#35- Let me explain....

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Kevin's POV
I am here lying on my bed for how long I don't know but my eye are filled with tears which is flowing like a broken dam. I felt betrayed. I really thought she loved me... In those passion filled movements when I and she was connected in every way possible when I look deep into her eyes I loved and still love her and is thought she loved me too. Well, I think it was just me who loved and got his heartbroken but the pity thing is I still love her.

Many can think I just married her for my own pride but the truth is I met her when she was studying 6 grade as Sahana not as Aradana. I tried to move toward after Aradana and thought Sahana was the perfect candidate. Funny right??? Like I tried to move on from her memories with her. But then her brothers warned me to stay away from her. I was waiting for the right time to give my entry into her life again.

When her father was in debt I paid it and got that girl. Like I know she was more of Aradana and I wanted her. Then after all these drama I got the truth that Sahana is my Aradana. But then she was no more my innocent little babe but she was matured, manipulative and an undercover agent! Add a lair to that sequence. She used me to get my father arrested. But really whatever sick bastard I am, I thought her as hot and sexy that moment she held my father in gun point.

I wish I had a normal life like a normal guy sleeping around!!! Well god is not soo gracious... I wish I made her to fall in love with me!!! Coz it hurts to think to leave her and lead a life without her. I am in love wit her so my life is screwed!!!

Sahana's POV

Well, since Mr. Blake is fully held behind strong bars for killing, plotting and the cases goes on. Now I have to give Kevin an explanation, file a divorce and get away from here! I nervously reached to the open the door. But was stopped by Gabe who opened it for me. As i entered I was invited by the boys huddled on the sofa together. They were harshly whispering something...

As I entered everyone stopped and stared at me. Cameron said," I don't know whom I should go with. But you are hurting Kevin. U don't own a explanation to us but u do for Kevin." I nodded and asked, "Where is he Ron?" He answered," Bedroom" He added after hesitation," Don't hurt him too bad or break him beyond repair." I nodded and said," I will try not to."

I carefully entered Kevin's room knowing he may not even want to see me. Or may be this is the last time i will be his legal wife. He didn't turn to see me. His shoulders was slumped still he looked masculine and handsome!!!

He asked me," Why Ari?" It started me badly,I replied," I want to explain everything to u Kevin." He nodded and patted the space next to him in our bed. Call me stupid but I feel like it's the very last time I will sleep by his side for a long time!!! I feel safe but I can't pull him into my life.

I shakily said," Please just don't hate me." He nodded and just stared at the ceiling. I fretted with my fingers and atlast I found my voice, I said," Mr. Blake killed my parents right before my eyes. Then your father and step mother kidnapped me. I was abused in every way possible with a 8 years old girl. I escaped from his prison which was a miracle until recently. Matte tried to help me. I escaped from there. As I was passing a police jeep caught me. That was my adoptive father Mr. Laksh. He mended me Kevin. I didn't trust him. Then Dane was there smiling like the angel he is. He said me had tracking devices on me. I met Vishz there whom remind me of u Amron. Boyish charm with boy next door attitude. I didn't love him Kevin. I had a huge crush on him. He was my protector. But then suddenly I got married to u. Yes I was a damsel in distress until I ran away. I met my father's ex mates. They know me. I had training. When I registered for training they took me in for a confidential issue. We knew u had a strong hold on your father. Any chaos in your life will be attended by your father. We staged it Kevin. I was thrown in the street fight group for a reason. To get you from the perfect life your dad ate up for you. I knew u may or will come someday. We were waiting and you didn't fail us. I never thought you will want me back but I thought we will have an issue with divorce and stuff but never about living together. Yes Kevin I am an undercover CBI agent. Gabe is my assistant. Well more like my mentor. I will break my bones and etc etc he was the only doctor who will tend me and help me at whatever time it is. I always loved you Kevin...."

Kevin just looked at me with those dark honey coloured eyes and asked," Was it all an act??? Me being your first kiss??? Me being only lover??? You loving me??? All those moments in this same bed you look at me with that passion filled eyes. Those moments you teased me. Those moments you said I love you. Those stolen moments in our closet, corridor??? Everythingwas a lie???" I can see how badly I saw his hurt, anger and bitterness. I said to him," Kevin I loved you and I love you. No you are the first soul who kissed me. You are the guy I gave my virginity to.But no I don't want to share the rest of my life with you. We didn't marry for love though I love you I want some time away from you. I wanted all those silly moments. No Kevin nothing was a lie when it came between us. All those moments were 100% true for me like I believe it was for you."

He saw my eyes and said," But you still want that divorce don't you?" I nodded. I saw anger in his eyes as he asked," Do you love Gabe?" I nodded and said," yes I love him!" I stared at my stupidity and said," I love him like a brother. There is no romantic feelings between us."

He nodded and asked," Why Ari?? Why divorce me then?" I shook my head and said," Remains me too much of the past." Kevin offered to me," we can leave the country and settle down somewhere else. Far far away from here." I shook my head in denial and said," It's you guys kevin. All of you have a piece if him and my a part if my past. I want to get away from all these. I can't believe Dane is my half brother and you and I are sickly related. Like Dane is your half brother too. I can't see you all without thinking all these. I want to get away from you all.... Just have my freedom."

Kevin pulled me beneath him and said," Sleep with me one last time before u will be off with ur new found independence." He tucked a loss piece if hair from my Face making me shiver. Shocked to hear Kevin ask this I merely nodded. My conscious was bugging me seeing that determined light in his eyes. But I was distracted by what we were doing. I just said to my conscious ,"Shut up conscious I am doing no wrong and I am doing something rightful with my husband."

As soon as I nodded my approval he kissed me boldly.... Which drifted off to the things he had in mind stored for us. I can see wanted to make this our last time rememberable and he sure ruined me for another guy. But the sad thing is I can't live without him or live with him and not think about the past. I may sure as hell enjoy this moment for I know I am going to relive these moments when I am sleeping alone in some other part of earth. Just with his memories.....

Hey people,
Just clearing off everything all the fuss. I want u people to tell me whether I will do a sequel or just end this with an epilogue??? I hope u like it. Don't worry I love Amron Aradana pair I will bring them back. Please vote and share your views.
With love forever,

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