#17- Pack up & runaway!!!

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I was staring at the door through which my past and future went!!! Funny right?? No it's not funny!!! If my past messes my future I don't know how to solve it!!! I am sure it's going to happen soon. But it hurts, to see that Kevin believed them not me!!

He freaking called me slut!! Great! I turned to see Grey Anderson. He was standing there with a stupid grin on his face. He said," Bye honey, see you soon. This time when we take you I personally make sure you won't see sunlight!" I soo badly wanted to wipe that grin from his face.

I flinched at his words but kept calm and said,"You can always put a good challenge on my face Mr. Anderson. Good luck with that thing you are trying to do. But what you are talking is like I will reach the sun in night and touch it. But you know sun is always sun. I escaped when I was just 8 now I am 18 well I will survive this too. Won't I George uncle's son?"

"How the fuck did you know my dad's name?", he growled at me. I smiled sweetly at him and said," You have that same rotten aura around u like ur daddy. And I can smell them well."

He said in a cold voice," You are such a mistake!" I smiled back at him and said," Well same goes with you and your birth certificate is the proof!" I winked at him.

Lee laughed out and the secretary joined him whom this idiot considers as receptionist. He said," Well some one had grown a tongue and I will make it find it's use." With this he stormed off.

I turned to see a smiling secretary who aired a sorry to me and resumed her work. I turned to leave and my dark self launching forth within me.

I don't trust people, it's hurts but seeing Mr. Blake brings that 8 year old who taught herself to survive in me. I will have to plan my escape, run away leave no trails. And I should write a letter to my brother and make it reach him.

I was stopped by Lee asking," Where do you think you are going young lady?? Don't you dare take another step without explaining this shit to me." I smirked and turned to see him. I asked soo sweetly,"And who do you think you are??"

Lee was frustrated I can assure u that by his look. He said," Your brother. Now if u don't explain this I am calling Dane this moment then Vishz. U know about them mainly Vishz..."

I rolled my eyes and said," Fine! But this shit which I explain stays secret!!! Pinky promise?" He stared at me like I have grown another head. Only then I remembered asking him pinky promise!! Great way to make this awkward Sahana!! This is not childish matter!!!

I smiled like a girl caught taking a cookie from the cookie jar. I said," Lee if u pinky promise and break the promise. Then you will break something like a very very important part of your anatomy which is important for arrogant cocky guys like youuu."

He laughed out loud saying," Only you could put a pinky promise and these things in the same line!!! Ok, now tell!!!"

I smiled nervously and said," You can ask to Dane, he too knows." Lee shook his head in disapproval. He said," You are not yourself Sahana what the hell is going wrong!! You are the one who would never tell no to a chat. You don't hide Sahana!! What's wrong??"

I asked," Lee how many years do you know Vishz??" Lee smiled and said," From diapers. His mom and My mom were best friends from grade six." I was shocked!! Really?? I asked him," I never saw you around him in our house!!"

Lee smiled at me and said," He won't allow his friends near his precious. He was over protective of you Sahana. He couldn't even let me see you!! He didn't trust any guy around u... You were his from the time he saw u."

I smiled at those times... I asked," So you know that I am his step cousin sister. His uncle adopted me and my brother."

I swear I saw Lee's eyes widen and his eyes were sooo big that I thought they will fall out. Lee said," My god I thought the guy was finding some way to be with you and telling that!! I swear Sahana if I had known it was true I would have let him make his move!!! I promise!!!"

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