#4- Confrontations!!!

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Rahiv said," Sister I can't tell u that, it's upto Dane ," before another word would come out of his mouth, his voice was drowned by Dane's voice. Without bothering to hear another word, I ran towards my brother's voice like a psycho let loose!! As I reached the place, I heard Him already cursing fluently in English and French!! My family opts for Hindi even for business they use translators to communicate to clients. My brother was standing like a total mess. He looked like he had arrived directly from hell, he could collapse any moment now. I knew the moment I saw him, He hadn't thought of word food from yesterday when he left me. He hadn't bothered him with any personal needs!! My brother was shouting at my father and all elders. I knew even without hearing that he is talking about me. I heard them not listened, I won't let their way into me and hurt me more. I asked calmly,"Dane come and eat something, bath and then sleep. I know you care but now u look like a bigger mess. Whatever is the problem we can sort of later." I knew I was falling miserably but you can't tell a girl for trying!!

Rahiv and Vishz were standing by the door like I was the crazy person. My brother turned to look at me with concern and said," you all are going to sell her???? Does she even know how it's in that world??? She is a kid!!!" I flinched but trying to keep my cool, I said," Dane!!!! come on bro!!! I am getting married to a nice public figure it's not like I am never going to come back." It's my bro's turn to channel his anger towards me, he said," You are not born to sacrifice yourself!! You are not that goat grown to slaughter!!! Even a 5 years old fool can see you wearing your heart on your sleeve when you are around Vishz. That fool couldn't see that!! He keeps blabbering to us as thought we are going to do it for him. Now when he is ready to lay claim on you, you are supposed to marry someone instead if some one whom u love!!! And all those elders who saw it enough, just let it go !!!"

This is that awkward moment for me. I tried to put that 'I am cool act'. I said," Dane thanks but love for me hadn't occurred yet and will never happen. I am engaged to someone so as planned I will marry him. I will not be a disgrace to out family, that will a hard blow. And brother for your information," this is going to be the hardest part to tell, I said," I didn't love Vishz like you described, he is one of

my favourite brother. Sorry everyone for giving a wrong impression." With this I pulled my bro with me. Under normal conditions it would have been impossible but he was weak and shocked. Seeing me struggle, Rahiv came to my aid. He helped me with other shoulder, after a moment I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was sending down shivers. He said," I will carry him, let go of him. Vishz and Rahiv took him to my room. I took some food and made him eat.

After Dane regained his posture said,"baby, you don't have to do this. You both love each other. You both runaway. I will send u money till you both settle down!!" Rahiv seconded my bro saying,"Yes sis, I am here to support you both in, every way I can." This is what temptation is!!! Wow really with what these guys telling I really want to go but I shouldn't give into temptation!!! I said,"Noooo nooo!!!! Don't tempt me!!! It's wrong... If I go then I won't be able to see u all, eat with you in our family dinner. Moreover humiliation for our family name. Get out of my room!! Now!!!" Dane and Rahiv left my room. But Vishz was still seated inside like it was his own room. I turned as I said," should I tell you in" words struck

in my throat, as my eyes met his. He was looking at me with something more than friendliness and love. He smiled innocently but his voice was sending all draggers into me. He asked me," So you don't have any feelings other than a brother for me???" My world started to spin. This is not happening!!! I can't do this.....


Hey guys,

Wat do u think she will tell him???? Will she accept to run away??? Is this all a game??? Will she end up marrying that guy or Vishz???


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