#2- Breaking to my brother

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Tears ran freely down my cheeks just the moment I stepped out of my dad's study. I know Vishz is watching me from someplace nearby. But I didn't want to embarrass myself more, so I kept walking. Yes he was around but I didn't see him, I feel him, I have a big crush in him. I didn't bother closing my bedroom door, I jumped into my bed and was lying numbly. I was staring at the door as though my door will open into a new place like in Narnia film. But my brother came through those doors breaking my fairy dreams and bringing me to reality. My brother Dane is someone whom you call as walking model. All girls in his college flirts with him like there is no tomorrow. If u see those girls flirting u will think Dane is the only male of this species left on the planet earth.

The ill effect of me crying is my face my face takes the color of a reddish tomato. Even says I look cute when my face is like that but Dane hates to see me cry. He loves me too much and I am his only blood sister, all others are cousins. When he noticed me crying, he practically floated towards me, and took me into his arms and held me.

To make light if the situation he said,"wow! Now I understand why people say you look cute when you cry. But u know I hate to see u cry. So what made my baby sister sad?" I just said the word,"Marriage" thinking that he knew all along and didn't tell me.

But the look on his face told no to my doubt. Dane was surprised and said," Behold young lady! Behold your dreams. You are not going to get married anytime nearby. You have to go to college and pursue your studies dear."

I gave him a sad smile, so they didn't tell anyone yet. I said," I wish things would the way you proposed now bro. But I am getting married day after tomorrow to this Prince Charming!"

I and Dane shared everything no actually I share everything but he keeps all these x- stuff away from me. But I actually tell him everything because he will come to know later and will kill me for hiding. I am the real me before my brother no drama needed like play the role of the perfect little good girl. We are in 21st century still my goddamn family thinks we should be more traditional.

My brother said sternly," Don't tell me you are going to runaway with Vishz!" I was shocked and whispered,"whhatt??"

Yes Vishz is my cousin I have a crush on him which is in the size of Himalayas! My brother swore under his breath and said,"He too harboured feelings for you. But don't you both dare runaway, if u guys do... I will track you both down and beat the shit out of him."

This would have been the best moment of my life. Your crush has feelings for u!! But I am getting married day after tomorrow to a jerk not my crush! I laughed bitterly at my bro's stupidity. I may be from a rich family I am not a spoilt brat!

I said," Brother I am not a stupid spoilt brat from rich family. I am naughty but I don't pull someone else into my mess. And you didn't grow me in that way to run away when I can't face my problems. And don't use Vishz and feelings in one sentences to me!! I don't want to know about it. I am getting married to that guy who came home with dad. He is 24 and a successful business man."

Dane stared at me for a long time and laughed and said,"nice trick to fool me sisso!! Ya for a moment I believed it! How can you arrange a marriage within a day considering the fact that you proclaim it to take place day after tomorrow! And we already have someone marriage on that day! Who told you this?" He was laughing like he caught my lie, but this is the truth.

I said sharply,"Daddy and grandpa!" The smile vanished from his face. I only now saw that I was still crying, and was ruining his shirt. I tried to pull away but he just answered me,"I don't bother about my shirt but I do for my sister." I asked him," Will he be good?" Dane said,"no idea sis". I felt horrible and asked,"will he beat me??" Dane said strongly,"He dare not to! He may be rich but he is not god. I won't let anything to happen to you. I will be there for u always sissy."

Dane was my parent, best friend, brother, guide, protector,etc.being in a joint family my parents didn't give a word for us. Dane taught me everything. He threatens the guys who try to date me or how else can be a 18 years old virgin?? He was everything any girl would want for brother and boy friend. I am happy that he is my brother!!

After a long time he asked,"Sis I have some digging to do. Will you be alright by yourself?" I nodded my head. He kissed my forehead and said,"I am always with you."

After he left my room. my room was oddly too scary so I closed my eyes tightly and flew into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys,

What do you think about Dane?? Vote and comment. your comments are really so useful to a beginner like me. Get ready to meet Vishz in the next chapter!!


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