#6- Who the hell are YOU??

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After Vishz left I felt emotionally drained... I tried sleeping but sleep won't claim me as usual. I hate things becoz they don't come to u when you really want them. Tears of frustration left my eyes. So I knew I can't sleep for sure. Therefore I went for the second best option- bathing. I took a extra long bath and put on my three-fourth and top. I know still I won't sleep. So I started painting randomly as my mind had something. It s a best way to drain my energy I focus on things. I kept painting for eternity and came from my shelled state.

My creation was absolutely awesome. The portrait was a girl falling from heaven into the hands of devil.... Best part is the scene is happening in my life. It could have been a masterpiece!!!! I named it - "When Angels let go.." Yes it means when angels let go you fall into hell. That's what my life is!!!

Wow I am a genius!! I am next Picasso!!!! I have a greatttt future. I smiled at my masterpiece but then my smile vanished. You know why... coz I am getting married that's the end of my bright future!!!

I am not going to be popular becoz I have given the world something to look upon.... All my dreams are fading off. Tears filled my eyes and I was doing the last touches...

Suddenly a rough voice from behind me said," Wow!! Beautiful like u" I turned to face him as face as I could. I saw a good male specimen before me... Ya he was handsome and that sends my panic high!!

I am getting married... and there is a Abercrombie model standing in MY room commenting on me and my things!!!! If someone sees me alone with him sure I am going to land on trouble. He looks mischievous...

I grabbed my phone before he notices and sent the last caller a text saying,"I ended in Trouble as usual... In my room. Need help ASAP!!!!" One of the good thing of texting in family functions and before elders, you learn to text without seeing the screen.

My fingers and brain was texting while I stared hard at the guy thinking he will melt off or just my imagination but no he stood there with an amusing smile on his face.

I asked him with authority linking in my voice,"Who are u? And had u heard of knocking the door before entering someone's room???" His smile broadens as though he is finding my anger amusing. He had the guts not to reply to me but to eye me from top of my head to tips of my toes...

I said in a sterner voice,"If u can't answer my question, u r needed to leave my room. And don't invade someone else's privacy as though u own them." I wanted to scold him in foul language but what to do I am this goody goody girl!!!

He started walking inside as he said,"Honey you have got a temper and we will have to work on it" I gave him a blank look and asked," Don't play husband role to me." He said,"Babes I am your husband."

One minute I was shocked but then people tell I am brainy and yes it's true. I saw his face and analysed his face for 1/2 minutes and I said," U r probably 19 or my age idiot. I am not that top floor empty type girl."

He gave me a unbelievable look and finally said," wow u r wise and hell ya I am 19 not your age. How did u find that??" I smiled and said, they said,"The guy I am marrying is 23. U talk kiddish and your voice not too mature. Ur face features not 23. And I know one thing husband guy won't come into room like that. Not that I know him but his personality will be that."

That guy's jaw was literally on floor. So I smirked at him and said," I know my room is clean so no flies is there but I can't assure u of mosquitoes entering." He closed him mouth and was smiling at me.

I said," So care to explain who are u???" He said," Ya I am Leander, ur brother in law . That means I am a bro of the husband guy you are going to marry." I tried to smile politely at him but then I was in a mood for trouble so I grinned. He is nice person and he really helped in changing my mood. I said," Bro-n-law u can wait in hall." He grinned telling,"I am comfy here!!"

I said,"But my elders will kill me if they see me wearing this" pointing to my dress," and before a guy side guest." He said," You look good in that." I said,"ya I know and it's none of your business to comment on my dress."

He was grinning and said," I think it's my opinion and I will make sure to deliver more to you, since we will be living in the same house." I smiled and asked,"Really? He asked," Not a fan of my bro?" I replied saying,"Who wants to live with a stranger like him???" He laughed with me.

My bedroom blast open. Vishz came into my room ready to kill anyone and take down an army. I was shocked to see him like that!!!!When he saw me face he stopped like I had hit him hard!!!

Hey guys!!!
So what do u think Vishz will do??? Who do you think this Leander is??? May be a wolf in sheep's clothes?? Haa.. I am not going to say anything. Wait for the next chapter... Sorry for late updates, I am bit busy with my own life dramas!!!!

I really want u guys to comment on what u think and help me with this. It's a long journey and I want u ppl to tell me on my aspects to improve...

And tell do pls tell me if u find this story worth continuing... Becoz I don't know whether u guys are liking it!!! Wait!!! Before u go off in a hurry, press that star button down and vote for me people!!!


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