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"This court officially gives divorce to Ms. Sahana Laksh and Mr. Kevin Richard." I felt my existence shift. Kevin wore a blank expression. He tried that morning after the best sex in my life. No I didn't give in. He thought I will change my mind after sleeping with him.. I really can't think to become a family girl for him. From then on he wore this blank expression. I don't know but it's like a werewolf story. I felt like Leaving my unmarked mate there. Kevin barely saw me or spoke to me.

I don't know but divorcing kevin and seeing him broken made me want to change my mind but I already booked my next flight to California. (1) I have my new assignment there. (2) Its a just far away from India. (3) No need for unwanted awkward encounters. Like I am an undercover agent and the guys will have to look to me at a different light. (a) a liar, (b) arrested their father.

As we left the court I saw a beautiful blond latch herself on Kevin's arm. I really wanted to break that fake face of hers along with her fake boobs and body. I felt like I am out to get blood. I saw Kevin he didn't bother to remove her hands from his arm. Suddenly the blonde kissed Kevin squarely on his lips. I felt tears blurring my vision. I knew I am acting like a crazy stalking bitch. But I love the guy!! We practically slept with each other not 2 days before!!!

I just caught the next flight to California. I promised to have contact with the guys which I won't do anyway. Like I know they will someday tell me Kevin moved on and is having a baby with some blond he got pregnant and planning to marry her. I asked for this. I believe this after all he is cut from the same cloth as Mr.Blake.

Gabe is taking care of everything else. And hell ya Gabe is coming with me. He is like Dr. Watson to Mr. Sherlock. I trust him with my life. Landing in California was hard but it's for the greater good. Smiling at my besties who were officially working with some new fashion designing company. Yes, Abigail and Veronica are here. I smiled at them and waved.

Abi and Vero asked me together,"Where is that hunk of your husband?" I broke down then and there. I didn't bother that we were in the airport. They hugged me and when they saw the mark of my ring and not my ring. Vero exclaimed," You divorced him!!!" I nodded and cried again. I missed him. his scent, his embrace, his voice, his soothing words, the way his hands soothing me when I am curled by him.

I excused myself and we got my luggage and when to our new house. Hmmm.... I am working as Mr. Ashton Jacob's assistant who owns the designing company Abi and Vero are working. It's a cover. Like I can't alert my target right??

•••••1 month later•••••

"Girl get your ass down here!!! If we don't start now then Gabe is waiting 15 mins for us," shouted Vero. " Ya coming!!!" I shouted back. Abi rolled her eyes and slammed her door. I hate sickness. I don't know but last one month morning sickness is prominent!! Abi thinks I have caught some bug.

Anyway Gabe is coming today!!! We will start my new case!!! I am super excited therefore i will not let this bug let my spirits damn. I walked myself and walk down. Abi sees me and smirks telling," I think you were looking like shit till yesterday but today you are glowing!!" I smiled and said," Hmmm.... I think someone won't mind my little crush on Gabe." Vero blushes to the darkest red.

I threw my food in refrigerator feeling sick again. I don't feel like eating. So we ran to car and took our seats. Me the back, Vero the shotgun and Abi the drivers. Waiting for Gabe to make in appearance was a long time. I felt a little dizzy. shaking my head I tried again.

By that time Gabe came our and reached us. Smiling I gave him a hug. Gabe laughed at me and said," You look like shit." I scowled at him and said," you should never tell those things to a woman!!" He smiled at me and said,"You always look good girly." I smiled at him and kissed his checks making Vero to send a glare towards me.

I smiled and said," You know I am married...." I stopped myself from continuing. I felt like being hit with 10000 bricks. I don't know what I said next but I fainted.

I opened my eyes to see an anxious Gabe at my bed side along with My besties VA.... I sat up in my bed and said," Shit I am sorry. I didn't have my breakfast." All of them saw each other and it looked like they were having a mind conversation.

Gabe asked me," How long are you having morning sickness Sahana?" I said," For the past 2 weeks." Gabe asked me," Do you have crazy craving at odd times of day. Like wanting to eat an Icecream in the midst Of the night??" I nodded. My besties paled. Gabe asked me," When was the last time you had sex Sahana?"

I glared at him and said," Gabe stop this doctor thing. I am perfectly alright. It's just some bug." Gabe shouted at me," Just answer the damn question!" I answered," 1 month ago."

He paled now and produced some test like things and said," Now I was you to pee on this stick." I shook my head in debating with him. He glared at me and said," Fuck it and just do it!!!"

I got the tests strips from him and said,"I will kill you some other day!" I peed on the strips in the sticks bad wasted my hands. I opened the door and all trio entered. I was a mass of nerves. I shook my head and said to myself Kevin always uses protection.

All beepers went off and all three shouted!!!! I didn't know whether to take it as a good sign or bad. I went and took a peek at the pregnancy strip. Red line, red line, red line, red line, red line. 5 red lines stared at me. Tears ran down my eyes.

I heard Vero ask Gabe," Should we tell Kevin???"

" I am divorced, I made my husband move away from me and now I am pregnant with his child!!! Screw me!!!!"

[•••••THE NEW BEGINING•••••]

Hey people,
I decided to make a sequel..... Hope you will all like it. I am going to publish a chapter in the next update.

Hope you all liked it.... Comment, follow and vote. Meet you with more of Kevin and Sahana.
With loads of love,

Married at 18!!Where stories live. Discover now