#33- Lets play hide and seek

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Well that's my plan working. I smirked at Gabe. Mr. Blake is coming here!!! See a evil smily in my head. I just didn't tell anyone about the divorce. Mr.Blake is coming to spend some "quality time with his sons..." Son my ass... Who is he trying to fool?? I know that's ass whole history in my fingertips.

Gabe was standing next to me. Kevin was staring at me longingly. I feel sad for him but what he tried to fool me with his all loving husband act. Well I am better off without him. We all are here to receive Mr. Blake. He saw Kevin and came towards him. He hugged Kevin and then asked him," Where is that lovely brothers of yours, son??"

Kevin just glared in Gabe's direction. Well for someone like him he is sure possessive. Mr. Blake didn't see me at first. I just stepped out and hugged him and said," Welcome Uncle Blake. You know I missed you and your insanity...." He was shocked!!! Yes my idiotic fucker I wanted you to be even more shocked!!!

He hide it fast and said," Wow!!! Sahana darling. Last time we saw was not under soo good condition. So I heard that you took off.... Why did you come back honey???" I smiled all innocent smile at him and said," Just to finish some unfinished business uncle Blake. After all I was a curious kid.. Wasn't I??" He just shook his head and said," Don't play with fire kiddo. You better hide." I smiled at him and kind of seriously said," I am tried of playing hide and seek with you uncle."

He grinned at me and just hugged Gabe and next when he saw Matte he smiled at him and said," I am happy for you son." Well time to start my moves. All went to their respective cars. Ya Mrs. Future Kevin Richard had come. I just went upto Kevin and said," 5 minutes." He looked hopeful. I just gave him the divorce papers I made his attorney do it for me. He opened the papers just to look paler like he had seen a ghost.

He turned towards me and asked in a menacing tone," Did you ask me??" I shook my head. He growled and asked," Where the fuck is that smart back answer mouth if your???" I shrugged and said," It wasn't like we were living happily. We had our secrets Kevin. We were never meant to be together." He didn't let me finish my ramble, he pulled me and smashed his lips to mine. I was shocked was an understatement of 21st century. He kissed me harder like there us no tomorrow.

I wanted to pull away but I just kissed him back!!! He pulled me closer. It was a punishing kiss. His anger, pent up passion everything put into it. We both pulled away for air. He stared at me and said," Do I look like a fool to let go of you and this??" I just pushed him off me and said," Its just uh.... physical relationship. Ya may be we have that chemistry and shit... But it's not enough, moreover there is a girl claiming to have your baby!!!" He said," I can explain Ari!"

I asked in a cold tone I barely recognise as mine," Did you sleep with her??? Did you live those four years with her??" He said," Ari it's becoz," I just placed my forefinger on his lip and said," Yes or no Mr. Richard?" He looked down and shook telling,"Yes. But I got reason." I laughed at him and said," Will you accept me if I stand pregnant before you with some other man's baby in my stomach?? Oh ya I too have reasons Kevin!" I know my voice was dripping with sarcasm but really??? I have my reasons to sleep with someone...

He looked at me with pleading eyes. I just turned and said," Sign the damn papers Kevin. Even if you don't I will make you do it Kevin. I am very demanding woman Kevin."

I don't know. When we reached home Kevin just rushed to his room. I heard the hard music come out of his room. Well I guess I pissed him off. Lee was staring at Kevin's door and then at me. Like he was deciding something. Then he just said," It's not good for babies to hear this much radiations." He saw Aradana and went his way. I guess I don't care. Then I saw Aradana scared and keeping a hand over her stomach like she was trying to protect her baby.

Unknowing to myself I just placed my hand in my stomach. I shook my head and went upto Kevin's room. I knocked and no reply. I knocked harder. I heard I rumble and the door opened. I saw a very angry Kevin with a bottle of scotch lying opened. The perfect room was destroyed. Hell ya I don't stay in this room after Aradana's arrival. I shook my head and said," You know there are other people still living in this house!!! And if you soo wanted to hear to loud music use the damn thing called headphones. That's not good for babies."

Kevin pulled my hand along with my body back to him and whispered," Do you know what I am thinking at this moment??" I gave him a puzzled look and asked," What??" He said in a huskier voice," Just tie you to my bed and teach you who is the boss here." I said," That's called harassing you moron." He gripped my upper arm and asked me," I don't think it's harassing when two people have some stress off their body by other methods.... you know I will make you dance to the beat of my heart." I shrugged and said," whatever let's you sleep at night Kevin."

I pulled away and said," Stop destroying Kevin. Just becoz you can don't do it. You are destroying something which would have been something precious to someone else." He slammed the door on my face and ya immediately the sound went down. I smiled at myself going all in loving mode. Shit!!! I am smitten with him!!!

As I was walking down the corridor, I hear a voice. It was more like that new Aradana's voice and Mr.Blake... Well, that's a new combination. I heard Mr. Blake tell," Well Arina, you better make this work!!! And as per plan I will get the drug deal!!" She nodded and said," If only I get Kevin as mine." Mr. Blake nodded and said," They are getting divorce. Act that damn part of yours. It's all profit."

I stood shocked!!! This shit is getting complicated. Arina who is acting as Aradana said,"Ya ya Blake." I stared at them and I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I turned to hide into the curtains. But I was met with a hard wall. A pair of arms held me and before I could interpret anything, I was lifted and pulled against a pair of warm lips.

I heard Mr. Blake shouted something and Arina who screamed like a banshee. But I couldn't stop myself from reacting, I threw my arms around the guys head and held him. He held me with a tenderness and love. We both kissed with a passion never seen before. He knew every single next move of mine. It was like we both were made to be together. I opened my eyes to see, a pair of dilated eyes staring brightly into mine.

Hey sweethearts!!!
Ya I finished my exams!!! But no we didn't get our Christmas and new year holidays.😪 Still merry Christmas people!!!! Who do you think kissed Sahana?? Well do you think he would have heard what Blake and the new girl were were speaking?? Think.....

And I didn't edit my updates or check for grammatical mistakes... So kindly forgo all those....
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