#32- I'm pregnant!

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Well, sure as I hell I knew I will have an hangover the following morning. Well for beginner I had my second shot at alcohol yesterday at Kevin's party. Well to be truthful, I have a strong tolerance to alcohol. With a banging headache I opened my eyes. God bless the soul who closed the blinds yesterday night.

I cuddling with the sheets which were warm... I grabbed the aspirin in my nightstand and drunk it sloppily. Grinning I fully opened my eyes. After few minutes I got a clear picture of our room. I was about to move out of the bed an arm tightened against my waist. Without a noise I turned around to see a very naked Male body beside me. I slowed crept below the sheets and looked down to see myself naked!!!

Sure as hell I didn't think I will wake up next to HIM!!! After 5 whole minutes of leaving my brain to work out, I let a ear piercing shout which would have woke up a whole kingdom from dead!!! Next minute I was pinned down by that male who was my lover as well as my husband. His hands clamped my mouth shut. I stared into his honey coloured eyes well he into mine... He moved slowly as though calculating my move and removed his hand to replace his lips. It was a passionate morning kiss.

We were broke from our trance by the door breaking knocks. I can see the boys in my mind smirking as Cameron asked," Hey guys are you ok?? Need any help. It's easy to finish a work with extra pair of hands." Kevin grunted and said," Shut the f*ck up Cameron!! About your hands coming here, I will have a chat with your girlfriend... And I want my coast clear. Don't press your ears to my door we are doing absolutely nothing." Lee chuckled and said," Didn't look like it when you both ran away from the party saying you have found better things to do. God blessed no one used the rooms next to yours yesterday." By this time I was blushing red and Kevin was eying me up strangely. Actually it wasn't too awkward. I cuddled into his bare chest chest muttering," You guys are too gross!!"

After few silent minutes, with him combing my hair with his fingers, I slowly asked him with a small smile," So we did the deed??" He nodded and seemed to be deep in thought. I asked him with bit of sadness," What are you thinking about Kevin??" I felt really bad thinking Kevin was regretting do it with me. He asked me suddenly," Do you regret it??" I smiled at him and said," shit no Mr. Shylock. I don't remember most of it but by the way the room is decorated I feel like it's truly beautiful. Anything involving u and me as us, I will never regret." Yes, there was flowers in the room. Petals thrown all around, candles, white every where. I felt like a princess.

My smile replaced with a frown and asked him," Do you regret it Kevin?" He chuckled and said," It's a dream come true for me." I was smiling at him. he said," If I had know that a passionate love making will make you feel comfortable around me then I would have made love to you long long before."

That was funny and I really felt loved and in love. In our drunken state We also had given a documentary on all the shit that we are going to do. It had been recorded in both our phones. It was absolutely crazy and I love it. It was like a vow before we slept together... We have painted a wall of our compound!!! Dedicated a tree that had our name as well as our love. It's our tree.

When we I went out I was absolutely horrified to find everyone on the dinner table. Shit!!! I sat next told to Kevin who was passing all these loving and possessive glances towards me. Everyone were teasing and finding it us funny.

Few happy months flew by. It was soo good. It was like living my dream... I and Lia tried hooking up Aiden and Railey. which was totally successful. Well Lia is due on anytime. My little life is perfectly good though many things are still a mystery without my memory.

It was Sunday lunch. We all were eating in our dinning room. Kevin was trying to get me pregnant but I was careful for most of the time. I was smiling to myself, just like that as though he had read my mind Kevin whispered," Don't think you are careful for most of the time you do slip, someday sometime I will babe. I will get my deed straight then." He winked at me. I blushed fastly and the boys chuckled at me. I dont know why but even Tave and Dave find me cute and funny!!! They don't find me responsible!!! Uhhh.. it's all my fault for running around like a 10 years old kid.

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