#8- Walking into my own grave

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I love 29 on each month for no standard reasons. Now that's going to be the date I will hate for the rest of my life!!! On 29th September I am getting married to the arrogant stupid idiotic husband guy. And yes Vishz is missing from the face of earth from the last time I met. There is no way out. I am marrying him!!

Today is the normal Hindu marriage for my relatives. We are following southern rituals becoz it's not like I want this marriage.

And yeah just to add vigour to my marriage I will be blindfolded throughout my marriage!!! This is really sick. Ya who will do this??

But there was this eerie heart beat raise, goosebumps when our bodies touch. That is not a good sign. I had never experienced that in my 18 years of life.

My Hindu marriage was not sooo nice. Becoz I will have to act like my feelings were all overflowing for this stupid arrogant stranger. Vishz didn't show up at my marriage. Most of my time I will just cheat myself that I am marrying Vishz.

I wanted to tear myself up!!! This guy just with a point contact is getting this much reaction from me. On the other hand I think I am in love with Vishz. I am insane.

My Hindu style marriage was bearable becoz I had my people around. My marriage at church was worst!! I know four things about those marriage.

1- The guy tells," I do".

2- The girl tells," I do".

3- Guy kisses the girl.

4- Party all night.

But now I am going to church to get married to a guy I barely know. This marriage is for his relatives. One of his girl cousin Railey is preparing me for wedding. At first I kept my guards knowing she is his family but they I showed my own self, we liked each other. I kept her entertained.

After finishing dressing up me, she left me by a staircase and said she will be back within 5 minutes. Through my makeup section she didn't let me see myself on the mirror. It was bad luck it-seems. Who cares??

Now I am waiting for Railey to show up but no signs of her!!! I started freighting with the ribbons. Lee came in saw me and shouted," Shit!" I was frightened, I saw with wide eyes. He asked me," who the hell did your makeup??" I replied," Railey your cousin."

He shook his head in disapproval and said,"Fuck!!" I asked," What's wrong Lee ??" He said bluntly," you are not supposed to look like that. She had this crush thing on him. She wanted to marry him. Now she ruined it for u." He looked down on the floor.

He suddenly said," Come on I will find someone to straightened u and make u look ok." He took a step towards me. I stepped back and said,"no no no. Even if I am a mess I don't care. It took a long time for her to create this mess. I don't care about how i look. I like her and won't hurt her!!!!"

Within seconds Railey came and hugged me in a big teddy bear hug and said," you are different sister. And u r natural Beauty honey." I heard some male voices and looked behind Railey to find boys population.

Lee said," Guys this is our girl. I told u right?" One of the guys said," Baby I am in love with u. U deserve better than my brother!!" I smiled and said," Naay bro I am ok with this."

Suddenly I felt two pair of small hands around my feet. I looked down saw the most beautiful twin boys. I bent down and helped them both argue. It was funny!!!

One said," Fairy god mother" Other said," No fairy angel" I looked confused to Railey who was watching me with curiosity. So I asked," Can I know who are these two most handsome boys here???" Both straightened their ties together and turned towards me.

One said, " Hello ma'am. I am Tave. It's a great pleasure meeting tui." I hide a smile tugging on my lips, the boy was not even 8 but he is trying to be sociable and his words are mixed with English and French . Other one said,"Good morning ma'am. I am Dave. It is a great pleasure to meet u personally. And we are twins."

I couldn't stop but laugh, I hugged both of them and said," You both are awesome. Can we be friends??" Dave and Tave together said," Pleasure is all ours." I couldn't stop but started laughing.

I said," Boys I am just a bit around ur age. You don't have to be formal." Tave asked," But u r marrying our father!!" I was shocked becoz no one told me that ass already had a wife and children!!

But these are kids, so I neutralised my expression and said," Ya I liked ur father, he felt sad after ur mom went away. I will be a good mom to both of u. But u guys don't have to call me mom." I was in tears.

Lee who was started laughing his ass off. I turned to glare at him. And hugged the twins, I really felt sorry for them. They both together scratched the back of head with a sheepish grin.

Dave said," Actually it's not like that. He is not our father and our mom and him no relationship. He took responsibility for us." I felt my heart melt towards my husband. I said," It doesn't matter."

Lee shook his head and patted my head. Changing the topic I said," so what were u both arguing abt? You know I love fairy tales." Tave said,"its about u" I asked with amusement,"me??" Dave said,"ya." Tave said," we will have all time to discuss this. Now get ready to get married!"

I tried smiling. Suddenly Lee pulled me towards him and hugged me. I was beyond shocked. He said," I know it's hard but you have to do it sis. I will always be there." I just nodded and smiled at him.

Now I am walking down the aisle with my father to my husband. He stood there with a mild smile. Geez!!! He is handsome and hot.

The preacher started the ceremony. I saw Tave and a girl holding ring on my side, while Dave and a girl holding ring on his side. Those girls were also twins. All 4 were cutest things I have seen.

I didn't really pay enough attention to the ceremony. My husband is really distracting me coz he s attractive as hell. The places where our bodies meet like all sending electric shocks, making my hair on my body to stiffen!!! What is he doing to me!!! May be he has cast some spell on me?? Ya he can do that!!

I was brought out of my trail of thoughts by the preacher as he asked, " Kevin Richard, do you take Sahana Laksh as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, through sickness, happiness, up and downs till death do you apart ?" His voice was deep and too commanding. I love his voice!! He replied," yes I do."

The preacher asked me," Sahana Laksh do you take Kevin Richard as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, through sickness, happiness, up and downs till death do you apart ?" I waited a moment to feel my happy independence slip away. I took a deep breath and said, "Yes I do."

The preacher said," Ladies and gentlemen I present Mr and Mrs. Richard to our congregation." I was too distracted by the feel of his touch on me that I forgot we didn't kiss!!!!

My first kiss is still safe!!! I always wanted to kiss a stranger as my first kiss and fall in love with him. Ya it's all movies and story books corrupting me. I look up to see my husband smiling at his young nieces and nephews.

Yes my husband is really hot and considerate. Today I am officially married to a stranger and he didn't take away my first kiss. But will he want my virginity??? This question both a horror filled expression to my face.

Guys like him doesn't play nice unless they are planning something bigger!!! I know he makes me feel different. He is distracting. But my virginity for that??? Nnnnnooooo!!!!!!

I am not planning to lose my first kiss itself. It's going to be a never for losing my virginity!!! Husband or not!! He won't get it!!


Hiya ppl!!

What u all are thinking??? Kevin nice guy or just another player?? Will he want her first kiss??? Wait for the upcoming chapter!! And Twins?? Like them?? Yes I love kids trying to copy their elders!!

Please people comment and vote!!! I really want to hear from you and get to know u all better and I love interactions with my readers. It helps me write better.


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