the brothers, marrying one and still being mistress to other.

Well, I tried to reply to that account but they have blocked me. Uh really??? Too much for those two dumbheads. If it was upto me any girl would be better than to sell her independence to the arrogant idiots.

I turned off my computer and laid back. I was reflecting on my life and concluded- "My life is Too much drama!!" Like I want to be a normal girl again. Like be a somebody but not that almighty.

I took my phone and dialled my besty Lia's number. She answered the call after 7 rings and said," Baby though I love u, u shouldn't take me for granted and call me this early while me and my husband are in middle of something!!! You know I want out of our illegal affair. You should patch with that gorgeous hunk of husband." I heard a snort beside her. Matte pulled the phone and said," Sorry sisso, my wife is going crazy. Pregnant and hormones...." I chuckled at their cuteness and said," Sorry bro, just didn't expect my hyper friend to be in bed. Tell her to call me later after completing whatever you both are doing."

I heard Lia pull the phone, laughing and said," Baby, this guy is not worth you!!! You are my girl crush and awesome in bed with you soft body playing my life sized teddy.... mmmm..." My eyes widened hearing her moan!! Then I caught her teasing and said," Awww!!! You are harassing a kid!!!" I can literally see Lia roll her eyes and tell," Well this kid as stated here is 22 years old sexy as hell and has a body to die for."

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