#28- Inner turmoils

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Vishz's POV

After a whole week Lia came and we told her everything. Lia started to get ninja on us. The she left to Sahana's room. Lia was talking something but Sahana stood with a blank look in her eyes. No life in them.

I saw Lia slap her hard, one minute she was staring blankly at all of us next moment Lia slaps her and Sahana starts shouting something not clear. Then she collapses. I feel like someone is tearing me apart. Yes I still love her, I want to marry her. I want to have kids with her!! I didn't want to get engaged to Arya but I wants to get engaged to Sahana!! But being a stupid player, I somehow managed to knock up Arya. I saw Gabe and Kevin fighting with each other to pull her into their arms. But I want to do it!!!

I really want to atleast act uninterested in her but I can't!! 4 years she didn't come now when I think I should move on she enters my life!!! Just as I was staring at her she opened her eyes gave me a very disappointed look and that's all.... I heard her tell something to Lia. Tears spring in my eyes. I couldn't control anything....

4 years had done soo good to her appearance. She is still having that innocent look but she is a tease. I really don't think I will love someone else. When he brother told us that I am not going to go behind her, I wanted to pull my hair out!!! I want to shout that I want to go behind her.. Make her love me again!! I don't know!! I want her and she was mine and ever shall be mine!!! I heard Matte angrily scold everyone.

At the same time Lee and Cameron who went on a road trip entered the house. One minute Lee looked around the chaos. When his eyes landed on Sahana, his eyes widden!! I can see him shake with rage... I saw Lee walk towards Kevin and Gabe. He shouted," Shut your mouths you stupid mutts!!!" He pulled Sahana into his arms and said," You all can go fuck yourself!!!"

He shouted to Cameron," Get the car started! Lia bring Tave and Dave. Matte inform Dane and Rahiv. Get moving!! Go!!" He turned to glare at Kevin, Gabe and me. He said in a very angry voice," You all get your shit together and then come. If you try crossing here again till then you will have to face my wrath!"

He just left with Sahana just like that. I saw Lia go hyper not to add pregnancy to the mix. Tave and Dave were weeping and following her. Matte was furiously talking to someone may be Dane and led the way. I just want her to be safe!! I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her dead corpse. I won't think negatively. Sahana Laksh I love you and you have to come back for me!!! I don't know whether she will accept me but I can't just keep going with out her!!


Lee's POV

After a long road trip I came home. I was looking forward to see Hana and twins. Though they are nothing but pain in my a**, still I love them. I am really starving I wish Hana had cooked something not that guy they call chef.

I really like her lot. It's no wonder why every guy is crazy about her. Like she is cutest girl, virgin which a huge turn on, kiddish but matured, she brightens the atmosphere with her presence. If I met her alone, no wonder I would have fallen for her but I like someone. I really have to tell about that special girl I found or else she would kill me when she come to know.

With this resolution, I was happily whistling and entered the house. I was really hoping that crazy prank phase is over with her. I didn't want to be greet with water balloons, paint ball anything like. I smiled and saw around.

Everything around me was chaos. That made me frown, I saw Lia in her over angry hyper state. Tave and Dave were crying like there is no tomorrow. Matte was furiously shouting to Kevin and Gabe. Vishz was in deep thinking staring in Kevin and Gabe's direction. When I turned to see Kevin and Gabe my heart stopped a second. They both were holding a very fragile Sahana. Anger and rage flew inside me.

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