#9- My wedding night!!

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With this new resolution, I walked out with him. I was told I should throw the flower which I was holding. So I threw it and turned back to see Railey catching it. I laughed and jumped a little. Lee who was with his group of boys said something that made poor Railey go even red in colour. The whole boys group laughed their asses off. I smiled and saw Kevin seeing me a strange look!!

I will be calling him Kevin becoz I didn't know his name till before. And I like the name Kevin. There was a guy in grade 11, his name was Kevin. He may be considered as the first boy who said 'I love you' to me.

At that time, I was just in grade 6 so I l freaked out and ran home to Dane and complained about that guy. But still I like him as a fond memory. I could still remember his proposal. He said," You are an angel. I want to make you mine. I love you princess."

My friends kept teasing me with that guy but I liked my cousin Vishz right?? So I don't even remember seeing his face. But really my friends said he is soo cute.

I laughed to myself at that memory. This startled my husband and he asked, " are u ok?" I stared at him! He is idiot. One- Becoz only if we are ok we will laugh. Two- That's the first thing he said to me after married, no that's the first sentence he spoke to me!!

I just nodded and asked," Why?" He shook his head and said," I told you looked beautiful in ur dress. You started laughing like it's the most hilarious thing." Shit I take back what I said. But I am idiot!!!

I shook my head and said," Sorry. I zoned out. Thanks and you look nice." His eyebrows rose up questioning me. But then it was time for the bride and bridegroom to dance.

He took my hand and lead me to the centre of the stage. We started in a slow dance. But as the song proceed our dance was awesome. I felt comfortable with him touching me. Yes there was something 100% wrong with me. Becoz I feel something too different.

The song ended. The audience were busy clapping and cheering. He smiled at me, his smile was infectious and made my insides melt. I turned away abruptly knowing something is totally wrong with me.

He whispered in my ears," You danced gracefully and that was fantastic." I smiled and said," Same goes with u." He asked me," Whom did u learn it from? I mean who was your partner?"

I looked at him and said," Vishz" I am here with this stranger I barely know caring nothing about the guy I am in love with. I didn't think about Vishz for the past few hours when I was with him!!

His eyebrows knitted together and asked," Vishz who?" I replied," Vishz my cousin." I felt bad. I am a selfish *****, I didn't even think about anyone who loved me!! In fact Vishz was the only one who was my dance partner, he wouldn't allow anyone else put his hands on me. And I don't feel comfortable with strangers handing me.

Definitely Kevin had cast a spell over me. I excused myself and went in search of my brothers. I found Rahiv and Dane in a corner talking about something seriously.

I nervously approached them. I felt a tug in my heart. It s like they are a bit away from me. Dane noticed me first and said," hiya sis!!! what are u doing here all by yourself?? where us that husband of yours??"

My brother didn't hug me. Is that a sign of growing apart? Tears sprang to my eyes before I got stop. Dane noticed it and asked," Cherry wats wrong?? Did someone do anything to u? Is this because of your husband?" I cried and said in between sobs," ....uhh... you ... di..dnt .... huggg.... me!!! We... are... growing... apart!!" I cried even harder.

My brother shook his head and came to hug me. I shook his head saying no. But he is my brother. He hugged me and said," Cherry I thought you won't be comfortable in that dress and I thought u won't want to hug u. My god man she is still a kid!!! What am I going to do with you??"

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