#13- Bad day with bad news

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Next day morning I work up feeling worst than ever!! I had the worst head pain in my whole life!!! I was definitely not in my comfy night wears I was wearing some robe certainly not from my things it's from the wardrobe Kevin set up for me!! (Which I swore to myself that I won't wear anything from them)

I don't remember anything from yesterday happening!!! I don't even remember walking out of Kevin's study!! I have a very bad feeling that I am in trouble!!

After getting into my own myself I saw the aspirin in my night stand!! I knew keeping aspirin in someone's night stand means they are drunk!!! I drank alcohol yesterday!!! Yes I don't remember anything from yesterday... So that means I am deepest deep shit than anyone could be...

But he said only green tea right? How did ever alcohol get there?? Did that prick cheat me and told me it's a tea??? Yes!!! He cheated me!!! My god!! I will make sure he has got hell to repay...

But why did he drug me??? I don't think I lost my first kiss becoz my lips feels tooo normal but what if he kissed me?? I won't let him live to see a happy ever after.

Groaning I sat down in my bed and tried recalling everything that happened!! Nothing!!! Not one word I remember!!! I remember him asking the reasons of our marriage then?? We argued, then??? Blank!!!

I should confront him!! Yes he is the only one who knows everything apart from me. If he drugged me he should know what we did. But if we both were wasted then someone else did...

I ran out of my room like mad dog let out of belt!! I ran to his study but Lee stopped me outside itself. He stopped me and said,"Can I talk to you??" I was normally a very patient person.

But today is exception!! Becoz I couldn't remember last 12 hours of my precious life!!! And I was with the worst person I could never even imagine of!! I was nervous and Lee was not helping at all.

He was standing in front of me waiting for me to show some reaction. I tried smiling at him and said,"Sure Lee."

He was freighting with his words.. I was like Lee what the hell do you want!!! Lee nervously said," After I finish this don't break down or cry."

I grinned at him and said," ok, I will try to. But if you are going to sound tooo much like sentimental I can't help it. I am still the little girl from closed town." He took a deep breath, as my heart accelerated!!! What is making him so tensed??

Lee is care free person with no drama. If he is nervous then really bad news. I asked," All boys are alright right?? They are home na?" He nodded and said," Sahana stop talking! I am trying to tell u something!"

He suddenly said a series of words together which sounded like,"Vkyrdsmeswidtgacidant" I put my palm on his arm and tried calming him down. I asked with a serene voice,"Lee whatever you trying to tell, tell it slowly."

Lee said,"Vishz met with an accident. He is in dangerous state. They are bringing him here to India." He was staring at me like he was trying to analyse me. That moment I really wished that life was a fairy tale with a fairy godmother to set things right! My heart felt like a large stone is kept on it. I swallowed the tears that were at the brim of my euros and asked a single word,"How?" Lee said with difficulty,"He was drunken."

That was enough. I felt my pharynx were trying to crush against each other. My windpipe somehow narrowed. I felt like I I suddenly lost weight and in air but my legs never moved. My heart weighted tonnes that I wished could discard it but I can't!! I want to shout and pull my hairs out in frustration!!

I felt my vision blurr with heavy fluid stagnated at the bottom of my eyes. I didn't want to cry before Lee, I did one sensible thing- I turned away from him and started walking towards my room within next few steps I ran to my room and tears were pouring like a cyclone let loose over a low pressure area.

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