#25- AWKWARD!!

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When they both saw me, one face was grinning while the other one was shocked!! Well one screamed," Sahana Richard!!!" While shouted in disbelief," Aradana Akash?"

Well... That's is not a pretty sight... Gabe asked me," Miss. Akshya Laksh explain!" I grazed at my feet then my head snapped back to see the woman!! Hell she is Mr. Blake's evil wife!! The second one!!! Uhh... She looks older but still bitchy witchy.

I smiled gracefully at the bw ( short form for bitchy witchy). I said," It's my pleasure to meet you Mrs. Blake. Shocked to see me? Well hi to you too Railey. I am super sorry for running away but you know random things do occur mainly with the crazy me." I turned to see a very confused Gabe. I smiled and said," So you are Kevin's brother! Who is your mom?? Mrs. Blake or Mrs. Rachel?"

Gabe said," I am not explaining anything to you till you explain!" I gave him a cute puppy look and said," Pretty please playboy??" He glared at me then sighed and said,"The woman standing before you is my biological mother but Rach did grown me up. So I think I did like you to meet my mother while my mom is still busy! I still consider Rach as my mom."

Well this gives me head ache. He is The son of bw but brought up by Rach!! Can I trust him? I smiled awkwardly at him and said," Great." Coming out from the dazzle state Railey attacked me in a big hug.

She started shouting all bad words in every language and said at last," I don't know what the heck happened but after the letter you left for Kevin he is acting like a crazy ba*****!! Then he comes and cries his heart one day telling, I let her slip out of my fingers again."

I was bit sad but I can't explain things to Railey. I smiled and said," Everything happens for good. Well what are you doing here??" Railey said," It's Kevin's birthday this week we are hoisting a party here. Wait!!! You are not here with Kevin?? That means how did you come here??"

I bit my bottom lip and nervously said," Well, I am kind of running away from someone I used to know. My best friend here offered to go to a insignificant hill station but it's turns out we both hide vital information about ourselves."

I turned to see a very confused Gabe, I said," Hello Gabe, I am Sahana Richard, Wife of Kevin Richard." The change in his features were significant! As the matter registered in his brain. His face face from a confused one to a very pale face like I slapped him hard across his face.

Railey asked me," Come in tell me, how many guys have you dated?? Still holding your v-card?" I tensed and turned to see that BW had left the room while Gabe had a relaxed face which calmed me down.

I turned to Railey said," For starters I was already a married woman, I cant crawl into anyone's bed so I didn't like the thought of dating... So, everything is safe."

It was embarrassing!!! Like Gabe is my best friend but I don't talk all those girly bullshit info with him.

Railey asked," What the f***?? Gabe didn't make a move on you!!!" I was shocked and said," Hell no!! He is my best of best friend!! You sound soo gross Railey!!!" I caught Gabe's arm and leant on him.

Railey raised an eyebrow and gave Gabe in a quizzical look which was funny. Gabe and myself bursted out laughing. Like Gabe was sitting beside me. His arms which were on the chair were now on my shoulder becoz we were on the floor.

We stood up and Gabe said awkwardly to Railey," Well, I don't deny Akshu is hot... I will not lie that I didn't hit on her. No!!! I did hit on her and did everything but she didn't look into it or just brushed it off...." His grip on my shoulders tightened and he just carried me up. I was shocked by what he said and his actions!!! Like one moment we are having a teasing conversation next I am kidnapped personally!!!

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