#15- I attract bad things!!

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It's almost 3 months from that dreadful day!! Everyday was awesome!! Wonderful, beautiful , excellent, becozzzz I get to spend it with Vishz!!! None to tell me stop, no conscious to shout you are married!! And the reality bitch can shut it's mouth becoz I am not cheating on my husband!! Ya like he doesn't want me and he likes Aradana... Cut the last part!!! I am Sahana now, soo I am not cheating right?? Yes I am right!!!

Vishz had considerably recovered. He will be out within this week. I am starting my college the next month. It's a little insignificant college in an insignificant town. But they are in strong link with many famous college!!!

Here no one will even recognise me. I want to have a small life with real friends who want no favour from me. I was smiling to myself.

Yes Kevin, he is sweet and is really nice. I wish he remains the same forever. If he finds out Aradana it's really bad!!! I want a way out but always in every turn I am in this mess with more strength to push me deeper!!! Like I wish Aradana was someone else!!!

Dane is busy hiding tracks if any left. Kevin kept himself away as possible,I think he us busy searching for Aradana. Today we are having a meeting to discuss things. Kevin being himself - a business man, wants us both to sign a deal.

We are meeting in his office. So Liam said, I should wear a suit!!! A freaking office suit!!! So I am here wearing Railey's suit, who is a bit smaller than me. I hate buying things if they are not useful. I am certain I won't need a suit forever.

With a suit tighty hugging my body I made way to Kevin's office. It was totally awkward to see people looking me with keen interest. You know the guys checking out the new arrival and the bitches finding a new victim to put their claws on!!! Godd blessed me that I don't have to work in a shitty office like this!!

Hey!! The office is awesome and the building is best!!! I meant the people!! aI made my way to his secretary who was good looking woman around mid 30 for sure.

She saw me with a boring expression and asked," Here for Mr. Richard??" I smiled at her and said," Yes" She said," He is unavailable for the moment." I was angry and I asked," What is he doing?"

She was surprised, I think all others would but I will fight for my rights! She replied nonchalantly," Meeting" I said," Fine I will wait. I can't come again for this!"

She didn't even hear me. She had resumed her work. I sat at the chair available. I saw my phone it was 12 noon. I was getting too bored soo I started reading a love story about Mughal rulers. One was Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal which everyone knew, I finished it. Next I started a peculiar story from my friend, she wanted me to edit it. I am good at English and edited at magazines at school.

It was about a virgin fighting with different people at different walks of life. They chase her, she fights, so makes it more interesting. I was busy reading and editing that I didn't watch over for time and those eyes of his employees...

I was waken from my story reading by some random guy who scooped me in his arms and hugged me within seconds. I push away from him. I glared at the guy and said," I dont give free hugs. I think I didn't say so!!!" The guy looks familiar but I can't point out who he is.

The guy said," I am Grey Anderson." He was smiling at me. I gave him a half smile and said," Ya, I remember u from marriage Mr. Anderson. How are u??"

The stupid guy started laughing. He patted my head and said," You suck at lying. If you don't remember just tell it."

I stared wide eyes at the guy and asked," Are you a vamp?" He asked in a quizzical tone," Vamp means?" I shrugged and said," Vampire, Mr. Anderson!"

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