#23- They follow me- troubles!!

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Dedicated to: Cutepie75

Super Thanks for bring an amazing supporter!!!😘😘


Kevin looked funnily at me and said," Sure." I literally ran towards restroom. Before entering I smiled evilly at Lee. Lee shook his head telling no but I won't listen to anyone yaar!!!

I locked the door. I looked around the restroom. Yes there is the window!! I climbed the wall easily not becoz I am awesome or anything. I have practise.... All thanks to Marcus.. He would dare me to climb different walls and this was one of them.

Mentally thanking Marcus, I slide out of the window. It's a 5 feet fall from this window. I smiled appreciating myself. Just as I was about to leap, I heard a male voice.

He asked to someone," Do you think she will leave him and come down this way?? Which girl will leave him?? Ryder is just over protective and possessive."

Another voice said," Nay nay, Ryder always assumes correctly. And that little girl is hot headed. If she hide from him, she doesn't want to be with him. Just from what I heard she won't give up easily and loves adrenaline rush. Being possessive about her is no wrong."

I rolled my eyes hearing these guys speak. Mr. Richard you may be efficient but not equal to me!" I walked on the slab and jumped from slab to slab. Then I climbed on the branches and kept moving fastly.

As I was about to exit I fell down and broke me left leg and my right wrist. Shit! After all luck doesn't strike the same place twice. I know by this time they would have noticed my absence and caught hold of my friends. So I called one of my buddies.

That idiot is not picking up his phone!! After 3 full missed calls. I heard his grumpy sleepy voice," Whoever the hell this is you should have a perfect reason to kill my sleep!"

I chuckled at his anger and said," Yes Gabe, I have a perfect reason. My husband found me and I escaped from him on the way I got hurt. I have an awesome fracture on my left leg and my right wrist! I am near the clearing. Come pick me soon. It hurts like hell!!!"

I knew if I try moving I will get more hurt so I just laid there without moving. Well Gabe was first introduced as my doctor and now he is my best of best friend he is 23 years old just like Lee and really hot!! He has this bad boy look but total softie. I met him first when I broke my right leg after the dare Marcus gave. From then on Gabe and Myself started hanging out together more like his little sis.

I saw his Flashy sports car's light. I waved my left arm. He laughed at me like literally laughed and asked," Is this husband guy that much bad?? Like you got two fractures to just escape from him?" I nodded and said," His father made my life a living hell and now he is following his footsteps."

He wrapped my leg with something and just carried me. I smiled at him and said," You know I love you right?" He shook his head and said," You better do and be true to me."

He landed me in his backseat and went to his seat. Only now I saw he was wearing his pjs. I laughed at him and asked," You love me too much to leave me in pain right?" He laughed and said," I will do anything for you girl." I smiled and was laying down.

Suddenly Gabe asked," How did you both meet? I mean your husband guy." I thought of telling him I knew him as a childhood sweetheart but that was My Amron Ryder this is not my boy. He is Kevin Richard. I saw Gabe through back mirror and said," I lived in joint family. I was 17, all girls in my house was told to dress in their best half sarees Gabe. I am totally a rebel. So I just wore normal dress. Nothing too flashy or eye catching. My brothers totally approved of it. My mom being the leader was telling the girls to change this, change that. When she came near me she got a near heart attack." I laughed and Gabe said," Yeah can't expect you to follow rules. Continue Akshu what happened??"

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