#5- Akward moments

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Vishz asked me,"So you don't have any feelings other than a brother for me???" My world started to spin. This is not happening!!! I can't do this..... I felt like fainting.. But this is important straining every fibre in my body I struggled with my conscious and said," Yes bro." He asked me," So all those smiles, words, hugs were lies??? Are those nights u dreamt about me was lie??? All those making up for me were lie??? Covering for me, helping me???" He paused. God!!!! Liking someone and telling your feelings should never be so hard!!! You are making my sweet life a hell... I stammered saying," that's what sisters are meant for..." He gave me a look before I would understand what that look meant, he jumped and perfectly landed above me. I was shocked, I stared at him as if he was real?? God he scared me to death. He smirked at me. I was really terrified.

He was above me, with his perfect body above me. He smells heavenly u can't describe it!! And his model like body is not helping either. My god!!! Guys shouldn't be this good smelling with bodies of Greek gods!! And add the fact his body is on me crushing his weight in me... It kind of flying in air feel... (That puts a smile on you face to tell the world you are doing something and you are totally enjoying it) Shit!!! I am in deep trouble!!! I couldn't help but stare at his perfect features. His eyebrows are dense, his pupils dilated dark brown. His nose long and sharp, wanting me to bite them once. His lips, nope I am closing my eyes. I am not seeing him like that.But I am hormonal teen girl and not a old grandma!! I said," Vishz plss." He said," I am making it easy for you babe." He lowered his head and whispered," Plss tell those words I want to hear." My mind was screaming every bad word I had seen in dictionary to move away from him. But my body always likes playing dirty with him.

Vishz moved the hair on my fire head and kissed me lightly. I was shivering (good one). He said," So the reaction is just because you think me as your brother???" He said with a grin like he won a lottery. I felt dizzy just on kiss in my forehead is enough to set me on fire!! But you know memory is soo bitchy about things and ruins that dream moment for me. And the reality b*t*h surfaces on my head reminding me of the stupid marriage I have led myself into. This is not sooo good. Just think yourselves in this man... I freaking like him want to be his girl then his life partner. But I should convince him so I said," I am a teen girl Vishz and you are a guy. It is normal to react like this." But before I could complete Tears sprang to my eyes as the thought of marrying the stranger came up. How can I do this??? Lying here with Vishz is too natural, how will do this with someone else??? He is perfect. Vishz saw my tears before I could hide them. His hands were shaking as he cupped my face, he said," Sweet pie what's wrong??? I am sorry if I hurt you, but I can't stop this!!!" He was too sweet, handsome, nice guy. He should have a better life. I shouldn't be selfish. I will have to let him go. No false promises to him and I won't cheat on my husband-to-be even if he sleeps with half the girl population. I want to be pure with no wrong on me... So I decided to make Vishz hate me. He should find someone else better than me,who really deserves him. I made myself strong and said the hardest things in my life. This is the first time in my life I am intentionally going to break someone, hurt someone, and that someone is my first and last crush Vishz!!!! With renowned confidence and determination I shouted at the top of my lungs," If you don't get up from me within next few seconds I will make you regret your own existence." He rolled off me and asked," You don't have any feelings for me???" The reply I am going to give is one small word with biggest meaning you can ever find. I said coldly," Yes. Now get out of my room!!!"

He let his shoulder down in defeat and made his way out of my room. I was staring at his retreating figure with mixed emotions. He didn't turn back not even once, I felt bad. I never was bitch to someone however annoying they can be. Suddenly he turned, my heart started beating fastly... My lips part in surprise and He smiled like an angel at my reaction and said," Babe I forgot to tell some thing important b'coz u kept me a bit distracted." He winked at me and said," I love you. And I will find a way to have you with me babe." With this he left me speechless... Is he playing with me??? Or is he real?? My god I am so much in mess. I thought to let go off him but see I am thinking of what his intention are!!! God you are tooo tricky and not at all helping me!!!!!


Hey ppl!!!

Sooo sorry just was busy with school works and family so didn't get time to update. And I have given best of what I came up with. Tell me what you people think... So like Vishz uh??? His attitude??? Whom do you think she will go with?? Plsss comment, vote!!!! Plsss do tell me if you find something for me to improve on. I love to hear from you.


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